The Daily Register from Red Bank, New Jersey (2024)

A BIG SALE OF LAND. A PLOT BOLD DE LEFTLE SILVER FOR 880,000. the property. New Buildings. A big sale of real estate was made at Little Silver yesterday.

The property sold WAS a plot Point. of The about- fifty acres is on on the east side of the road which leads Town Neck property from the Rumson road to the bridge over the South Shrewsbury river, near The property contains about fifty W. Tabor Parker's, acres. It is river property and it adjoins the property several bought by E. ago.

C. Fied- The ler at property was owned by W. Tabor Parker, Town Neck years Richard Parker, John H. Lippincott and William C. Lippincott.

The Lippincotts owned one-seventh of the tract and the Parkers owned six-sevenths. The purchaser was John J. Gibbons of New York. The price paid for the plot was $20,000. Mr.

Gibbons will build on the Arthur Minton is building a house for his own occupancy, opposite the house of his father, Archibald Minton, on the Fair Haven road. The house will be L- shaped and will be 23x30 feet. It will cost $2,000, Combs Ellis will build a storehouse on their property at Freehold to replace the building burned down about two will also build sheds 240 feet long by 16 weeks ago. It will be 24x60 feet. They feet deep.

Part of the sheds will be two stories high. Mrs. John Maher will build a new house at Keyport that will cost $1,150. The house will be 18x38 feet. house on Beers street, Keyport.

It Timothy Mount will soon begin will cost $1,858. An Addition to the Jail. The contract for building the addition to the county jail has en awarded to Alonzo addition will Brower be built Son in of the Freehold. rear of the The present jail and will be 36x39 feet. awarded The contract for the cells has been to the VanDorn Iron Works of Cleveland, Ohio.

A Minister's Pocket Picked. A watch was stolen from Rev. James T. Schock of Keyport on Tuesday of last week in New York. The watch had a gold filled case and was valued at $23.

Building Contracts. The following building contracts have been filed in the office of the county clerk at Freehold week ending August 8th, 1896: Ida C. Brown with Henry D. White. Building at Asbury Park, $2.890.

St. Agnes church, Atlantic Highlands, with John H. Geary. Repairs on church, $1,240. Fred E.

Bassett with Benjamin Albertson. Stairwork on house at Darlington, $178. Ella Tredwell with Walter H. Morton. Work on building at Red Bank, $520.

Sales of Real Estate. The following real estate transfers have been filed in the office of the county clerk at Freehold for the week ending August 8th, 1896: SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP. Charles R. VanHoesen to Fred'k P. McNair.

Piece of property, $1. Fred P. McNair to Caroline VanHoesen. Piece of property, $1. Arthur Minton to Archibald H.

Minton. Plece of Benjamin H. Lane to Charles H. Dennis. Land property, $1.

at Red Bank, $150. Gilbert J. Crawford, ex'r. to J. H.

Hendrickson and others. Land at Red Bank, $925. Ralph B. Gowdy to May W. Linen.

Land at Red Bank, $1,100. Charles. H. Dennis to Mary Pederson. Lot 181, Hance tract, Oceanic, $575.

Matthias Woolley, sheriff, to Charles H. Dennis. Lot 181, Hance tract, Oceanic, $500. MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP. Wm.

F. Patterson to Letitia Applegate. Piece of Letitia Applegate and husband to Mary H. property, $1. terson.

Piece of property, $1. HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP. Wm. Pierce to Rebecca 8. Magee.

Land at Holmdel, $1. Rebecca S. Magee to Wm. Pierce. Land at Holmdel, $1.

EATONTOWN TOWNSHIP. Fred Parker, adm'r, to Elizabeth Dennis. Piece of Jessie property, Meyer $1,262.50. and husband to Charles A. Lieb.

Piece of property, $1. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP. Wm. L. VanBrunt to Charles A.

Geran. Piece of Cordelia McAlpin and others to Wm. L. Vanproperty, $550. Brunt.

Piece of property. $500. OCEAN TOWNSHIP. Peter Banner to S. Morrill Banner.

Land at Long Branch, $1. S. Morrill Banner to Philipine Banner. Land at Long Branch, $1. Wm.

T. Burke to Republic Savings Loan Association. Land at Long Branch, $34.15. George W. Woolley to Lewis A.

Woolley. Lot at Long Branch, $100. Lewis Edwards and others to Monmouth Manufacturing company. Lot at Branchport, $5,000. Ocean Fire company of Seabright to the borough of Seabright.

Land at Seabright, $1. Gesina Poppinga to Peter J. Poppinga. Lot at Seabright, $1. James L.

Brown to Peter J. Poppinga. of lot at Seabright, $600. Gesina Poppinga to Daniel J. Poppinga.

of lot at Seabright, $250. Peter J. Poppinga to Daniel J. Poppinga. Lot at Seabright, $600.

Tillie Pastorious to Margaret I. Wade. Lot on Coast Land company property at Deal Beach, $900. Theo. S.

Darling to Deal Beach Land company. Land at Deal Beach, $175,000. NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP. Laura E. Leidy to Mary S.

Miller. of lot at Asbury Park, $1,700. Frances M. G. Wilson and husband to Wm.

J. Cooper. 10 years' lease on 4 lots at Asbury Park, $15,000. George R. Lord, ex'r, to Simon Fisher.

Lot at West Asbury Park, $185, Avon-by-the-Sea land company to Henry A. Bennett. Lot at Avon, $170. Joseph R. Bradner to Nathan Marple.

2 lots at Bradley Beach, $700. Mary V. Farrington and others to Willisford Dey. Lots in Mt. Prospect cemetery, $1.

WALL TOWNSHIP. Inhabitants of Wall township James H. Hendrickson. Piece of property, $15.80. Ross VanDerboven to George Brown.

Lot in Wall township, $2,000. John F. Hawkins to Bruce S. Keator. 9 lots on Ludlow tract, $7,000.

Abraham L. Pearce to Charles H. Pearce. Lot on Pearce tract, Manasquan, $350. Matilda Bresnaban and husband to Henry I.

BresDaban. Lot at Belmar, $2,000. John W. Olymer to Mary V. Clymer.

Lot at Belmar, $300. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP, Matthias Woolley, sheriff, to Wm. H. Evold. Land at Freehold, $843.47.

Mary E. Freeman to John H. Aring. Land at Freehold, $1. MARLBORO TOWNSHIP.

James H. Hendrickson and others to Isaac Smith. Piece of property. Patrick Kelly to Dennis Kain. Plece of property, Dennis Kain to Margaret Kelly.

Plece of property. $1. MANALAPAN TOWNSHIP. Mary V. D.

Stilwell to Elisha Stilwell. Piece of property, $7,500. HOWELL TOWNSHIP Enterprise Cranber Company to James Putcroft. Piece of property, Matthias Woolley to Otis F. Hampton.

Piece of property to Emily Couse. Plece property. $8,000, UPPER TEREROLD TOWNSHIP. Anna E. and husband to Daniel L.

Savidge. at A PPLEGATE HOPE, COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Ten Sweet Caporal Little Cigars for 5 cts. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. An Easy Method Of Home Owning.

It is every man's ambition to own property. Some have their ambition satisfied- never do. Lack of success is due to lack of money. But the man who honestly wants to own property of his own, who is industrious and frugal, can readily do so now. I bought a tract of land at East Oceanic and I have laid it out in building plots.

The location is excellent, being near Seabright, and the ground is level. I will sell this property to desirable people on payments to suit their convenience. I won't allow anything on the property that will prove a nuisance. This is an ideal way of gaining a home in an ideal place. Stop in and see me and we will talk the matter over.

FRANK McMAHON, EAST OCEANIC, NEW JERSEY. Postoffice address: SEABRIGHT, N. J. It's your own fault if you become bald. If your hair is falling out, Schroeder's Hair Tonic will stop it and prevent baldness.

50 cents a bottle at Schroeder's Pharmacy. "Schroeder's Drugs are Pure Drugs." It's Healthful But It's awfully hard on velvety skins. A beautiful skin is a maiden's most valuable possession. With it she can scorn glorious hair and Grecian features, and still be a charming girl. We keep all the helps to beauty.

Powder Powder--perfume--lotions for sunburn freckles- everything could possibly need to make her prettierjust now--when these helps are needed most, the prices are the smallest. Schroeder's Pharmacy, BERGEN MORRIS, PROPRIETOR, Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. The Best of anything Is None Too Good. This is especially true of life insurance.

You want to insure in a company that is sure to pay the claim when death enters the family. Then take out policies 1n the Citizen'8 Life Insurance company. Its rates are low; its payments certain. Drop us a postal and an agent will call. RED BANK OFFICE, Child Building, Broad Street.

L. T. ROSSITER, A Roof Is the most important part of your building. A leaky roof does more than cause annoyance. It causes decayed timbers, and it wears the -house out long before its days should end.

A Steel Roof Does not leak if it is put on properly. I have put on very many steel roofs during the past six years, and I don't know of one that leaks. I have studied the steel roof business until Iknow it thoroughly. I have the best appliances that money can buy and I have a force of helpers that have been trained to the work. DANIEL H.

COOK, The Steel Roof Man, TINTON FALLS, NEW JERSEY. FRANCIS WHITE, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Office in R. T. Smith's Building, FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N.

J. FOR SALE. House, 7 rooms, barn, hennery, worth $1,800, will sell for $100 cash, balance at your own time. 8 acres at Fair Haven, worth $3,500, will sell for $250 cash, balance at your own time. 5 acres, house and barn at Little Silver, terms easy.

8 houses on Willow street, $750 each; $100 cash, balance when you are ready. Store and living rooms, also nice cottage adjoining, on Shrewsbury avenue, fine investment, easy terms. Lots 50x200 on East Front street, $900; $250 cash, balance can remain. River property, below Fair Haven, terms easy, good house and barn. House and lot on river, Middletown side, terms easy.

Lot feet, House best on paat Oakland of street, $2,500. fine Several more if you want them at the same price. property, $2,500. House on Borden street, near Broad street, $2,700. Other property in every direction at bottom prices.

MONEY TO LOAN. $2,000 and $500. INSURANCE AT LOWEST RATES. TO LET. Houses from $8 to $40 per month.

MONEY WANTED. $3,500, $7,000 and $5,000. FRANCIS WHITE. Pure Whiskey Is not easy to obtain at any price. Humbug medicinal" whiskey is easy to obtain at a high price- -so is two price whiskey in most beautiful bottles.

It is near impossible to obtain 'a really good reliable whiskey at a fair price. Those who take the trouble to try Rockwood Rye (before buying if desired) will find it better than most brands at $1.50, and its price is $1 a full quart. We have about 30 different well known brands besides Rock wood. W. A.

FRENCH Pure Wines and Liquors, Corner Broad and Front Streets, RED BANK, N. J. ORDINANCE TO REGULATE A the use of Bicycles, Tricycles and similar vehicles in the township of Shrewsbury, in the county of Monmouth and state of New Jersey. Be it ordained by the Township Committee of the township of Shrewsbury, as follows: SECTION 1. Any person who shall ride such machine or vehicle between the hours of one hour after sunset and sunrise upon such highways, streets or places, is hereby required to have attached to such vehicle or machine, and to keep the same lighted, a lamp of such illuminating power as to be plainly seen one hundred yards ahead of such machine.

SEC. 2. Any person who shall ride any such machine or vehicle at any time upon such public highhave ways, attached to the handle bar of such machine streets or places, is hereby required to bell, which when rung may be heard one hundred a feet distance from such machine, and always when approaching or passing other alleys persons or in other the lawful places use of said highways, streets, to ring such bell. SEC. 3.

No person shall ride any bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, or similar machine or vehicle township upon the of sidewalks within the limits of the Shrewsbury, which have been reserved by custom for the use of pedestrians or which have been specially prepared or improved for their use by the public authorities or by abutting owners. SEC. 4. The Township Committee of the township of Shrewsbury are hereby given the power in their discretion upon any special occasion to grant permits to any person or persons to ride such machines specifled time upon specified portions of during a the public ways of the township at any rate of speed and to annex such other reasonable conditions to such permit as they shall deem proper. And the said Township Committee of the township of Shrewsbury may also, under such conditions as they may deem proper, permit the use of velocipedes or other similar machines by children on any sidewalk in public way, square or park within the limits of any the township.

SEC. 5. Every violation of any section of this ordinance shall render the offender subject to a fine not exceeding the sum of five dollars for each offence. And it is hereby provided that such fine may be imposed by a justice of the peace of said township, in his discretion, as he may ordained, think That proper. all orSEC.

6. And be it further dinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 7. And be it further ordained, That this ordinance shall go into effect on the eighteenth day of August, A.

1896. Introduced August 1st, 1896. Adopted August 6th, 1896. T. PARKER.

WILLIAM Attest: Chairman. A. C. HARRISON, Township Clerk. TOTICE OF SETTLEMENT.

Estate Lavinia Crawford, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the accounts of audit- the subscriber, executor of said deceased, will be ed and stated by the Surrogate, and reported for settlement to the Orphans Court of the county of Monmouth, on THURSDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF 00- TOBER next. GILBERT J. CRAWFORD. Dated July 10th, 1800.

Carpenter Work! I do any kind of carpenter work. Whether you want a pantry shelf put up or a fifty-thousand-dollar house built, I want to do it for you. No contract is too large for me to undertake. 'I have built some of the largest and dnest houses in this part of Monmouth county, and I would be glad to have you ask any of the owners how they like my work. No job is so small that it will be slighted.

I have done work for bundreds of people where the job took from balt an hour to half a day, and I am willing that you should take their estimate of how the work was done. A. E. SMITH, Fair Haven, New Jersey. Watson Brown Members New York Stock Exchange.

Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold for Cash, or Carried on Margin. 80 BROADWAY, N. Y. BRANCH OFFICE, Ocean Avenue, Seabright, N. J.

Connected by Private Wire. A Good Business For Sale. A good cash business, located in the heart of Red Bank, with practically. no competition in its line, will be sold cheap. The reason for selling is because the owner is engaged in other business which takes all his time.

Only a small capital required. Apply to FRANCIS WHITE, Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. Anything Electrical. If you want your store or your house wired for electric lights, if you want electric bells put in or electric bells put in working order, let me tell you my price for doing the work.

I do all sorts of electrical work and I do it quickly, cheaply and well. F. WEBERLING, Postal Telegraph Office, FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J. You Make A Great Mistake By not putting away a little money out of your earnings every month.

If you have a few shares in the' State Mutual Building and Loan Association you are prepared for that "rainy day that some time comes to us all. Begin at once. 50 cents pays for a share. Your money will bear 6 per cent interest and you can withdraw it at any time. WM.

F. DORHAM, Secretary. 25 East Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. The Red Bank Book, News and Toy Store Latest Novels and Magazines.

Daily and Sunday Papers Delivered at Your Door. Stationery, Toys, Games, Shelf and Toilet Papers. Tennis Balls and Rackets. MOSELLE OPPOSITE MECHANIC 31 Broad Street, Red Bank, RULE TO BAR CREDITORS. ON EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.

Sarah E. Mount, executor of Mark L. Mount, deceased, by order of the surrogate of the county of Monmouth, hereby gives notice to the creditors of the said deceased to bring in their debts, demands and claims against the estate of said decedent, under oath or affirmation, within nine months from the TWENTY-SECOND DAY OF JULY, 1896, or they will be forever barred of any action therefor against the said executor. SARAH E. MOUNT.


(Successor to Nevius Wilson), RED BANK, N. Offices: POST-OFFICE BUILDING. PINTARD, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Over Button's Stove Store. RED BANK, N. J.

TAMES STEEN, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for New York. EATONTOWN, N. J. TACOB SHUTTS, AUCTIONEER.

Special attention given to sales of farm stock, farm implements and other personal property. P. O. Address, SHREWSBURY, TAMES WALSH, STEAM SAW AND MOLDING MILL, Manufacturer of Sash and Blinds. MECHANIC STREET.


JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Hendrickson Block, RED BANK, N. J. Collection of Bills a specialty. TOR.


Particular attention given to the administration of Angsthetics. DR. J. D. THROCKMORTON, OFFICE: No.

5 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. DR. WM. H.

VETERINARY LAWES, SURGEON. JR. Graduate of American Veterinary College, N. Y. Residence, 82 Front Street, Red Bank.

R.D. CHANDLER, ARCHITECT. Stout's Building, Opposite Globe Hotel, RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. WM. CIVIL L.

ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. No. 7 Riverside Avenue, P. O. Box 61.


(P. 0. Box 21.) Insurance placed in the best companies on most reasonable terms. R.S. SNYDER, Established 1873.

REAL ESTATE, GENERAL INSURANCE LOANS Commissioner of Deeds and Surveyor. Also Insurance Broker for New York and Vicinity, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. W. S.

KIMBALL, M. Formerly of Eatontown and Monmouth Beach, now of Lakewood, Can be consulted between 8:00 and 9:00 A. and 4:00 and 6:00 P. at the PROSPECT HOUSE, RED BANK, N. J.

W.C. ARMSTRONG. AND M. D. SURGEON Office formerly occupied by Dr.

Trafford. 18 Broad street, Red Bank, N. J. Can be called by telephone any time. Telephone Globe Hotel.



Graduate of American Veterinary College. N. Y. Residence, Irving Street between Broad Street and Maple Avenue, Red Bank, N. J.

M. H. PORT SEELEY, MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY. Notary Public. Soldiers' Vouchers Prepared Bills of Sale for Vessels.

FRANK T. LENT, ARCHITECT, 94 Liberty Street, New York. Special attention to Monmouth County work. Architect for the Casino, the residences of A. B.

Cooke, Ed. Jansen and others at Atlantic Highlands; and for the residence of F. C. Moore, Naveink Highlands. The Best of References.

ESTABLISHED 1873. Red Bank Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 21 Broad Street, Red Bank. Risks placed in the Home and other first-class companies at Lowest Rates. P. O.


Eighty-First SemiAnnual Statement, January, 1896. CASH $9,853,628.54 ALLAIRE SON, AGENTS. COLLECTION OFFICES. John Ellis, Justice of the Peace and Police Justice of Atlantic Highlands, N. J.

Collection Department thoroughly organized. Twenty-five years' experience. Careful attention to, business in every part of the County or State. Notary Public. W.

R. PARKER, ELECTRICIAN. Wiring for Electric Lights. Battery, Magneto and Pneumatic Bells. Telephones a Specialty.

Branch Avenue, Red Bank. N. J. P. O.

Box 818. Estimates for Contracts on Application. Price Advantage. We are satisfied with a small margin of profit. We buy as low as anyone can buy, consequently our customers get feed as low as it can be sold.

P. HAWKINS, FLOUR, GRAIN AND FEED, Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Notice to Delinquents. Notice is hereby given to the delinquent taxpayers of the township of Shrewsbury that under no circ*mstances will the payment of the costs and interest on delinquent taxes be waived or abated, but delinquents will be required to pay in full in all cases.

By order of the township committee. A. C. HARRISON, Township Clerk. RULE TO BAR CREDITORS.

ON EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. John S. Applegate, executor of Dr. William A. Betts, deceased, by order of the Surrogate of the County of Monmouth, hereby gives notice to the creditors of said deceased to bring in their debts, demands and claims against the estate of said deceased, months from the ELEVENTH DAY OF JUNE, 1896, under oath or affirmation, within nine or they will be forever barred of any action therefor against the JOHN 8.

APPLEGATE. said executor. Your Stomach Distresses You aftereating a hearty meal, and the result is a chronic case of Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack. RIPANS TABULES Promote Digestion, Regulate the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, Purity the Blood, and are a Positive Cure for Constipation, all Sick other Headache, Diseases arising Bilfrom a disordered condition of the Liver and jousness, Stomach. They act gently yet promptly, and perfect Ripans Tabules take the place of an digestion follows their use.

Entire Medicine Chest, and should be kept for use in every family. Price, 50 Cents a box. At Druggists, or by mail. RIPANS CHEMICAL 10 SPRUCE NEW YORK. No Crutches! When you buy a horse of me and I tell you he is sound, you don't need to get a pair of crutches for him a few days afterward.

I've been in the horse business for years and I expect to be in it years more. I can't afford to sell you a horse that isn't right, in his legs or anywhere else. WM. T. HENDRICKSON, Stables in Middletown Township, Near Irwin's Mills, Between Middletown and Keyport.

Keyport's Best Restaurant. People visiting Keyport can get a good meal at Yancey Anderson's restaurant. Good food and good service. Caterer for parties, weddings, etc..

The Daily Register from Red Bank, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.