The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

PAGE C8 THE SUN, BALTIMORE, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 16, 1970 Over The Counter Securities Complete American Stock Market Raych CP 170 ,175. ll'i ll'i Ravtio 814 9'4iKroy Ind 4 4'i S'akruejer Kulilmn 123. via. Dlgltrn Disc Ine Divrsa nf Sales Net 100s High Low Close Chg. AAA Ent AAI Coro AFAPr AITS Ino 7 8 3'a 4 Raym't-P Recog Ea Red Owl 53 6Va 22 24 4'i 4'4 12'4 123'4 13 13'i Sales Net loos High tow Close Chg.

12 36'i 35a 35 67 12V, 12V4 2 26 253,4 253i Vi Kusan LMC Dat T.MF Cn Diodes Inc Dixllyn Corn A VM CD Redcor Ace Ind. 54 DMH -C-Ji'D Heeilfi LD 19 20 7'4 8'i 43', 4'i 10'4 ll'i Diver CM, Dixon Docutel Dolly Md Don Soph Donalds 5 Dome Petrol Lacled St Ladd Pet Lamb 7'i 8 '4 223 23'4 10 7'A 7 7 9 18 1734 18 14 29 5'i 5s. 5Ji Sales Net lulls Hieh Low Closa Cha. 24 4' a 4' 4 4 47 17 16'j l(i'4 .1 137 13J4 34 69' 4 67' a 67' 2 1 20 H'a 14'4 M' 18 15' a 15' 4 15J 27 6 5' 5' 8 12'4 ll'a H1! 3 16 28' 2 28'3-l 3 3't 3', 3', 9 9-t 28 75a 54 5'. 3''.

6'. n7. 9'. 8 3' 4'. 9', 8'.

Sales Net IPCs High Low Close Chg. Loehman .32 2 17' 17'a 17'j Loe.w Th wt 233 12' 11" -V't Logiitlcs Ind. 6 4' Av "a Lour Witt .20 43 8W4 37'a 37' 1' Louis Sherry 13 3' "a )LSB Ind 4 55. 5'i Va LTV Aero .80 16 11 Va ll' 11H LTV Aero wt 18 4 3' 3' LTV Electros 3 5'4 5', 5'i LTV Ling Alt 20 4 35a 3J LTV Ling wt 4 P4 Ta 'n LTVLln pf 80 9 7 S'. 6', Lundy Elec 3 IP.

llU ll' Lynch Corp 15 4'a 45a Vi Lancast 27'4 28'i 2' 3'4 5V. 6 52 56 7'4 7'i 15 '4 1534 17'4 18 2534 77 25 26 10'i 4'i 434 17 17'i 373i 38" 4 Doughb 3' 'ajuomtar .60 47a Dorsey .10 UjDPA Inc Harr 14' Drue Fair .40 2 5'A 5 5 v. Ince In 434 5'4 4'4 5 5 5'A 5 7 39 38 Va 14' 2 7 7 7 14' 4 ReiiFIn Hep Mtg Resrch Resp En Ret Cred Reuter Revell Rev RAS Rey Rey Rice Mkt Rich's Riddr PU Riley Slo Land Kes Lane Co Lane Wd Larson l.arwn 2 1 2V''4 l'j'4 16'4 44 '4 4'i ll'i 12 20 "a 21 '4 6'i 7 4 13'4 1434 21 16s. 17'4 23 11', ll'i H'4 -'nlDuraloy Co 6 63 1 if av, iv 92 9 83, 8, 4- What Amex Stocks Did Advances 272 137 Declines 517 703 Unchanged 235. 203 Total issues 1,024 1,043 New 1970 highs.

2 0 New 1970 lows 169 276 Shares sales yesterday Total bonds $1,490,000. 10 Most Active Stocks 11 7'a 7'a 'iuur Jest 2jD 15 16 23 38 '4 39', '4 8'i 8'. Lawtr Ch 8'a 8' 4 8' 4 Dynalectrn 8'. 8' 7'. 7 7 14 3 16 3 7'4 7'4 5'.

5J4 10 103i 8 6', 8'i 6'4-V, 4 44' 4 44' 44' 3' 3' 3'!" Eagle Clo .25 8'i ll'i 12V4 20 22 38 39' 19', 20 22 23 30'a 31V 19 19'i 18 .,183,4 6'V 7 43, 5' 41 42 43i 4'i 8'J 83.4 9 40 41'a 10'i 11 43'4 14' 15 19 22 8'i 93 4 13 15 17'i 18V 53'4 23 '4 24 12V, 13 20 21 43i 5' 5 6 10'4 IP4 36'i 37'i 54, 6V, 36 39 3'4 4 lti'a l'a 2434 2.5'i 19'a 21'i 934 10'a 3 33'a 4 3 11 ll'a 1834 22' a Ring uro 22' 3 6'i 66 25, 2' a 11 hJ4 19 24'4 23'4 23J4 6 14'4 14 14 1 5 5 5 -1- 1, 5 ll'i 114 4- Earth Ilcsrcs Ripley 10 7 '7', 41 2s. 3 48 49 1IIJ4 ll'i 73. 8'i Riva Mi 6 8 8''4 4 ll'a ll'a PEPI Ino Permaneer Petrle Str ,43 PhllLgDts .91 Phlllipscr .20 Phoenix Stl Piaseckl Aire Pickwick Intl Pierce .40 Pioneer Plas PlonerSy .441 Pittway Pit WVTr .54 PKL Co PlacerDe Plant Ind Plaza Group PlyRu Pneumo Dyn Polarad El Poloron Polychr Polymer Potter Inst Prairie Oil Pratt Lamb 1 PrentHall .68 Price Capital Prov Gas .64 PrudRes PrudBldg .24 PrudFnds .10 PubcoPet .15 Puritan Fash Putnamss .34 Pyle Natl .60 PyroU Co .24 20J'4 21- 1 2 lH'a 10 "a 16 'a Rix Corp A I ll, 2." 4 1 58 '4 1 9'. 9'i 10'i 2 I1II0 Road 24 23" 4 5834 58:,4 9 4s', 4'4 4s, 4- 'A 52 10'. 10'i 10Vi-i 5 9" 9 9'i 4.

V. 5', 8'i Robin 45 16'i 17'4 2234 23s 99'ilU0'4 8'i 9' a 9' 16'i 17'4 18 '4 IS1 3 3'b 64 7'i 738 7'i AV, 5Va 8'i 184 Roots CO 27 11 10'a 1(1', 1 19 9'i 9'i 9'i 33 'A 323 Lea Ron Leadv Ld Leaspa Leg Piatt Lch Coal Leisur Levin Tn Lewis BF LiKhtol Lilly Ell Mn Beast Line Lindbig Liounic Little AD Loblaw Loft Cdy Log Etrn Logic Cn Lorn NF Lorn NM 13 5a4 5. 58 i 5J4 30 '4 3 l'i 2 22 ll'a 4 8 8 '4 Robert Rob Wsh Rocket Roc a 8Va 7-'4 7J4 17'4 12 "4 '4 17'A 12' 9'i 10 'a 153 16'i 11 11 8 8s. 14 14 17 11 15 2 9 18 75 11 20 12 2 40 18 12 19 8' 2s A 3'i 165i i 47'4 '4 14 20', 19'a -1 ll'a hi 20Va 21'4 63 7V4 7'a Va Roselon Rotron 1U4 104 7'. 10' 4 10'4 10' 4 6 6V3 9'i 4- Va 30 32 17 18 223, 6J, 10', 8'4 18 'i 17'3 li'A 7'A 734 17' 534 7 7'a 6'a 15', 17'a 2 17'A 14 '4 4 2ti 27 73, 7'4 4 "a 5 14'i 8 "a 9 4 4s.

6', H', V4 17', t'4 120 7 5 28 7 18 43 2 22 17 7 16 21 l'2 1 50 22 12'i Rouse CO Rowan In Rowe 7-4 17', 5'i li 7 7'i V. 6', 6'4 14' 48 9'i ll'A 23'i 15'i 7s 6'4 10'a 19 J4 J4 4 92 19' 4 1734 19 6'B 7'a 7 9'4 10'i 10'i 10'i 31 3134 Roy cast 4 4'i 11J 23V, 15 6' 9'. 6' 6J4 5 SI 9J, ll'A 23 15 7A 6'i 934 18A 12 19 20 'a 0 18 li't W'4 Boy inns 4'. 5 7 mi. Slav 2814 29' 19'a 20 60 ll'i 124 Long 23 16 3a 35 3'', 64 64 14'4 14'4 '4 33'.

4V, Ijiimch 18', Ryan Ho 38' a 39U SCI Elect 7, 73 13'i 93. 9'i -IV, 13', 1 18'4 2 8'i 434 Lord Har Eason Oil Co East Air Dev Eastn Frt tazor Exp Eckmar CP ECL Ind 1 Ecologic Scl Edo Curp .40 Ehrench Pho Elco Corp Elcor Chcm ElectHose la Elect Assist Elect Comp Electron Eng Elect Resrcn Electron .60 ElectsD 1.25t E.Bin Nat wt El Tronics Emenee Cp Emery In .30 Empire Finl Entron Inc nlquuyCp .301 Equity pf 2 Equit Fd 10r ErnstEC Ero Indust Esgro Inc Espey Mfg Esq Rad El Essex Chem Ets-Hokin CP Evans Ar Ind Executon .24 Extendcare 11 4 4 4 SMC Inv 63, 6'. 8 9 33 333i 27 7'a 8'4 Iiwe 3s. 4'- I Net JTOCKS Sales Close Chg. Kinney pf 66,900 93i Levitz Furn 50.1IK) 36'a 33'a Home Oil A 44.100 13', IV, Wlllcx Gibb 35,400 8' a Va AMK wt 33.200 6 'A Career Ao 26,600 12'i "a Digital Eq 23,200 86'A BTB Corp 24.000 6 3, LoewsTh wt 23,300 ll3i IV Sales Net 100s High Low Close Chg.

Nortek Inc 49 18'i 17 17'4 No AMtg .85 12 21" 213, '4 Nor Am Roy 10 6s, 6s 6s, NoAmSug .80 5 26Va 26'4 V. Nor Cdn Oils 29 6 5'i 5'a Noeast AU'lin 18 5', 53 5'i 4r' Nowst Ind wt 21 6 5s, 6 4- Novo Cn .80 6 14s, J43.J, 3, Nuclear Am 76 33, 3'i 33, 4- Nuclear Data 37 29'i 27s 28 'i Nytromcs 58 6'A 6s, 6'A Va 23 4 27 43 88 2' 834 H3 12 I0'4 UV ,13. 5V 0. O', 6', 7'i 43j 5', Q-R 63 4- '4 Side' Net i luOs High Low Closg Chg. Summit Org 6 6, 5'i 4.

Sun Elec .40 13 23V, 23'. 23V. 4 Sunalr Electr 4 53 3 4 Vi Sunercrt 2 4'A 4'A 4', Suu Surg Mt 3 14 13 13'A '4 Sunerscope 28 20 193 20 Supronics CD 3 3'i 3'i 3S' Susquehana 15 97. 9'i 9Va Vi Susaueh pf 1 4 13 Sutro 17 16', 16'4 16s, V. Synalloy 38t 12 7'a 7'4 Syntex 142 35'i 34 34 1 Eng 5434' 323 -l3i Tamar Elect 4 4, Vt TastyBk 5 16'i 16'4 16'4 Tech Aerofm 3 157 15'A '4 Technic Oper 19 17s.

1634 17 34 Technic Tane 35 5'i 5'4 Technico 64 15' a 15'a 15', 4- Technitrol 13 9'A 834 83, a Teleflex .40 2 11 11 11 Tclepromt 50 79'a 753i 76 -2J4 Tenna Com 30 8s f'i Tenneco wt 24 6 6 Tenney Eng 5 53 5'i fVi 'i Tensor Cb 55 5 4s, 5 Va Ter Hud 11 8 '4 8' a 8 '4 'i Tesoro Pet 24 27V, Va Texstar 11 6', 6 6 Textron wt 18 15s, 15'4 15'4 '4 TFI Co Inc 25 5'a 5s, ThrlftmtA .60 25 14'A 14'i 14'4 TMA Co 23 2 1', 17 Tokheim .60 51 32 29'i 30Va Vt Tol Ed PI4.25 X50 58 57'a 1 Tonka Cp .40 5 24s 2434 "i Tool Resrch 35 153 15i 15'i '4 Torin Cp 4 25 25'i 25' a 'i TownCtry .20 6 9'a 9s, 9', 'i Trans Carlb 9 3' a 33, 315 TransLux .60 28 15' 4 14V 143. l'a Transair 15 6', 6 6'i Transogrm 24 13'i 12si 127, 'A TWA wt 44 9s, 9', 9' TrlStMot 4 8s 8', 8si 'a TriangP 13 19 18'A 187i i Tubos Mex 11 3'i 3', 3'A Va Tyco Labs 52 12', 11 UT. UIP Corp 18 534 5'i Unexcelled 34 8-A 73 Tt Va Un Finl If 5 10', 10', UGasCan .52 7 13 13 13 UnAircPd .50 3 10'i 10'i 10'i Vi Unit Asb 38 4 3', 37 Unit Bd Cart 6 4s'. 4s. 4s.

"a UnDoIlrSt .50 11 10 10 'a Unit Foods 36 4 3'i 4 4- 'a Un Natl Imr 28 5'i 5'a 5'i '4 UnNatlnv wt 11 2s, 2'i 2'i UNtllnv pf.70 24 8'4 8', 84 UnPDye 7 1115, 10'A 10' Un Refin .15 3 11', 11s ll'a US Ceramic 1 7'a 77, 7' US Filter 26 27' 26'i 26s, '4 USHome Dev 12 26'i 253 26 US Leas .28 14 17 17, US Nat Rsrs 21 24 23'i 23'i 4- Vi USRadm 23 7'i 6's 67i Vi USRltln 14.0 14 19', 19', US Reductn 2 9'a 9'a 9' a '4 USRubR 1 7s, 7s, 7s, US Smelt wt 44 8'4 8 8 Unitrode Cp 2 11s, ll'a 11 4 Un Cont 4 6s, 6s, S3, 4. Unlv Mar .60 12 18a4 18'a 18'a URS Systems 32 9 8'a 83, 4- Vi UtahldSu .80 12 123.4 SW Ind Sadller 7'a 7' a 11 1734 4' V. 6 V. 7 7'i "a 7'4 3. 11 "4 7'i 34 71'4 7134 160 164 6 6J, 8'4 9 26'4 27'i 7' 7'4 II 7'i 34 19' a 18 1434 17, 14'i 4 3,1 4'4 5 9 7'a 9'a 10 17'i 18 26 27 71J 12 Lynch Lvntex MPB Cd MTS Sys Macder Mad GE1 MaJ Rlty Mallkrt 17 34 saf Flgnt Safrn Pr Saga Ad Saul Con Saul RES 18Va 4' 4 92 69 20 19' 4 3l'i 14 143i 4 68'i -l'a 15'i I6V4 11 12 31'i 32' 43Va 45 14 'a 15 8 8'i 15 15'a lo'i 9'i 5'A Vi 68', 68'A Dow Jon Downtr Doyle DB Drew Na Drumr Ducom Duncn El Dunkin Duplx Pd Duriron OP Res ESD Co EZ Paint EaglC wt Early CI East Sll Eberlln Eckerd Eckrch Econ Lab Edsin Oil Educ Svs El PasKl Elder Be Eldor El Crft El Nite El Nuc Elctcoy Eltrom El Svs El Data El Modul El Chm Elixir In Eliz Wat Emp Gns EmpS Oil Energy Energ Re Ennis Entwist Eon Corn Epsco In Eouit Ntl Equit Oil Erie Tec Essex Sy Esterln Evans In Everst Exch Oil Exec Hse FB Ceco Fabri Clr Fab Tek Fairfld Farring Fsh Tres Fash 220 Fed Co.

FedN Mt Fidel Mg Flndlay Fine Org Fst Bost FstG RE Fst Line Fst Miss Fst Sur Fst URlt Fst WFin Flxstl In Flickng Macoid Ind Macrnd Chat Magna Oil Mallory Ran Magmt Daia Maneel St .30 Mangood Maniiunan MansfTR .50 Marlnduq .60 Marlene MarlevCo .40 Marshall Ind MasldSon .40 MaulBros .20 McCrory wt McCror wt McCull Oil McDonoh .30 MedcoJwly A MEM Co .72 Menasco Merle Merrill Isl MichChm .20 Mich Genl Mich Sua .10 Microwave Midi Co .60 MidlMtg MidwFinl .32 MilgoElect MilliWohl .30 MillOnvx .641 Milo Elec Milton Roy MoBeef Pkrs MoKanTex ct Mite Corp Mobile Home Mohawk Airl Molybd Can Molybd 1.96f Molyb Mon pf4.40 Mon pf C4.50 Moog Inc Morse El Pd MortonSh .32 MottsSMk .16 Mouldings Ml Vern 1.50 Mov Star .50 Movtelab MPO Video MultiAm Muter Co 16 15i 15' a 15' a '4 6 4'i 43l 4'i "a 29 4'a 4' 434 12 43 4s, 434 'a 18 5 4 4'i '4 1 18" 18' 4 18' 4 5 10s, 10', 4- '4 2 19', 193, 19s, Va 35 173, 16', 17 Va 1 I6V3 16'i 16'i 11 ll'a 11'i '4 36 i)J. 5 53, 4- 3 413, 41'i 41'a "a 120 30 27'i 11 10'i 10' 10s Va 2 1534 15' 15'A "4 9 67, 6'a 3, 90 7'i 67 6', 3, 35 31', 31 'i 31 'A 3, 8 153i 15' a 15' a 'i 6 5'a 51, 53, 3 137, 133 13s4 'A 7 13'a 13s, 13'a 13 20 1 93 1934 3-, 45 2 7-16 2' 4 11' ll'A Va 27 5S4 '4 20 5sa 5'5 5'a -V, 22 173, fi7, 173, 1 12 12 12 75 13i 13si 13'i, 11 ll'A ll'i ll'i 710 34'S 31'i 31'A -2sa 2 13'4 13V, Va 39 18s. 17 17H 21 4'i 4'i 43, 7 27 27 27 1, 3 23'i 1 7'i 7'a 7'a '4 33 734 7s, 73 4 4- 34 ll'a ll'a ll'a '4 19 5'a 5J8 8 534 11-161-16 12 37 36 36s, 2 47sii 43, 473, la Z70 57'a 57'a 'a Z10 58 58 58 4- 14 2 6'i 6si 4. 24 143 1334 1334 '4 3 ll5, 11s, 115. 1 83, J3, 83, 71 8J4 7'4 8'4 a4 3 213 21 'A 5 13 12', 13 6 5'4 5 5'4 13 8'i 73i 734 4 163, 1Hi, 4 33,4 3s.

4 'a li 8 43 41 6'i 7'4 48 48'4 21', 22 Va 8'i 64 i 66 21 213'4 5 155 10 6 3 1 11 78 3 6 11 11 Ramer Ind Rapid Am wt Rath Pack Ray Resrces RaymPre .40 Reading Ind RealEstI 1.32 RealtyE Realty wt RltylncT REDM Corp Reeves Ind Reeves Telee 4'a 4', 12 5 15 16 47 49 334 6 8 ill 103'. 4 IB' 4 18 1'4 Vt 10 4'a 4 5 10 9'i 94 19 2834 28'a 28s, "4 3 8' 4', a 2 2'i 8s, '15 8'i 15Va 3'a 3'b 211V4 6'i 7 3'i 4'i 7'4 'A 14V4 10'4 7' 6s, 7" 16 I9'a 19 19 73i 53 234 5'a 6'i 3'. 6 1434 I 14 4 12 1234 saun Lea Savon Dr 3cantn HI Sdilldl jchott In scl Cntr Scl Cont Sci Ind Scope Scot Sons scrinns 1 33', 59 34 14 143.4 5'i 73. 11' 5'A 20'A 103 7 '4 143, 4 4 5Va 29 9 14 39 'i 8 9 16', 13'a 10', 9'4 5'A 20 10'i Via 14'i 4 33i 5'a 29 8'i 13'a 37' 4 7 8s, a7. 84 15 7 14 4 6 12'A 265,, l'a 2'i 53i 6'i 83a 8'a 16'i 17'4 5 5i a 334 29 3 5 14 10 21 1 x3 30 AberdnP Acme Hamil Acme Prec Adams Russl Admiral lull Aerodcx Inc Aerojet Aeronca .21 AerosolT .511 Aerovox Cp AIC Photo Aiken Ind Aileen Ino AIM Cos Airlift Intl Airnax El .20 Airwick .25 AJax Ma AlaPw Df4 20 Alaska Airl AlbaWall .24 Aidon Ind AllcEh Airl AllcgCorp wt Allen Ei Allian Allied Art Allied Contl Allison Stl AlloyUnl "lit AlnehtAll 51 Alpha Indust AllannlCD .21) Alter Eds .30 Ameo Indust Amero Inc A AntVnd .20 AmBillrit .60 A BkStra AmBldeM .24 A CentM Am FinA 1.10 A Fin pfl.50 A Israeli A Mai7eA .33 Am Mod .12 Am Mot Inns Am Peir Am Prectson A RltyTr AmSaf Equip AmTerh .050 Ames DS AMK wt Amren Corn Anderson .36 AndreaRa .25 vjAndy Gard Angelica .10 Anglo Lautrn Ansul Co .56 Anthony Ind AO Indust Anollo Indust Anplicd Data Applied Dev Aqultaln Cda Argus Inc ArizCnloLd ArkLGas 1.70 Arrow Elect Arundel Corn Arwnod .40 Asamera Oil ASPRO AssdBahy .60 AssriFdSt .20 AssdMtg AssdProd .40 Astrex Ino Astrodata A'co Chem Athlone Ind AtCLCo 1.20a All Rlrhf wt Atlas 2.05a AtlasCorp wt Augat Austarl Oil Auto Bids Auto Data Pr Automat Rfld AVCCorp .50 AveoCoro wt AVEMCO Avien Inc Avis Tnd Avondl 1.20b 16 4S4 4'a 4' 4 4:,4 634 4 9 4 5 6 15'i 16' Relilns 2.2ua 8150 9 73a a-, n-15 16 7 7'i 8'i 8 hJ4 12 'A 10 9 Vi 8'i 8'4 12'.

12si a 22 16 1 332 27 26s, '4 ll'a 12'a I414 14' 4 48 51 5 5' 12'i 12s 5J 6 29'a 30' a a. 3714 -1. 8 'a 8'4 9 'A is ll'i 9 2HU 34 Offshore Co Ohio Brass 2 OKCCorp .80 Okonite Co Okonite wt Olla Ind Ookiep 4.19e Original, .30 IP's 21 19', 18 13 5s ii 5: Scripto A Sea Wrld Seald Pw Searle pf Seawy Sels Cmp semtch Seneca 16 173. 1 11' 3 6' 6 5' 9 8' 11', 6 7', 5' 'a 1 253 2534 25'i 4- '4 1 37 37 37 4 9 22 21'i 22 24 7'i 7s, 73 12 3'i 3 3 7 17'i 165i 16si 3, 1150 114'i 113 114'a 4-lVi 1 6'i 6'i 6'a '4 9 3 3s, 3s', 9 9 9 9 1 27 27 27 14 7 4 45 14'4 14 11 4- V. 12 5 4'A 4'A V.

6', 77,, 3., 6 123, 13'i 41 Fab Indust Fabrics Natl FairNob Faicon Sbd FamRecd .60 Fanny 39 40 'a Acme El Acushn Addisn Adlev CP Admar Adv Ross Aero Svs Aero Tee Aff Hoso Air Calif Air Indus Airbrn AITn NQ Albee Alberts Alcon Lb Alden El Alex Alex Alico Lnd Alisn Mtg All Tech Allg Bcv Allied En Alld Nclr AlldPr wt Alld Ther AUvn Ba Aloe Crm 4lDhnm Alon Geo Amadc Amarcx ABf nkrs Am Biom Am Busn Am Cmp A El Lab Am Expr AmEx pf Am Flncl AForst Am Furn A Greet Am Insd A MediCD A Music Am Nclr A RubP A St Gob ASt nf Am Telv Am Weld Amosk Anadite Analog Andrsn Anheus Anixter Anken Auplbm Auld Ma Arcs Ind Arden Arden of Aries Cp Arlsto Fd Ariz Bio Ark MoP Ark VInd Ark WsG Arms AJ Arrow Arvida AsCC Bot. AslCon of At GasLt Audio Vis Auto Scl Auto Tec Ayres Co Balrd At Baker Bal Paint Bandag Bang HE Bnkrs Un Barden Barnes Barring Barwck Ba5in Bassett Baumrt Bayless Beechm Beeflnd Beeline Begley BelknD Belle Isle Belm Ind Bergst A Berk Ha Brnz OM Betz Lab Bevis Ind Bibb Mfg Big Drm Billuns Bio Dyn Bird Son Blrtchr Black HI Blasius BIChio St Bogue El 6 "4 7-71' a 72 10 10 8'4 8s. 18 18'4 16 17 6V4 7 22'i 22'n Ormand Ind 30 31 a "4 osu van .30 2 6 6 1 20'A 20'i 17'. 18'i ll'a 12 83 182 27 22 3 16 62 10 i 25 27 2 2 5 17 25 4 1 20 '4 ll'a OverhdDr .60 7 Senstrn Svc Grp 65 5'a 4 Oxford Elec 4s 4 14', 4- 7V, Va 29 a 10 4- 9 a 2'i '4 20V, 5'i 6s'. V.

10', ll'a a 11', 15'a 16'i 33Vi 22 23 6 6s 18'4 19'a 213, 22', 15J 16' 4 10 s. 10 10'4 10'i 1 4a4 13'i 14' 4 10', 4 4'a 48 '4 49' a 9'i 93i 213. 21'i 4 43, 12'i 12s 21'i 8'i 8s, 1334 14'i 4'a 13'5 14'a 8'a 9', 4s. 5 22'a 23'i 7'i 293, 10'i 9'i 2S 53a 6'i OxfdFst 1.07t Ozark Airline 7', 287, V- 20 5'4 6si 7'. V.

5'A fi'a 9', y. 34 36 3'i 3' 35, 55i 9 '4 lfl V4 9 'A 9 8'4 9'4 Kemco ma Rem Ar ResrchCtl .08 Reserve OG Resortslntl A Rest Asso .28 Rex Noreco RH Med Svcs RIC Intl Ind Richford Ind Richton Intl RicoArg Mug Riker Maxsn Rlker Mxn pf RioAleom .40 Ritt Fin ,34 Roblntech Roblin Ind A Rockower .20 Rogers 1.23f Rollins Intl Roll Roy RooseRac .80 Rosenau RownDrl 07 Rowland Pd Roval Amer RoyBusn Rusco Indust Russeks Inc RussellA RusselM 177 2.1 27 8 '4 9'4 6'a, 6s 26s 27', 16'i 17'i 41'a 42 8V4 8'i 8 8i 25'i 26' 16' a 17 2J 4 3'i, 73. 8'. 33i 7'i 4'i 4 Vn 7, Servlco Seven OP Shakspr Shanl Ind Shrlild Shatip Shelt Res Slier Lea Shop Rite Sicks Br Siliconx 28 9'i 10 3,, ll'i 14 17 V4 1434 163i 16V. 16', 4.

18'y. 18i- '4 32'4 32 32., 13 13' a 7'i 8V4 10'i 11 7 7'i 44 17 28 27'4 18 12', 12 12' '4 Zl'a 183i V. 29s. 29s, -13. 33'.

33 21'a 1834 163 16'i 16'i 14'. 10 Jl'4 25 2 11-16 163 4. x- Mai nya MBmt As Manin Manor Mar Mlg Mar Sec Mar Pet Marlon Marlt Fr Maim Gr Marth Browr Mary Ka Mast Con Mayer MeCor MtQuy Medalst Media Medic Med Inv Med Mlg Med Am Medirn Meistr Mere, In Mercht Mend In Metex Co Methd El Microfo Midas Int Midld Ca Midtex Midwst Midw GT Mill Br Millipr Mnls Gas Miss RT Miss VIG Miss VISt Mo Rsch Mo Ulll Mitron Mob Gas Mobl Wst Mod Set Mogul Mohwk Monm Pk Mont Nur Moore Moore Morrsn I Morrsn Mtge As Mtgln Gr 14' a '4 16'a 1 45 14 9'a 27s4 9'i 9-'A 11' 14 17 14'4 141, 4'4 2'i 14' 4 17' 4 14s, 213 22 4 ll'i 1 52'i 52'i Si 1 9 9 9 126 15', 14'i 15' '4 12 3 9 10 6 6 3 1 9 6 25 16 3 32 2 95 6 35 2 4 5 10 28 9'A 10 ll'i 15 17 15 14" 4s 8 2s a 14s, 18a 14', 22'a 22 'a 4s, 12 9'i 55' 26 26s 4' 2' Silv King 16' a 14', 4 13'4 9 10 45 18 i 2J4 13 8'i 1.1 14 7 HJ iM HJ Simon Skags PL 15'i IS1! 14s. 17' 4 -U-4 18-', 18', 4 4S4 25'i 26 5'a 5'a 14'a 15'i 9'i 9'a 37, 4'. 3 3Ji 14'a li 5 3 "a 4 6 63, 3'a 3'a 20 28'4 172 174 20'4 21 14 14'i 2'i 3'4 48 50 19' 4 6'4 7'i 73 8'.

434 5'i ll'a 11s. 33a 3sa 12' 12J 11 12 20 22 17'i 17'i 11', 4'a 43. 6 '4 7'a 19'4 I934 7'4 8'. 13'4 31 32 '4 8 13 14 l.i'i 17 6S4 7'4 10' 4 11 21 'a 21a 26'4 27'. 14 15'i 9 30sk 3134 2'4 3'i 3'.

33. 4 4', 4'i 8 9' 4Ja 73. 3', 45 5 17si 8si 234 73, 834 334 6'i 83i 10 II 33, 33 62' 62'4 SM HUSl 103i IP 5 5 40 3 14 28', Wt, 271, 3'4 18 8'i 73. 6sa 17 16 I't 4. 33 ea Kesrces FedMart Felmont Oil Felsway .32 Fibrebord wt Field Plastic Filmway Filti'Dyu FinSanBa .20 FiniGenl Fs Conn .80 FtrstNtl Real Fst Rl wt F.stSL Sh FiscliPrt Fishman F'leet Ent .16 Flight Safety Fla Capital Flowers In A Fluke Ford Can 2 Forest Cit .25 ForestLb Four Seasons FranklMt .10 FranklR FranksNu .60 FrenchP Can Fresnillo Friend Frost Frier Ind .30 Frontier Air Front Air wt 36 36 VJ Fla PBut Smith TR 16'i Snap TIs 35 36'a Solid St 5'i 63, 37, 4J 32 33 6 15'A 213 14 22 34 121 5JI 47' 4 16 10'i 10'a 'i Sonoc Pr 6'a -V, J.I 113.

31' 13'i 14 Sossin Sy Indust 22 3'i Pac Cst Prop 20 3'. PGE 6of 1.50 3 21' i PGE of 1.37 4 18s, PGE 5Df 1.25 1 163 PG rdpf 1.25 12 16s, PO rdDfA1.25 5 16'a PG 4.5flpfl.l2 4 15 PacHold 10 223i Pac Indus 14 33 Pac Lt nf4.75 slOO 2'4 PacLt pf4.50 Z100 60' a PacNwTel 1 3 PacSLoan .30 7 21'4 PacSwAir wt 20 12'4 PallCn A .32 14 14'i Pantsote 1 5'i Parmnt Pkg 3 7'A ParkCh 3 Vi ParkEle 34 13 Parklan Hos 6 9'A Parkway Dis 2 ll'i Parsons RM 7 21'i ParvDoh 25 25'i Pat PPan .36 6 14'i Pato Cons 17 73, PeabGal 59 Peel Elder 8 14'i PennEng .60 34 ll'i Pentron El 22 3SA 9 3 17 18 18 18' 9'i 13s, Koundsc 3230 174 55s a V. He Canit Napco Ind 5 6'4 6'i Narda Micro 16 4', 43. Nat Alfalfa 7 8'i 8'A Nat Bellas 19 4', 4 Nat Gen wt 6 8 7'i Nat Gen wt 92 4'i 4'i NatHlth Ent 28 7S4 7'a Nat Ind wt 17 2'i 23i Nat Radio Co 6 4'i 4 Realty .80 4 14 13'i Nat Systems 8 12 llsi NBO Ind 6 4'i 3', Needham .20 13 12'i Nelsner .20 2 15'i 15'i Nelly Do 2 7'i 7V NestleLe 31 4'4 4 Eng Nuclr 4 10'i 10'i HamnB .40 2 9'A 9'i Newlclria Mn 52 3 23i New 6 13'i 13 NewPark Mn 40 65a 63i Proc 1.25e X25 53'i 51 NYTimes 9 28'i 28 NiaKFrS 115 4'i 4 NMS Indust 4 73, 7'a 1 20s. 9115.

'i 4'a 4. V. 8'i 4' 8 4'i 4- 'i 7s, 'a 2'a 'a 4 'a 14 12 3'i 15'i "4 7'A '4 4 Va 10'i 9'i -t- V4 2'4 '4 133, 4. 6sa 3. 513, 13.,, 73, 4- 3,1 9'i 10'i 3 a 4'i 10', Sabln Rov .36 40 193.

8 213', 21 '4 21 '4 Vr 9 13 1234 19 23'i 23:1, 23" 32 2'i 11 25'4 Sou Airw Sou Bakr SCal Wat M'a 20s 42 ij 1 9'. V. 103i 12V, 28 42 19V, 12 12 "4 Va 27', 273i '4 7'A 7'4 13 -HV, 9'i V. ll'i SCon Gas 28'i 9'i 21 ll'i 13s, 5'i 7si IP 9'4 llsi 21'4 25' 14 18'A 14 103 4 3'A 7'a Safegurd Ind StJhnTrk ,90 SalemBr San JHa 2 661 Sanltas Sargent Ind 16 8 14 17 8 20 14 19 25 Sou Ind SoNE Tel 16'A 16', 213i 22'a 22 a 1' 14 133i 14 Valles Stk 2 16'i 16'i 16'i '4 Valley Met 24 5s, 5'a j-4 'a Valspar 6 6'a 6'a 6'a Va Vanguard Int 15 4Ja 4' 4'. Varo Inc 20 83 8'i '4 Veeco Instru 32 30' a 29s 30 3, Venice Ind 1 ISA 15'A Vernitron 56 UH 10s 11 Ja Vesely Co 8 83B 8'4 83a '4 Vetco Ofshre 12 15s, 1434 1434 VlctLeN 38 7'A V.

VicLceNpf 3 2 45 45 45 Viewlex 131 153i 143 Vikoa Inc 55 10' O3 97, Va Visual Electr 13 43, 4'4 4s, Vocaline .25 5 5 5 5 VolMerch .20 10 ll'i 10s 111'. VTR Inc 8 9'. 9'. 9'i Vulc Corp .20 4 6s, 63. 6s.

Vulc Inc .30 3 6s, 6'a 634 Va 48 19 18, 21 135 Sfi'-i 35'4 355 1 634 6 13-16 3-16 SoUn Gs 198 43 4'i 41, 4'i 43, '4 Southld 22 ll'i ll'i 1134 lfl Saturn Airwv 19', 34 5s', 123, Sw ftn 13 l.T'4 11 SavAStoo .24 17J4 17', 17J 7U 43'g 75 2 9'i 11 161. 20 7 6 1934 3 6 2 123ji 6SJ 6.3'za 13 9'i 14 9. 1 8'i 2o'A 7'i Va 1834 14 10'a Vi 4', 43i 100 39'. 38'A 38'i i 12s, 6'i 3'A 3i 9V. 9 I'.

7 Sw GsCp Sw GsPd Sw ElSvc Sw Rsch "4 "3 2'i 4. V. 4'1 8', 7 Savin Men Savoy Indust Saxon Indust Sayre Fisher Scam Instru SehenuitA .40 7s', a- 75i BOJ 79,, 79', 43 4s. 113, ll'a ll3, 14 Sovrgn In 1 30 'A 30', 30Vi 'A 95 8 10 1 6 9'i 4- I SDacerv Fla TICo Floyd En Food VP Food Hst Forst Oil Formig FortW St Fost Grnt Fotom Four Sea Fox Stan Frnkl Co Frnkln Frasr Mt Frnd lee Fritzl Cal Frvs Fd Fullr HB Fulvew Fund Let Fuoua 73 Fuaua 80 CRT CD Galb Fst Gama Garlnkl Gas Svc Gate Lrit Gtuwv Tr Gav Gib Gelco Le Gelmn In Aircft Gen Auto AutPts Gen Bind Gen Ohio Elctrd Hlth 11s. 11s, 11s, v.

9'a 9 9 2 '4 3 14 1434 4 "a 5 7'i 8 28'i 29 17' I8V4 13 14 1334 14'i 8'a 9'i 12s. 28 29 l.i'i 16 IT 4 14'i 18', 187. 19' 5' 6 6 6'a 13'a 14 5sa 5'a 11'4 12 434 5'i 4 4'i 22'i 7'i 7'a 19'a 20' 5 5-3, Spen Fds Schiller .16 .14 20'4 20'4 5'4 6 26s, 27'4 6 35 36'i 16' 4 1634 3'i 3'b 13'4 14 4334 464 l'i 2 9'a 10 8si 28'a 29'a, 36 36J4 13'i 13s, 26' 10'i 10V 1034 11 ll'i 93i 18 18s4 7'A 8'. 19 193 41 45 9 40 6 63 10s; 111,4 16'i 17'4 8S4 9'. ll'a 12 '4 31 35 5 5'i 31 "4 32 7'a 8 ll'a 14'a 4'.

4'i 8 8'. 33 19' 20', 2234 23' 4 Gabriel Garanlnc .36 Garland .60 GateSpGd .20 GayldNat .30 GCA Cora 73 New York Bonds Sclent At ant 4 4'i'Mtge TrA 9'i 3 11 I'lA l'A "A 14'a 22' 223 1 26'a 26'a 26' a "4 Spertl Dr Spiral Sprout Slaco 26 29 17 23 10', 11'4 24 '4 14'i 13'i 14'iMtRTr wt 25' 4 26 Motch 5 '4 Club 143a Pd 83 9 8'i 9'. if 11 4 "a 13'4 7'4 3314 13 3 33'i a 33'i Standvn 7Vk 7V4 V. 534 'A 4 Mueller 14'a 14' Gearhart .24 Gen Alloys Gen Battery Gen Build Cinema .32 Employ .24 209 lli 12 7'i 7 6'i 8'a 1 "11 a 4'i 13 -1 7'i 33'4 l'l 4. Std Reals Stan HPd Sielber Sterla Str ScottysH Scurry Rain SbdAlMill .30 Sea Contalnr SbdPlywd .10 Sealectro Co Sears Ind .44 Sec Mtg Seeman Bros SelasCorp .40 Selig Latz .80 Seauoyah Ind 35 Wabash .20 Wackenhut WadelEQ Waltham Ind Wang Labs Ward Fdsw Well McL .50 Welman West Ch .90 Westates Pet Westbv Fash il 53'4 534 Si, 7 ll'i 5'i K'i '4 14s-.

634 Straw CI 8'', 3H 'i ll'a 33' 13 '4 83,, 7 Gen Interior Gen Plywood 8'i 3, Sllt)5C TV 8'i A3 13'a 11s. 'i Sugdal is ft 14'a 13" ll'i 4'a 12'A 5 93i 5s. 7 5'i b' ye 7', I1H 'i 55, lll'i 3, 353 i 35'4 14 Super El 2' 5, 4' 4' Dat 4'i 1, Genge Ind Genisco Tech GerberSc Ina GF Indust 7 7 8'i 6'i 13'a ll'a 5 12'i 9'i 5'i 7'. 7'. 48'.

2'. ll'i. 5 Servlsco .38 13 1115, 10 'a i A i 4 5u 10 '4 11 10 ll'i 6'i 7'i 17', in, 16' 4 17V. 4', 5 17'i 18'i 2034 2m 24'i 26 2'a 3'4 2'i 3 16', 17'i 2s. 3 6'.

7 29 30 Dow Jones Averages Close Chg. 40 Bonds 69.12 0.03 10 High grade rails 53.17 0.04 10 2d grade 68.41-43.02 10 Public utilities. 79.02 0.12 10 Industrials 75.88 0.06 Income 51.930.49 Totaj bonds yesterday Servo Corn 2 2'a 2 Hi II-'a 11J AP Bond Averages Prev. Wed, Day 20 rails 56.2 56.3 10 industrials 79.4 79.5 10 utilities 78.4 78.3 10 foreign bonds 91.1 91.1 10 low yield bonds. 73.9 73.9 New 1970 low.

New 1970 high. 8 9' 9-' 9J. 5a. TIME DC Bell Seton Co .45 Shaer Sh .36 9J4 "8 5s. Va 3 29 7 61, 7' a 7a 24 4 37 Westec Corp WstnFin WnlntHot .20 Wn Nuclear Westrn Orbis Wheelnb Whitaker .30 White Eagle 7'a 3'.

5'i 3. .3. 7'a V. 7'a 20 13'4 1234 13' -i 33'i 34'i 3'a 4'. 3 3'a 8'i 9' 4 6'4 6s 4 3 3'i 14'4 ll3 293'4 3(l34 14'i 15V.

37'. 3s, 22' 223 32', 32'i, 77. 8'i 16 16', 153i 16'. 16' 4 17 5S4 63i 4'a 43 7 7J4 20'i 21', 5 6 7'i 8'i 16', 17'a 3 3s, 26 27 28 29 25 2534 3s', 4', ll'a 12 V. 38 40 4 '4 4 '4 6'a 6'a 32'4 33' 6 7 5'i 5s.

11 12 4'i 5'i 17'4 18'. 210 213 8S4 934 21 22 3'a 4t 82' a 84 9'a 10'i 10 '4 ll'a 129 134 5'i 6 24'. 2.i'i 10J. 1UJ4 4 21 22 12 3'i 3s. 2'.

4 5 4 6'i 5' 53, 94 10'. 4 5 6'', 6'i 16'. 17 ll'a 12'i 8'a 9', 6 6', 6'i 64 3s. 4 11'. 12 4 '4 5 13'a 14'i 3'a 4 19'4 2s.

3', 25 25s l3i 17'i ls 2'i 47. 53, 30 31 83i 13'a 3'. 4', 483, 4,3, 1, 21 T' I't, 7' Tampx Tanner Taylor In Taylor lech Pub Tnrhnln 14'i IS', 5'4 6 5'a 6'a 41 42 32' a 33 "a 9'a 49 16'i 16', '4 1 21s, 21s, 213, i4 4 6Ja 6', 6'4 7 9 834 9 Vi 60 36 35 35 1 9 4 33i 3s', '4 34 30s. 30 30 20 10s. 93i 10s4 1 20 20 20 Vi 112 6'i 6'A 6s, 3 6'a 6'a 6'a 4 334 3S Va 43 15 15 15 8 223a 223i 22s.

a 2 8s, 8 '4 8 '4 'a 5 5'. 5', 'a 27 31 29' 29'a "4 1 10'i 10'a 10'a Va 16 37a 334 3'a 4 4S4 4sa 4S4 4 18'a 18'a 18'a 22 33 4 3'a 3'a 2 4'. 4'a 4'a 'b 334 9' 4 8'i 8'a 'a 2 34' a 34' a 34' a 'a 12 63. 6'a 6' 4 2 153 15J. 15' a 12 3J4 3s 3S4 V.

5 8'i 8si 8'A 11 16 16-A Vb 32 5'a 5 5 ''a 2 9'a 93i 93, 12 9U 9 9 'a 10 167e 163i 16'i 3a 2 l'i 134 1J4 Vs 15 14'a 14 14 1 734 73 734 '4 Giant Fds .50 Giant Yel .40 GilbrtCo Gilbert Flcxl GL Ind Gladding Glasrock Prd GlcnGer Gluckin Win Goldblatt .36 Goodway Gorinslnc .50 7 7 9 12 18 11 17 5 33 7 38 1 13 7 3 3 1 6 10 14 14 3 2 17 6 25 53 24 4 22 '4 8 S4 4- i 5V, 173 19'a 8 'i '4: 7s. 'a 10' 4 4. 'r 3', ll'a 1 6 4 'a 9'a 2'a 2' Murnh MutRl Es Mver LE NCC Lea Narrag Nath Fm Nat Bind NatCar NCnin Cp Nat Div Nat Fnvl Nat Emit Nat GfcO Hosp Natl Inv Nat Lib Na'l Med Natl Mtg Pa' ent Nat Pet Nat SecR Semicn Nat Show Nat SUvr Nat Stud NatT Dis Nat Ter Na' Util Neb Cons Neonex Neuhof NE11 GE ll'i 12 18 9' 1 2 19'i 19 Whitehall El 11 8' BACM Indust BagdCon Baker Ind .24 BnldDH 1.20 Sec Ball Co Banff Oil BanKPunt wt Banister Cntl Banner Indus BarbLynn .32 Barnes Eng Barnwell Ind Barry RG BarryWrt .30 Barlell Med Barth Sd .33 Bartons Cdv Rarucli Fost Beck Ind Bell Electrn Belscot Ret Bennis Corn BersBrun .24 Bere Dfl.15 Bertea Corn Beth Cp Beverly Ent Rig Anple Big Bear A 1 Binnev 1.30 Bishop Ind Bloorof Bldg Bluebird Inc Bluebird wt Bohack Botany Ind Bowniar Inst Bowne Co .16 Bow Vail 10 Bradfid BranAirw wt BmfAirA .351 BrascanLt la Braun En .32 Breeze Whiting l.aO 24 4 22 8'i 5'A 18 19'a 9', 7'a 10'4 37, 83a 12'j, 43i IS'i 12'i 3' a 4'a 11s. 360,000. 46 51 54 20, 197 20'a 13 11 34 33 'a 33 Va -2 '4 2 7 7 Va Tecum 2 Teleem Whittaker wt Wichita Ind Willcox Gibb Wmhouse Wilshlre i't, 4 7J'4 11 "4 Va '4 7 'a 6 53 11 '4 28'i '4 103 23 8'i '4 75 22'i 23 "4 T.ftsl Mot rhtr Vt Vt 7'A 7'A 7 7 6'i 6' 53 53,4 11 28 "4 28 10'i 10s, 23 23 8'i 8'i Kinetic Leisur Gen Med Mteln GRI Est Shale UnGrD Geoiel Geotlim Giffen Giff Hill Glib Rob Gilf Ins Glatfelt Gleasn Glob Rub Gold Cvc Gold Flk Gold WF LiOUlfl wt Graneer As Last Net Chg.

75i 7'i V. Vi 18', 37 2s 3S 8 li'a 15'i 311 5 l'i Air Red 3'as87 71 3s70 97 9.16 WilsonCo 1.35 85 Boothe Booz AH Bos Can Bost HT Brad Svs Brnd AS Rrenco Breshn Brist Br Brkwy Brks Sea Brwn Ar Bruce Brush Be Puckbe Buckey Burnuo Butler itler CIC Leas CTC Com Cagles Calborh Cal HItC 25'a 233 22 8'a 5'i 17s, 8', 7si 10'4 34 8'i ll'i 83. 534 4'i 15'A ll'a 8'i 3'S 113, 20 7i 8s. 5 3'i 4S4 333, 23'i 16 4'i 4V 19'4 25'a 4', 'i 12 4- Wilson Co wt Wilson Ph .50 uraiiMRt Grass Val Gr Gray Mfg Gt Am Ind rtineau o.wisli;i AlliedC 5.20S91 AlliedCh 3' 2578 Allied Pd 7s81 96 83 1 68 61', 'i 7234-763, 76' 79 WilsonSpt .60 lo'i 11' 44 44 '4 3. 4', 6 6'i 3'a 3 9'i 10'i 111', 12 16 17 143 1534 5'a 6 9 9'i 16 17'J 17'a 17'.

32'i 33'i 19' 5 2' 4 'a 19'a V. 7 12s4 13'4 33 37 48 51 4'i 5 31'a 6' 16 17 85' 6614 19'4 20 9'a 9'i. 6', 7 21'i 22 13'4 7'4 8 19' 20 31 33 113; 634 7'4 5 6', 10 ln34 U-14'a 15'a 253, 25', 3'4 4'i 18'a, 36 37 73 76 Telecor Tel Ulll TelTan Tennant Tenn NO Tex A111O Texas AS Tex IntA Texscn Thallim Therm A Thermt Tidew Tillny Co 3', 6'i 2' 14'i 143.i Va 14'i WllsonSnt wt 4'4 4. It'AlldSt cv4'2S9'2 3 4''a 34 6'i 19'S 7'4 53 A 1 1-2 Va 31 31 '4 WlnkeUnn .40 31' 35 80s IV4 jt Basil Pet GtLak Chem Greenman Grcyli 19'a 7'i 6'i 7'i a 22 2113, 13'i llsa 12' 4 8 9'i Wolv Indust Woollnd 7 5i 29' 4 28', 28' a V4 22" 22'i 22'i '4 1434 14'a 14'a NJ NatG rtaio 243 bs'Ji 20' '4 Alcoa 87! it Alcoa 4'4s82 8s. 9'2s95 "lAmeHes 4'as87 3'i u'AAir Flit 6sE0 43J ij AAirFilt 4'as87 33s.

4- s.lAAll'l cvS'asBl 2. Wool Ltd Work Wr .60 rat her Cp 5'a 6'4lNewh 11 100' a 66'a 1 59 'a 141', IV, 80 49' 101'a 68'. I. VI 1 73 104 4- 1 110' 5" 96'a 120 3 96 66' i 70 16'i 16 163 9 8s. 9 v.

6'a 22 11, ll'i ll'a a. 22 iTilfny Li 30 31 7J4 Ch 11 33'a 35 Niels A 31 32 I Niels 9 9 2 8' a 6 5 34 4 4s 2 33s, 24 26 11 163, 3 16s, 1 4'a 55 4s, urow cn .320 Gruen In GSC Enterpr GTI Corp Guardian. Ind GuarMl 1.60e Guerdon Ind Gulf can .60 Gulf St Land Gull Wind wt Cal WSv Calvrt 26 4. cv4'4s92 Wright Harg Wyand Ind Wyle Labs Wyomiss .06, 72'- 2V Am Airl cv4s90 91 4- 5'ii noiana Cameo 25 1 15-16 1 15-16 1 15-16 1 5'a 5'a 'i 30 5'a 5s. 54 'a 2 84 8 8'i V.

X-Y-Z 7 1634 16'4 163, 4. s4 NA Rose 13'a 14 Camp Tg mo 66-4 109' 'a 1 Jl b' 17 8'4 8 8 Vi 17 13' a 1334 13'i 4 19 19 19 'i 11 10' 10-1, 4. 1 12', 12' a 12' a 6 11 ll3, ll3, 5 4'a 4'a 6 10'-. 10'i 10'i 16 16'i Vi 4'3 43, BrAmTr anon Am Bdcst 5s93 84 1 Am Can 8" A Enka 5'4s94 105'4 AmFxpt 53 Vi AmFP 5s2030 60 AmFP 4.80S87 63 4- 23. uro Dart 63 "a l3i CannM 15', 143 73i 35' 35 20s, 13'i 13', 13 13 7V.

7 15 15 17'A 17 8 8 10 9'i 19'i 7 i9 8 1 1 1 4 5 5 15 2 1 6 77 3 7 93 1 10 5 7 2 5 3 25 IS 1 2 4 1 7 1 4 8150 12 21 13 1 2 14 6 31 3 4 7 14 23 24 8 32 28 1 64 29 19 Ind Shahmoon In Shattck Denn SheffWat Sherwod Med Sibonev Corp Sierra Ind Sifco Ind Sigmalns Sisnet Co .60 Silicon Tran SimcoStrs ,20 Simplexl Simplex Wire Sitkin SmRfg SkaggDrg .40 Sky City Strs SlickCorp .32 Slick pfA 1.75 SMD Ind .17 Solitron .22 Sonder Brdct SorgPap Soundesign SC5.20pf 1.30 SC4.78pf 1.19 SC4.32pf 1.08 Sou RealUt SouRoy 1.20b Sw For Ind Swn Inv .70 Specify Rest Spector Ind Spencer Shoe Std Allian .60 Std Contalnr Std Dred S'Dred pfl.60 StdMetal Std Mot A .75 Std Pac Corp Std Prod 1.20 StdShrs 1.511 Std Thomson Stanley Avia Stanrock Ur Stanwick Cp StapMacb .80 Stardust Statham Inst Steelmet Inc SietnHal Stellar Ind Stepan Ch .48 Sterl Electrn Sterl Extr .24 SterPrec Stern Met .25 Sternco A S'op Shop .90 STP Cp Strutlir Wells Stylon Com Can rad tsrodv St BrkPerk Yonk Ra Zero Mfg .10 64 b'a lUJ'i 87'a cap So 62 20 17 17s. 17'i 17 Hrwnr'A 25'i 24 '4 244 a ZimrHom .24 39 40 39 40 22'i 23'i 2U 2'4 9'. 9'a 3 3' 2'a 3'a 17'4 183, 9 9'i 20' 21'i 20 21'4 40 "a 41 li 17'a 19 '4 7'i 16' 4 17 4J4 5'i 25 '4 26' 4 7'4 S'i Cap Fds A Hoist 78J4- 'A 1 iprarv Til an Go Tonsy Int Tonic Mf Trac Ct)g Trarr Inc Traid CD TrnC Inv Trncnt Trncnt Travldg Tiemco Trlanifl TriMob Trico Pd Tndair Trinity Tntn OO Tropica BrwnFB .400 6 5' 4 5V, 102 l'i Zion oods BrownF Df.40 27 24, 24'i '4 4 S-'I 5'i 54 'i 240 6'i 6 3., 35 113, 11' 11-', 18'a 10 12', 8'i 534 17'i ll'a 133i For jootnote see New York 8'i 5'4 17'4 in. 14 -l'i 10s, 123, 4- '-4 5J4 'a 17'i 4- a ll'a 133 a l3A l' HB Amer HallsMIr HamilCos .60 Hamnsh Des Hamnt Sh .32 Harnischfr 1 HartAlfrd .40 Hartfld Zody Harvard Ind Harvln pfA 2 Head Ski Co 5'i 5'A 5'. 5'i V.

joi'a Va 104 Va 1 99 Stock Exchange. 19'a 8'i 88 16'. 87 '4 16', V. 5 17 20'a 9 til a Corp BTU Eng .2 Buehler Co Buelllnd Bundy Corp 1 Burns WJ .60 Burr JP ButlrAv ButtesGs OU Bvers 41 32' i 73 31s 32 3s71 PacGfcE 3s 74 PacGiE 3s79 Pac GE 2S4S81 PasSwAIr 6s87 PacTT 8.65505 PAA PAA cv4'bs79 PAA cv4'aS84 PAA CV4'is86 Paprctt 5'4s94 ParkrH Cv4s92 Pen Dix cv5s82 Pennev 4'is93 Per.nev Penna Co 9s94 Pen RR 4'ii81 PenzUn PenzUn 7'2s88 PenzUn 738S88 Plula El 9s95 Phila El 8s75 PhilaEl 5s89 PhilaEl 23,571 PhilaEl 234s74 PhilMor cv6s94 Pillsbv 434589 5s70 PubSEG 3'as72 Purex cv4'ss94 RCA cv4'ss92 RalstnP Rapid Am 7s94 Readg 3'rs95 RdgBat 5'is88 Rever cv5'92 Rev Tob 8'ss74 Rev Tob 7' .594 Revn Tob 7s89 Rheingd 6'4s94 RiegelT Cv5s93 RochTel Rohr cv5's86 SLSF StSLF 4s97 Sanders cv5s92 SaFelnd 6' 45 98 SCMCp 9' 4590 SCM cv5'as88 ScottPa cv.ls71 Sbd Fin 6'as87 Sears 63a593 Sears 434t83 SearsAc Vm'l SeatrainL 6s 94 Shell Oil 4'as86 ShellUn 2'as71 Cap Int A CanTch Care Co Carht Ph Car Crib Car Fret Carte Bl Cartr Go Cascad Case NO Centex Cen VPS Cen Conv Ootid Chance 23' 26'i 13'i 14'i, 37 'a 38'i 27'i 28 734 8'i 12' 1'" 17' a 17si 18 19 ll'i 12'i 6'a 7'i 74. 834 10 IP, 6'i (P.

8'a 9'. 38 39' i 7 734 21 23 6'4 7'4 17'a 17'a 9'. 9s. 11'4 4'i 8 l'i 6'i 6'. 1.3'a 16'4 2 2' 4'i 5'i 9'4 10', 6 NCar NG NCen Air NFur Oil NPA Gas NW NatG NW PuSv NW PtCt Noxcl Co Nucl OEA Inc.

Oak Cliff Oakr Hoi Ocen DE Oclell Inc Ocilvy Ohio Art Ohio F'er Ohio at Oil Shale Olga Co Olsten Cd Open Rd Ont Coat Opt Scan Ontic Tec Orban Oree FrF Ores Met 4 27 l3, 4 4 N.Y. Egg Market vw York. Aorll 15 IIP, WholesalS egg 21' 21'i 4- i2 10'i 10' 1 V. dt OH a zi 22 143, 'i 73, 35 20'i 13' 15 17'i 'i 8 9'i 19'4 A 5V, 20 4 8'j 'i 23'i -26', li3, 4'. '4 2 3'A Vi 16 6'i Vi, 203, 1, 13' 4 8J ''a 43.

Vi 18 3,, 9'-, 'A 43 12'4 Vi 28'a 30' 4 '4 393 4 6s, 173, '4 1134 11', bl 11'. I2'4'Tulco 7 7'a 14 143. Twin Dis 26'i 27' O3. 7 11s, 11s, 14 46 14, 14' a 14s, i4 3 9 5 47. A Hoist 91 4- 1 Am Inv 8'4S89 Vi AMFdv 4'4S81 67'A-l- 1 AmSug 5.30S93 69 4- ATT 34ww wl 122 'i 2 ATT 834xw wi 100'a- 'i AmTi-T 87'4 si A111TAT 3'--84 62'4 3US84 62' 4 AmT-T 2J4.s71 9ni, AmTiT 234s75 78' AmTfvT 1 25as86 54 Amfac 86'i AMK CP 634588 75'a AMK Cp 5' 6834 Amcex 5'as94 78'A 9" ApcoOil cv5s88 100 Armour 5s84 68 Vi ArmR cv4' js87 86 72' 109 1 iy.

offerings fully adequate to ampie. Demand light today. Wholesale selling prices based on vol 23 25 jTyhon Fd 12' a 13 HealthMo .60 Hecks A .20 Hemirke Inst HelenaRu .76 Her Mai 21'i 93i 27s4 8'a 31 si 8'i 14'i 22s4 243. 3'i 16 63i 2 3'i 16 ume saies. FMC ev4'4s92 72'i Food Fair 4s79 68s, Ford Mt 8V4S74 101 Ford Mt lnO'i 'i ForMcKeS 6s91 98' a Va Fruehauf 6s87 75 Fruehf 5'2s94 88 Fuqualnd 7s88 74 3 GAC Cp 5's94 99 Accent 9lis74 103'a Va Gen Cig 52s87 63 3 Gen El 5.30s92 GenElec 3'as76 80 GEOv fn4''458o 79 Gen Host 6s90f 54'i Genlnst cv5s92 60 l'A GMot 91 UMotAc 6'4s88 Vi GMot Acc 5577 82 GMot Acc 5s80 77 GMot ACC 5s81 75'A 1' GMotAo 458S82 69 1 OMotAc 4s's8 67'a Va UMotAc 67'A Va GMot Acc 4s79 71 1 GMotAo 79'i '4 GMo'Ac 3'as72 92'i GenPU 104S74 106 'i GenTEl 6'91 80 l'a GenTel cv5s92 78 1'4 GenTEl cv4s90 73 1 Ga Pac 534S94 110'i GlenAlden 688 55'A -'i Goodrch 8'4s94 98' a Gould 9'4S95 98' a 1 Grace 64' Granite 4sas94 641 GtWstUnit 6s87 68s, Vi Grevhd 6'as90 90 Grum cv4'592 56 134 Gulf MO 4S44B 44 GulfWtlnd 6sS8 62' 4 GulfWst 5'js9'l 55 'j GulfWI 5'is87 59 GlfWst 5'4587A 61'4 Is, Ham Pap 5s94 81'b El 9s74 i4 HellerW 9'is89 104'i 34 HolmrchP 5s87 77' 'a Heublen 534.s94 113' Va Hillssnk SUsca un 3 HiltnHot 5'as95 89 Host 5'4'4 105 2 HouseF 834s75 lOl3 i4 HoureF 582 7T, HoUsLP 5'is85 104 Howmet 4'3s92 63s'a I', Humble 5saf97 72'i Hum ev43.s86 Ill BellT 234s81 62i a III Cen 33t7JC 89 't IndMichE 100 IntMin cv4s9l 50'j IntNick 6.85s93 90 2 r-t SMv cv5s93 75 IncoHos 5' 4589 100 234 KanCSo 3's84 57 KerrMc 3s4s92 79 2s 4's74 60 LibMcNL 5s89 Va LircMi-er 65 761 Ling TV 534576 70 l'a Ling TV 5s88 Litton cv3'as87 69' i 831 isew iorit spot quuiaiiuu.

4uuu ovimim- 3'i B'4 8'. 9 143i Ulll LUll i 41' Unlmed 6'. Umtec 6 6'. UtiArl Th 21'i 22' UnC Hos 3'a 3'4 13 9' 4 9' 5 16', 16s 7'a 8'4 if- 83'i 23, 21)3, 20', iu. 1- if'Mi r'lannl 13s.

13', 16s, 23 12s. 3, 4'4 rnitefc8.nciJ""c ik. it Charl RA 23 "a 12' 4 4' 8 fharntft 27 30 II, a aj 15 43' 4 39 21 66 12:14 64 42 6'i dJ4 -I- 27'i 4- '4 8'i 31'a 3, 8'i It 22s, 3. 24 29V, 3, 2: 1 1 14 28 3. 43 i 7'i'Un Int 13 13 '4 6 3, 27'a 8'i 31 '4 8'4 13s4 22s, 24 41'i 3' a 29' 4 2'i 20', 13'i 14'i 14 28 21', 6J iiicutu.u 1 34' ac: Fancy malls 36 lbs.

average 9. 29' aC Browns' large 47 lbs. min. un-quoted. 7 7 3-16 8 12s, 12i 12S 4- AshO 8.80S20CO 100 IV4 Chart Co Chart Clirn Lea Ches lnd Ches Inst Ches Uiil Chi 4'A 19 6'i 4'.

13', 23'i 30 1 i 18 6 434 12'4 28 a 3'i 6 2 9di'. 3. Oreg PCt 29' 234 2II3. 15 14', 28', 28'. 5UI.

79 143., mt 14s, EGGS Demand fair, supplies 4 4'. i 3. 4-1 AslllO 711 Atchison 4s95 58 -1 Atrhis 4s95reg 57'4 ATOInc 43 Bs87 49 Va Avco 9's89 Ml 26'. 1' 30 cd lui 97'i 967 1083, 3 55', 94 92 1 55 4 52 581 94 97'i- 73' a 1 128 3 71'a 89', 1 3 79 88'- 1 72 6', 39 393 39 ample.

Grade A large. mostly, 50 V1" 51c. Grade A medium, mostly. 1 nntn Ciiris' 21 "a 57 7 4'l 1-4 a'a 6'i AvcoCp 7'is93 80' 44- '4 nf 171 34'. rw.

5ii; Un 14- Mi Inc Hi Shear .40 Hlgbie Mf .80 HiitonHot wt Hoftn Indust Holliner 1.40 Holly Corp Hnlophn 1.20 HomeO A .50 Home A fn.50 HomeO .50 Hormel 1.4l Horn Hardrt Hoskins Host Enterpr House Fabric House Vis .44 Hubbell .96 Hubbel pfl.75 Hurtson Leas Huffman .60 Husky OU .30 Huyck Cn .40 Hycnn Mfg Hydromat Hydrometl Hverad Food HygrdFdpf 4 46 48c. Grade large too tew 10 remir 57 18'a 173, 11 '4 12'i Un McGU 8'i 9 9', US Bknot 9J4 10'i 91. Envel 17' 18' lUSEliv of 10'i 11 16i I US Pbirt 35 36 6'a 7'4 US Sugar 44 45 19s, TrkL 35 36 41 41.4" 'Units. CD 25 27 14 15 lUniv Fds 2614 27V 18' i I Unlv Pub 10 11 9'i Tel 9 10'i lo'. l34l Lnivls In ll'i 12'4 47 PenP 22'a 23 13'i 15 SLd 53 4 5 Util Ind 26 28 51 56 Vacu Bit 3'4 4 32'a 34'i Valley 11', ll'i 14' 1514 Valmnt 6'.

7 IB' a 19'. Val LD 7'a 8 634 7'i VDus Air 6s. 7'4 12'i 13't Vance Sa IB '4 193, 8 3 V. W'l 5 BA0 CV4'aSlOI 5 Si. 4 ro cv4'-sinA H' 'a 67' 46'- 'a 59 1 72'4 4'a 4', 7' 4 7'4 53, 5'i 334 5'a 1 4'4 43.1 43i 4'i 10 "4 11 3'i 4'i 17 18 9 9'a ll'i 12 20'4 21 20 9'4 9'i 19'a 24 25 9'', 6'i 7'a 43, 81.

7 71, in3; 4s 5'a 57a 6', 14V4 151 62 4 14'i 15 98 101 97 100 37 39 7 26'4 27" '6s i 14 22 10'a 11' 8 9 19'i 90 9 10 6', 7 21s 22'i 30 31 70 6V4 7'i 31' a 3 3'4 16'i 17 12'i 23', 241,, 3'i 534 1634 174, 28 30 44 34 36 11 1'34 22'4 24 243, 9 934 1' 1" 3'i 4" 25 11 12 27 28'i I J.i', J.l'a a nAnD n. 266 13 12s, 12s, 3 Wt 10 10 106 107 107 1 1 15' i 15' 4 15' 4 32 5'. 5s. 5I -1 11. Insurance Stocks 30 29'; 29s, 3, BaxLab cv4s87 162 4 Cin Ena Citadel Citiz UA Citiz UB -itr Inv Mf Clausng Clayton Cleary 70 Baltimore List Corporate Stocks mi4 i'iBeaumt 4'4s90 "BeclonD 5s89 1 1734 1734 17s4 lllfl 2' 4 443, 8 19', 11 H134 18 11', 61 36a Bid Asked Bid Asked I I 4 BectonU 4'aSBS 112 24'.

21' 4 22 8 4 8', 834 a 12' 1234 UbNt He COP 4 '4568 09' BelcoP 43 4588 AllAm 2Ji 34 94 17-321-32 5 187, 19 4- 1 BenefF 100 17-32 AiBenef 8s.s71 Div 44', 19'a 10' a 10'i 35' i 5'i 4' 6'a 32-' 46 Bid Asked 1 levepir S' oiierwm t)'4SS 19 22', 4'a 22Ja 22'i 71 Ltlic na 41, 43; I Lifeln Ga 18 181 1 Life Inv AAI Corporation 4' 0J4 4'4 '4 5'i 7 5 2 19' 1 20 13 a 14'ilormont 3'a 4-. (otter TP 13 4 13'4iOxyCat ll'-a 12'iiOnte Cn 14 Fd 7 8 1 PEC Isrl 7'. Br 5 5'iPacSBr 12 Auto 40 41 iPac CA-F 57 62 Pac FaE 36 I Pac Gam 26 2fc34iPac Pint 10'i 10si Pac Scle 32 31. Pac VeO 6'i Pack 94 10 PanWel 4', 41', Pakco Co 22 22'i Pako Cd 14 143, Palo Fin 7'4 8'i pancol 32' i 34 '4 14 13 Dr 12'i 13 Pirkv 25'. 25'i 6 6'i 53, V.

fvelel 20 21 Pawnee 39 303. PayL Dr 2'i vl Pa 2k ii Pay Save 21 2, Pvl Csh 8'i qi 2 Peerles 22J4 ly'o iriA 4 4 4 834 8'i 7s, 7s, Good LS Codwy Gould Gvt EniD Gvt EFin Graco In Grah Mf Graph Cn Graph So GtA Mtg GtA Res Gt Mark Gt Sthwst Green Mt Grnfl RE Grey Adv Grove Pr Grwth In Grum AI Guard Ch Gull Int Gwaltv Gvrodn Hanovr Hardee Harlnd Harper H' Harper Harrell Hasbro Hath Inst Haserm Haven In Haw Airl Hawth Fi Heat Tec Henred Herff Jon Herit Co Hersh Ex Hess's Hesston Hexcel Hick EI Hickry Hidoc Lit Hillhvn Holly Trf Holm EP Hoover Honz Cd Hosd Aff Hosd Am Houst Oil HoB-rd Gl Howell In Hubb RE Hubmg Kuck Mf Hud PP Hug Gas Hurst Hyatt Cp Hvatt Int Hvde Ath Hydrall Hyster ISI Coro Ind Gas Innls Wat Ind Acou Ind Nucl lnd Svc Ind Tran Inlor inc Info Disd Infor Ini Info Mcb lniotec Infrard Inld Cont Int Cont Inctl Sv, Intrm In Intmt Int Alum Int BA'sh IntBkW A Int BaEc Int Book Int Conio Int FunrI IntLeis IntLeis Int Mult if Int Nclr Int Svs Int Sy pf Int Tap Imi-thm Intext Invnt Cot Inv Fla Inv Grth Ionics Ia SoUtll Irwin rd JS Indsts Jacobs fi7 32s 46 BeneiK 5 Nis71 9 4- Berkev 534-s86 79 4- 1 BethStl 5 4iis92 75 Beth St 4as90 64'i Beth stl 3s79 68 r- 2 BethStl 2370 13'. i4Ulventron 31 33 it. Va Allcity Allied Lf AmBk Lt Am Fam AmFid AmFnd Am Fdra A Grnty Am Herit Amine Lf AInt Grp IIs, n34 3, 4-i4 5'i Verm A 22V4 23'4 i Viatron 49' 33; 5'i 28 69 15 flJ, .60 48', 3 A .36 4' .80 25 .28 66 13 .40 16 .2 4 4 5 7 39 13 6 8', 17 17', 1 12 7 8'i 98 73A 66 57 2 99 73 72 78 63' 4 V. 98 8J4 9' 4 4'A 5 17 18 9 9' 'a ll3! JJl, 123 133.

84' i omilHl 0.8.sy4 Sinclr cv43as88 Soconv 2'a576 SoBell TT 3s79 iBellTT 234S85 SoCalEd 3'bs80 5ouNGs 7.6."72 SoPac 5'4s83 iopac 4'2SS1 3PacOr 4'as77 SRvCar Spiegel 5'4S 83 Vint Knt Alcolac Cliemical Co Alexander Alexander Alleghany Beverage Alleg Bev Conv pf American Insulator Co Baltimore Alrcoll Co Baltimore Baseball Co Balto Business Forms Balto pfd Baltimore Orioles. Inc Baltimore Radio Show B4I10 Trnltine Rr. 17' 4 12 8'i 3 2'i 2- 11 12 8si 26'i t'. a2 BosMe 28 4- 1 133i 143i 31'i 32 7'i 8', 8s 24'i 2514 8', 9', 33 6', 6s 10', 11 11'4 12 5 53J RrktlnP. 1 27 Ideal Toy IllusVVld Enc IMC Maenet ImocoG 1 18f ImpChm .31 Imp Oil Indian Hd 6 7 l.i'i 163 26s4 6.50 97' 99' a 1 303, 30s, 311'.

4. AIntGr of 102'104'a 34 22 4 13'i 61 1 BJ, 4 5'. 162 18 8 6'i t90 55 16 2 s. Va Chem Vista Int Vitram Vogue In Volun NG WTC Air Wab Con 14 In 13 1 AmN GlV 9'i 9 JJ 12 9 .60 69' 80' 5'i 5s, 4- 5s, LJIIL'A IA Lincln Lf Lir.c Con Louis Lf Lovl Am Lyks Yng Manch Manh Lf Mass Gn Mercan Mu'wst MidN Oh MidUn Lf Mtssn Ea ModSc Lf Mnc Cap Monu Co Mon of A MutSv Lf NLT CD Nat Fid NatLf Fl NatOld 15 634 25', IndplsPL of 4 2.1' 2.iJ4 Iockh ev4'492 4034 I-oewTh 6793 73 'flrlllrrt 6s.s91 761 47s 47' Ind El Hard ll' 6'i 16 1 is Z.i 2h' a 72' 3, 691 771 61 3 zvv 1074 1' '1 52 61 l'i 89'a 'a 71 Am Pionr Am Pres Am Pub Am Rein Am Res AmSta Assc Mad .65 8 2 53, Want Bd 37 9J4 I.I''. 6'.

8'. 57. 17' a 5. 2'i 9', 6:. 8', 9 36', 9'a 3s.

16', 8 10'i 17 18 Sm 3 i el0SDnerlcs Cannon Shoe Co SS'J-ii'ijJCliarg-It of Florida Qiil 'i'! Community Health Tic. 20 5'i 'i 7 6'i 10 18 43 8 4 8'i 6 6 15'i Luckv Str 5s93 146', l'a l5 CV4'2S81 17, 1 lbiBudd Cv57.s94 si? 1, 'Budgetlnd 6588 seu 'i I i'J'-l Final Bonds 9s. 4. 1. Burllnd cv5s91 i- 4-V94 4spero 9'! fPc 37s! -2'! Ca-se 9'! aVCasilCk 5Js4 V.

li t2i. TaterTr 5s77 v. 'CenNyPu- 3s74 14 2 -walbm 1 7 3'a 4'i 4'. 4'a 4 5 56' i 57'i 56 '4 58 834 934 4s. 5'a 20 26 13'a 14'i 6'a 16 1634 I.T4 13s, 135.

iIlifliBhtP 9' 4 9' 4 9' 4 1 Inland Credit 5 4', 4 lnstron Corn 15' 15s, 15'a ia Instr Sys 6'a 6 6 i4! Hit Ch Nuclr 12' 12 12 1, Int Controls 84' 16 16' 23 24' 3'i 4' 2'4 3' BMA CD waix se Wall Bus Wall Sain Reade War El 14 U1XL BK NLife 16' 67. 8'a 9'. 40' a 10 3'. 17 8', 1()34 Pa Engiii 15s. BkSec Lf .12 .14 HI 12 23J, 22', 2'7 3.

ini oni wi 23' a 24 LVKeYg 7'S'M 71'a 1 MacPonld 73 2 VackTr 72-3 MacvCr 4S4581 70'a VartSqr. PO'a 1' MarO Km ia, Vsrmr 6j88 7 1" MavDStCr 9sR9 101H 3 M.t-sReiii 5-77 an 1 McCror 7'is94 73'i 82 '4 Int Protein .10 51 434 4', 3' 83', 95 100' 95 60 58 813, ll'i i2i.iBenf Nat 9 10 Std t': Electronic Module, t'iFair Lanes Inc Gates Lear Jet Cb "iGenl Mortgage Investor! ij Hmmui Assoc Inc 'a KMS Industries 'aiKirk Corporation Lewron TV Ine Cablecom Gn Caldor .941 Calcomp Camnbl Chlb CdnExp C'dn Gridoil C'dn Homestd C'dnHvdro .20 Cdnlnt 1.80 C'dn Javelin C'dn Marconi C'dn Suo Oil Canaverl .501 Canoga Ind Cap Ind Career Acad Caress, inc C'arnatn 1.60 Caro Pip .72 Castleton Ind Cavitron Cp CBK Agron Cellu Craft CentSee 2.15e CentrvE Centurv Geo Cent ry Ind .24 Certified Cp Certron Corp ChadMill ChampHo .16 ChattGas .64 Chelsea .24 Cherry Burr ChlRlvt 1.60a Christian Oil Cinerama Circle .40 Circuit Foil Citizens .32 CitvGsFIa .50 ClarkCbl Clarkson Ind Clary Corp Clopay CM! Corp Coburn .30 Coff Mat CohuElec .15 Cole Natl .44 C'olecolnd .08 Coleman .40 Colon Snd .30 Colwell Combustn Eq Corn! Alilanc ComlMtl Comodor ComPsv 1.50 Compolnd .36 CompDes .70 CompuDyne comnut Apnl Comput Eq Comput Instr Comput Inv Computest Comp Softw Conchemco ConcrdF Condec Corp Conduct ron Connelly Coo Conroy Inc Con Cdn Far Con Oil Gas Con Refjnmt Cont Mater CookEizc .30 Cook Ir.d CookPtV 140 L'oopr Jar .50 Corr .66 Coyid ne Craig Corp Creole 2 60 1 40 CwnCPet Tut Crystal Oil Cibic Corp Curtis Maths Cutter A .44 Cutter .44 ur4 PMin RE Intstrtch 11 121 4 13s, 13J4 '4 8s I 93 Clow Co lo'i iniCiorC LA 153. 16 '4 oeur 5'1 Co is. Cognitr 3 Colem S3! 9'i 9P Com 23. 2'.

Cn1n" 14 h7 SJ" MW ll3. 12'i Comcet 3'I 3'i Com Clr 17siCom She 44 4 443. Com Gn, 41'i 46' a Com NG 7-'. Tet 36s, Com Hlth ll'a 1' om Psy 5 5'iComo A 7 Cm 17 18' Cmp Con 5'i 6', i Cmp Ima 12'. 12'i CmD Inst 91! qiCmp Irn 113il2'iiCrno Tec 5 Cmo Ls 6'i 7ii.Comres 18', Comtrx 53 533 1 Conn NO PaD 17'i 18'i1 Con Rock 53.

Cap 17 4 18 CI CareC Va 6 Cont Inv 8 8'a C' Stratg 12'i 11'-1 Con rfd 46si 47'aiContran 3'a rnnv Nur 16 17 I Conv Ind 21 I Cmwert 20 50'4 Cook Ch 13'i 143, Cooper 7 13 4 42 8' InterDiioto 14'4 1 9-. Wash Ml JO', Cessna 8 8 cv3'as 9': '4 S'a 4- 14J 14'j 14'j All 111 1 Nat West 6' ft', i Wash RE 24 25 iWash Scl riiaseB IPelrsn Interstate Un InvDiv A 1 .80 IllvDiv .45 333, 33', 33', 4'4 53 7 4 51 18'a 18 18 2 J'3B tU Mrfrnr Us09 qijij J34 73i 83 ll'i 8'i 2'. 2 .60 39 43i 8 8 80' 4- 2'1'a 70' a- 1 ll'i 4- 1 -61 1 35'i 5' i 53.. wat Tr 842 I Management Assist 43; 5," u' Usi 9' 4 2'i 2' 40' 1 5'4 51 Cel Wstst Can Hold ChaseN ChesLf Chubb Ct Coastl St College Colon LA 10 30'a 30a, 30', 'a m. 1 inv lino win Wayne 40 25 10 Natnw A Nor A Lc Nor A Lf NorAt Lf Nort Cen 93, 7'.

4'i 53. 5'i 31 Vi. 3. a'Pettib CP 43'i 44 934 10'4 13'a 14i 39 39s 4 6'i 634 b't Vt ll'a 12 5 53, 9' 'a 10'. 16'i 17 9'i 93-4 5J4 6'a 11' 12V 12 13 15 15 16 ll'a 12' 734 8', IS3.

16i 12'. 13', 21s, 22s, ll3. ll7, 9 9t 5'i 6 8 9 67. 73i MCLror 5' as, 6 7S 1 Mrv-in Ai'a McOrH 3' 92 68 1 Vediis 98 1 MesaP 5'as83 114'i. 1 weoo Re Wehr Cp Weight 65 bo 4 Inv Roy Iroquois Ind jI a4llrvm Ind .5." i ISC Ind 15 21s.

3 24a 6'a 20 47 48' 15'i 5'. 10', 6 s. 5'a 12'. 3 2P, 24', 6 18'a 15' a 5'a 10'a 6 s. 6 13'i 3'.

711 ,3 JT'inuK PI oil I J'4- Sub 21'i 224 'a Photon in 9'a 10 ty'i Norest In .10 4" 4'. Weinert 18 19s, a-(- l'a I1TF1. Corn Atetf-Mav 51', P'C Pd 1 i't Mccormick 81 Co 91' a IV, I Medical Services 80 i.Metrtdata Comnutln fco 97 MUiipore Corporation 4 Miss Vallev Gas Co fln 4. i Music Fair Enterprises. TVit 'tjNatl Food Products Co.

1: Nationwide Check mJifTii 8 3.t V.jPa-ks. O. 15' 8s. 9' 9-4 a piertmt MGtrtn 5'S89 104 ni Corn 1.00 17'i 173i Comb Ins 1'. 2'il Conn Gn 1.52 30 32 IContA Lf 3 3'4 Cont Mtg 83' 4 aSo Caa 2 Old Line 21 21'.

nl4 Tfm 2 2sa Weisfld 7'i 29s, ail, Wellnt 7tU Well Gar 24', 237. 7 7' 7'i vrhBe 43.S91 S134 1 Pier 1 Im Pmkrtn 14 14 J-K 69' a 9)3. 66'. 4- Miles 54S94 6s8i 72 Pionr Wn 12 13' 13' 2' 14 '4 9s. 3, 4'4 5s, ins til W-lpc slrf Jftelyn 10? 3, Pizza Hut 6', I eii5K 7 Wemer pf Jaineswv 6 4 4'a 5J 7 9s 4 5si 'a 6'a Jeannetle Gl 5.

18 19 s. 17 s. Polly l'l 67. 6 634Crum Fo Wa 37'. .44 24 25 CrmF Df 58 5' .323 Ife 193 W4 2f! 2 ERC CD, 44 45 Pi 7 1 eierson.

nowen i mi Philips Lamp. N.U. Preston Trucking Co 4' 4 MCSl l1.A Pope Tal Uc v. 5'i 18', 20', U'4 18 31. 73.

13', Jen lk pet Sirs 7 73. 57' i l'K 4- 1 751 74 84'i 105' a 8'i a'. Dho. 7 Haaiat.on systems Republic Van Lines 26 21 23' Ger losi 11 I POSS1S IK'i 171. WstTt Ifr.

11,1 17'i 19 23'. 23' a 18 6s, 8 23s4 41 8'4 7J4 JohnBar St RVTinlHe 1. UavnAi 31 42 'iPiedm .5 ,5 Risk 54. 53 1 protect 24'" 26 Ml. 1- mm 183.

1 visln 33'i 35'i 2i' 35 37 16 17 9'i 10'i 93, 10'. 33. 3'. a 8s. 2'i 3'a 7 9'i 10'.

8', 01,. 23 24 21'i 22'. 53, 43, 47, 17 19 243, 2.5', li'. 16'. 18', 19' 13 11 3'i 4 6 6', 1' iji 4' 4VEdu Exe .80 40 41' a Fmo Gen .50 18 19 Emnl Gr 36', 37' 'Excel Tiv 7 8'a 193.

os Jupiter Cp Kaiser In 38t S'dOCal StdOCal S'dOInd 6s91 StdOillnd 6s98 StriOInd 41,58:1 StOilNJ 6'a598 Std Oil NJ 6s97 StdlNI 23s74 StdONJ 23,571 S'OOh 8'as2O00 StOllOh 7.60599 Std Packg 6s90 S'Pkg StdPrud 6'as90 Stauff cv4'a591 StaufCh 3's73 Sunbm 5'as92 SunshM 6'as89 SurvevFd 5s84 5vbron 4'as87 Tandy 5s89 Tappan 5'af94 Telerivn TrH 7s99 Teledvn 6'is92 Tenneco 75 Tenneco 7s93 Tenneco Tpnneco 6579 TennVAut 8s74 Texaco 53,597 TexasCo cv4s92 TWA 10s85 TWA 6'-s7Hf TWA cv594 TWA CV4-X2 8J4s75 31U97 I'CarbDi fn4J4s tTmon CP "s89 UnOCal 6's98 I'OCal 4'Ot UPacCp 434s99 AL 4' 03 cv.391 cv4'at-92 GasCp i8' UnC-asC 45s71l rrOasf 43.5-2 t'nda5P 8389 1'vMerc cv4-9n Nuclr cvj68 I'SS'eel 43.596 4'as6 Vanad Vendn cv4as80 33.58! VirgRv Wearn 5'-93 Viihur Wn Union "v.92 Weyerli 7KiH W- teCn 51 47js8 WrsBr 5Us.ji 7'4 iProv Lfe 17 vucnc halvex 2it 17s, IB 17 Pi 7'i: prov LfA 66 54 t', 2'i 3' 10 lu', 3 3'i 10 HP, 12 22'i 23V 1003, 101 -68 56', 46 -101 743, i- RPS Products. Inc Rouse Company Row-an Industrie 1,, Schluderberg-Kurdl Co Securry Savings it Loan Il'nuec Industries 74'i 70 Hvr.m 14'. vwiu cm 14 8 5 3 12 8 3'. 71. 127.

2li', 51 13 53. 19', 13' a 16', 4', 17'i 20 on. 1 4 19 14 13 6 14 16 31 34 13 5 6 12 38 4 47 1 1 4 1 12 lo 3 1. 10 it orD 10', 10s, 10 1, i4 Kane 7 7 Mill wt 7 7 7 TO 41. 2 0,4 Kair-Dnig .50 6 7 ittsin Fib ll3i 12'iiWstn StU 6s, Weslsat 10 11 (Wetsns 4 Wen Fd 13 15 'White Sh 3'i CA Ha st 2 'P5 Ladv ln'i iff Prochm Ciolf 12s! n'i.

5:01 Pro ll'i ii Svs ,2 Pi og An va vv Krud il P-ihLeas 46 4Q'a 47' a 40, 3 57 1,4. 1 103 11 71 4ISI1, It 46'a- 1 1 i-i 64 72'i- 61 2 911 3 S-O 51 4. 47 64 1'. 2'4 203 214iReo Life .5 31,. 373 safeco 143, Pf i' 1 40 r.

3'i S' .18 11 2 6', l.Va 6 19' a 14 17 4'. 18'a 20 22' 61, 80 United Consol lnd. 12si Bra wi v. J-ajKay Jly 66 13 23 13 KU.txcei 3, Fxee FamLf A V.lF.rmH is" Frm NW F'Hel Cn 103 FidUn Lf l. A Fin 11 Colon fit fed 'FtMt In IFdrs Frank Lf 6J4 9'i JS'ajSt Paul 84 'a' Washington Home 130 33 1 Westminster Corp MoKanT 4s90 M'oPac Ss'wsf Mop 4s202Of tloP MoPac Mo-HVd 4'-qo VWdCr 989 M'WdCr 4'a80 VSt, rv414 'ah CSL 3sR6 7.70,4 Cash 5 60591 43w7 V.t Pist 4'as2 v-t Ind NLead 43.s88 'tS'eel 4s.s"i Vewhrv 6'-s94 JPwT VY Cent 6i vv r-t son KSTrr: VVP (1,111 VVCHR 3' j57 x-rvTi 23-75 .1 1 O'l KYTel 81 VYTel tT.n Nia t.

b'. Son Kewiium .30 7'. 9H'a mi 18 15' 8' Keware MA 1 62 1 91 001,4. 9V-I- 1 67 7' ii VS' mtt In 23 25', 21' 22 1 Wilson 8s, vl 12s, 13 'Wing Wh 7'. 8i.

(U.lrt! 1 93. 10'. 6', rj4 4 9'. 35'i Yr ai3 Cab 19 19'itCrad TS 46 iCTWfri' 35, 4 jCrea Mat i7i, Crea! Mh 33J4 34' a Cre5t Fo l', 171, Cross Ct 7' 84 Cron Cr 1 4 Crutch 3534 3634 Culm Co, 3434 35'. Curtis 2234 23'i Cybrmk 3s, 33, Ooertr tl mi.

Cvnres Jaquin 3 per cent stock dividend. 2-for-l stock split March 16. Insurance Stocks 1T'4 93. 6 9s. 9-'a 6V.4 'ai -V'a l'a 9 1 1 591 7l.

P'JbS NM Pubs NC Puif pa Bennet Purny St PD io Cd Scab Life Sec Cen Secur Co Se I A-A Sec TiG Sierra Lf Lf Sun Life Std Sec States Go 19'. 19s 1 20'a 20'a vPv Co Key-: iixl 60 Tig Km Ars Corp I King Radio nKsford .28 KimsU! I 44 3', C-L Fit 3J4 4 6 si'i 37' a 22s, 1134 5'. 6 634 7'. 9 9'i 17'i 111'. 7'.

8'. Jam Wat James Jamby JetAu- Fr Jlff Fri. Sit. Itlrf AslreriiGen Rein iUI 343 il2 8 27s, I't 8 i 28 4- 74 23 26 8 12 28 im'- i'. 111.

i. American ria lii inj Co. 9', 93. t. w.h AM Jl uuolr.c 17 29'.

20S IV, 43f V. 4- 5s205.if 11 'a lI'CMSP 4Us44f 6s. a Chi RIP fi 4. ChiRIP 1. ClirisCraft 6sR9 3 lVhrvFm 7's7 iCir.GAE 2' as 78 CIT Fin 'CCCSL 4'a77 "ollinsR T1! "4 JJ Col Gas 5s82 Col 33,577 i "ol Pict romlsn! 12 a 'a Com Ed 8Js75 20'a 4- 'a rnmw Ert 377 'a 4- 3, Tom Oil 4's92 li'a -'a Crmp'rci 53, Con Fdis 5s90 ln 1334 '4 CorEd 43.s92V Irt', Cor'-'is J' i6 4', ConFdis 3'-83 18 l'a 1-isi 2'i 'a ConEdi'J 234.s72 22'.

'4 roi NO 6'. 'a 9 7', CorPtr 4'-l 3'. 94 ContAirl J'isK ron'M' i. ContDat 9S Crete Co Tsui 21 4- 1a Crane Co 7s 94 Tmne ct' '4 Crese cv5'sn 31', ij rmao -r1 I 3, pav PL I3.C5 l'1. 'a Wre 17'.

5'49I s-4i tkOQ Df! Fd K98 lv! Tft Fd Fn U-' 1 'a "iGin-ff 1 not n- 4:, D-iwCh W.08 li, -wlh 4 V-, in', 5, TV Ch cW.2 a 1, nfi s1 Lt 4'8 3, t-. )-; Dlia Ll 2'v77 I- rsOS 1, FaMAiiL V9? 494 F.sAir 44'91 T', l. si3 19 Erie 5s 2C'f rri pf Eva-P '94 3,4 -3. i J. If'l 9A I a Vr ir--trF4 '94 5'i A 8J.

6 7 i Winter 28 29 'Wmt PkT 14 16 I Wise PL 4', RiE 15 16' a Wolf Cn 13 13s. Wood JR 17'. 181, Wriurd 16' a lTVWrdlw 3s. 4'. Wright 10 '4 Wvnn Oil Kinrv nfP Hi 13 CM 9'i 9s.

ll'i 15 41, 4' 13'i 14 8', 16 fa '7'. sun Lile 2. 27'i Radmt in rhv Tn.4 2'. 21 10 A 21" Zl'a 2'' 18 183, 50 i Kit Mlg Co Vu 1 Lr in i.i yi urn Time Hid 27 2-, Air naa Dvn Radia St ''a 17' 18 59 593i c9 2 9 4 3 5 3 1 I'ndrwr '9', 4I'a vxr.o tie 17 173, 2'i 27. 20 20' 20 21 6'i 7 24' 25V.

13 13'. 12', 12s4 tn 4. 1. t-oionial Lile In IS 59', 61 IG Int XI Cr.esaneake Lile In 08 7J S'. G'ob Cao 6, iii First Fed Life Ins 30 15', 16', Globe Lf 64' 1.

Home Beneficial Life .40 18' 19s. Got Emo 741.4. 1 Monumental Coro 75 4.13 4434 GovFm tl 4. 5 IMonuinental pfd. 2 00 44'a Cwth 75 1 I Line Ins 20 6s, 7 Fouth i 23.: Life Ina 30 15' 16 r.t we' Tin, Security Ins ot Hartford, tm 33'a In i 'Sun Life Ins- 13s.

14'. tanov In 21 M' 6' 31s. li' 1-5' 17s. 8 9 t'mro. fct 59' a 59' 1 11 lit n4t'n tr Vl'a Rail Tral 5 Railw.1 aum 0J4 3-1 04 .50 -a ircoy 2s.

3' Yellow P-, 24' 34', 24', 173- ii, 4 4 Ranch 13'i liiUn Fidel 9" 101 Vnit Am 8'i 9 Pir llJ4 12'. 5'a 18 19 4', S'. 5 5', 11V 12 24 25 13 13', 10 11 10'i 103. 28 29 8'. 9 16 16'.

4ia 9'. 1'. ir i R.i V. 28'J 24 iioo CtB 10'. 11'? 21 a 21'a 21 Kysorln 21', 22 I -Jut Fire Raven In Jstm NoAmPhll 49I VorARk 4491 22' 4 23 Damsn 213 22'i Daniy 6'.

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8' a Ire 434 'a Lafav Radio Laielon 'a tae Shore 4 LaMair 6 tLar.e ry Cp TsPii: n-4 5'i 15'. 8 a fl 27'i 4 A a i 3 tron VO 43-J VnrPar 4j7 c. pit 'orhnt 457 49'i- 133 48 4 a 3'. 28'-. 1 11 Bank Stocks 711 T'i l'a JI7 4 1, lnv 841 a Wi oi 10! 1 2s.

86 1" 71 ta a -0', Ht Jl 5" ia'. 91 vn, 143, 16'. 17 New Yorlr Ar-it .3 Cen 4si'4 WitcnCh 4'j93 Won-et 5' 35 04 11..: 1. 2 25', 12') 1'4 lr.ti Aer Ird L'fcA fplegon Interfrl 'r-1 HM '-ent Co Jhnsn Pd Joslvn KDI Cd K.M3 Kaiser St Kaivst pf Kavar Kaman Kamsg A Kan N'eb Kate Grn Ka hoi Kay Wnd Kaex Kayoc Kaysm Kear Kearr.y Keere CP Kei.ett Kei.wd 8rc Kej3 Keaa Se Kee Keys Cm Kevst PC Kir Irt Ku3 K.i.g El Kirk Co Krao Vt4 Kos' Ei HittlT IV vvtt-a 710, Vort i'a 'of Mcmai, in, i-nSav L. ll'i 11.

Unit Svc 5', I FiG 31', 33'i Vr ArLf 1" co 7 7'i vr. st si, cf 1J 13. Wt CS 21 Res 7'i g'i fvc Jl'i 32 Zetl 3'a 43, IT', 18', 7'a 8 7:. 4V, 50'. S'.

S4 7'. 45 Davis Fd Day MIr De-or In Delhi AP Diux Cb Den Re DeRnse 14 141 2 LBJiftCa 14'a 31' Sii- 1 Bank 100 32 Vi b'Eoui'able Trust Co 40 42 55 1 -v'l Bk of 12 30 si I 1, Vd Natl Com 1 00 I j. V-e Safe Deo Tr 4 loo ia 1 Natl Cr.y Pk of Balto 70 26 Cn S. 374 -tJ pouno. 2.71: VhJsv 3.s apN'o apo avre 28 28', 4'1.

33. 37', 3'4 3 7', 113. 3'a 12A 12 a 12', 19 i' 7 7 i LeeNa'i 3 lrf 1s. Is. 1 eh P'5 54 irl ir 29 23.

W.i-cay ji.rti A 2 ti: SiMiar fimir.t 4-, OfT 103 Lf 28 1 AfOP Daitch 2r Damon Corp DainonCr 40 Dar.ieiin One Darvl Ir.dus Tat Cont Da: a Prod Cp Lav Mas l-f Darlsr. .24 Dayiin wt DC Tran A Dearborn Cp DeJurAm JO Del Labs Deltor.a Corp Peltown Fds Depositors la IVroRsch Dv Deseret Ph IftectoS (p Devon Appar r.rtal temp "I 1: ti 7 Wi- l'i 1. 3, 74 1 1 71 1, 81 i 4. J'. 81', 'a tni, li 883 1 I'.

1 1 1, J', SJ4 a 5 9s. 1A 1 21s. 4, A31. 14 16 4 54 3.1 1 63 Treida 5'8 a- dolia-.

11: Descfm S5 94 tjJ. tuiur. -r-. n-t i 62'i' Lamar Lf 1LIH, 8 13' De; CanT 13'4 trar.c. lrWkTVr52 "HrnCor 6VM Cruon Trust of Mil 2 00 45' 47 J9'a 3-" a 19 2" 3 FOREIGN' 12' 41' 12A 14 143 18 2i 16'-.

11 ii i 'Lencx Inc 1 wt leheFs 4 17 1 13 1 52 -Vl'rfeS'-7 acG 591 Bank Stocks 20 ret Idr Der Am T3i.m ry I3, Austrl fr.4:3f71 I S'4 3 2 23. 1 1 10 cent (biPlu 5 per cent (toci ditidecd. Mutual Funds BONDS V'a Sl'a 89 Swiiie-'asd. 4 Levir Town Carad fr'': 5 19', 1SJ4 1'4 t.vit- fun Chi'e 3f93 Germany, 2750 or 4' "ao GS Ji'ot Rid a.v. 1 t.M nftr 8 24', 24 24 f.i, tfn.lsTT Sa tra-- I if 'a 194 20'i 54 8 6s, 3 J'a -1', II.iniAril 1 T-lf 86 nOeaoelte TunA 187? 1 75 rrift ni 10.

v. l'A 8'-19 IW4 4 16' 15: 16'. 9 7i 12 1' i 1 JV rrinf Argentir. peso. f-ee.

3-H7J. tree V-xictt peso. boliv.r. 5('l 37' 1 34 7 8'a A in', 9'j sj 5 Va IA 14', 144 V'y t-in A 11 Par C-T 3'J5 MfXiro f- jf. 7 VZe.

'ar7 Norr W.r 12 14 252 i i'ri- -'Vr a far Eatr Kim. ncrro sr'a'l- ecpar 3i'. fl New Tr TmM 132 Iji.h-Ptpa M'J iiTf. OH nie" I l.r 4- 1 PGE JAtftX 11A 11A LodgcSh -C5f 7j3Tit 4m Near Et; UraeL pound. 309..

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.