The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

1 0 PAGE 10- -A SECTION THE TIMES RECORDER, ZANESVILLE, OHIO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16; 1967 UPI NET CHANGE 116 MP 0.07 Advances 614 14 Declines 657 UPI MARKET INDICATOR 53 51- NET CHANCE 44 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MET CHANGE 22 74. 20- 18- AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE AUG. SEPT. New York Stock Exchange 15 MOST ACTIVE STOCKS Gen GnFood 2.40 84 NEW YORK (UPI) The 15 most Instr 2k 29 79 active stocks traded on the New York Gn Mills 11 34 Stock Exchange Friday. GnMot 2.55b 273 86 Sales Close CKHG.

GenPrec 60 69 Tenneco 292,900 PubUt 81 Southern Co 236,200 Gen Stl 1.20 18 24 24 Pan Am Wid Airw 197,500 273 Gen Tel 1.40 354 Thiokol Chem 138,100 25 Genesc 1.40 45 33 Sperry Rand 143,100 Gen Tire .80 139 Occidental Pet 73 GaPacifc 1g 32 64j7 Gulf West 123,500 Gillette 1.20 188 Am Tel Tel 117,300 GliddenCo 1 52 25 Allis Chalmers 116,700 Goodrh 2.40 990 67 Universal Am 109,000 Goodyr GraceW 1.35 128 48 Pan Am Sulphr 102,900 32 1.40 84 Goodrich 99,000 GrandU RCA 90,300 GrantW 1.10• 37 Avco Corp 82,900 Gulf Greyhd Cp 1 173 Benguet 81,500 Mo 2.60 10 Gulf Oil 2.60 100 NEW YORK (UPI)-Selected stocks on New York Stock Exchange today. Hershy 66 Sales(hds) High Low Last Chg. Heublin 1.20 28 Hewltt .20 12 AbexCp 1.60 17 HiltonHoti 1 38 AcmeMk 2g 15 Hoff Electn 20 12 12 Adresso 1.48 77 Homest 42 46 Admirl 166 Honywl 1.10 162 83 Air Prd 60 Hooker 1.40 43 43 43 AirRede 101 Hoover la 16 Alcan 1 110 HousLtPw 1 41 AllegCp 146 Howmt 1.20 15 Al Lud 2.40g 30 Hupp Cp 4k 191 8 AllegPr 1.20 24 AlldCh AlliedSt 1.90g 1.32 x64 144 44 Ideal IdahoP Cem 33 53 20 ate Ill Cenin 5 71 Allis Chal 1167 546 39 Am Airl .80 Imperial Cp 126 9 9 A Brest 1.60 49 77 Ing Rand 2 31 AmCyan 348 37 Inland Stl 2 59 36 34 Am El 1.44g 220 InsCopper 2 27 37 37 AmExpt 10k 175 4.40g 24 510 511 A For 1.16 156 Int Min 195 46 29 A Home 1.20 162 IntNick 2.80 141 106 102 106 AM F.9 45 Intl 97 AMetCI 1.90 ITE CircB 18 61 61 Amer Motor 517 A Nt Gs 1.90 56 39 Amer Photo 140 Am Smelt 3 39 72 72. All sales hundreds (00) omitted Am Stand 121 30 cept for those designated (2) which are A Sugar 1.60 2.20 1174 30 35 34j6 traded in 10 share lots and carried in 33 full. DIVIDENDS: (a) plus extra; (b) Am Tob 1.80 167 33 declared or paid so far this year, no Ametek 39 98 regular rate; (c) payment on Ampex Cp lated dividends: (d) paid last year; accumu.

Anacda 98 cash plus stock; (g) annual rate plus ArizPSv .92 36 stock dividend; (h) capital distribution; Armour 1.60 66 38 (1) per cent in stock paid last year: Arm Ck 1.40 107 55 (k) per cent in stock; Atchisn 1.60 88 FRACTIONS: )indicates following figAtiRich 3.10 17 ure is fraction in 32nds; (i) indicates Atlas Corp 662 following figure is fraction tn 64ths: (r) indicates following figure is fraction in BaltGE 1.52 90 31 128ths: (1) indicates following figure Bangor .60 21 431 44 Bath Indust 9 Beat Fd 1.65 19 BeckmI 46 75 -J Beech Air 16 48 JohnsM 2.20 89 BeechN 1.40 70 55 Joes 2.70 29 .50 113 Jostens .50 110 2 24j3 Bendix 1.50 113 Joy Mfg Stl 296 Black 1.40 Kaiser Al 1 65 57 57 BlisEW 1.10 41 26 26 Kan GE 1.28 8 27 27 Boeing 1.20 275 KanPLt 1.03 15 23 BoiseCas .25 x115 KayserR .60 28 31 Borden 1.20 60 37 37 Kelsy-H 1.30 23 41 BorgWr 2.20 80 Kennerott 2 76 Bost Bourns Ed Inc 1.92 18 14 22 31 310 615 KernCL 2.60 31 103 101 102 Braniff Air 29 KimbCI $.20 45 Br Shoe 2.40 73 73 Air 35 78 77 Brunswk Cp 297 Kopper 1.40 35 39 Budd Co .80 50 Kroger 1.30 95 Bulova 22 -L L- Burlind 1.20 107 LearSig .80 23 LehPCm .60 29 CalHcla 1.20 35 42 Lehmn Cp 2 37 CampbiSp 114 29 LOFGI 2.80a 28 53 Can Dry .50 98 Libby Mc 3k 39 CarolTel .68 LiggettMy 5 14 73 Carrier Cp 1 121 Lockhd 2.20 40 CaterTr 1.20 105 47 Loews Thtr 127 Celanese 49 LoneSCem 96 20 CenSoya .80 38 LoneSG 1.12 147 Cerro 1.60g 228 LongILt 1.16 32 27 Cessna .40 17 49 Lorilird 2.50 63 50 50 CFI StI .80 74 2.20 30 50 MacyCo 1.60 14 Ches Ohio 17 Mad 2.23b 20 29 Magma 3.60 19 59 Chi NoWst 17 Magnvx .80 255 48 Chi 3 MarMid 1.40 51 Chrysler 529 MarshallF 2 17 Cin Gas 1.20 48 Martin Ma 302 CIT Fin 1.60 139 Massey 1 71 CitiesSv 1.80 190 May DS 1.60 65 CleveEl .80 9 38 McCror 1.20 25 23 1.4 388 McDnD 614 ComSiv 1.20 39 McGrHI1 .60 49 48 Com Ed 2.20 49 .60 28 Consed 1.80 121 34 Mead 1.90 ConsFd 1.40 74 Merck 1,40 32 94 ConsNG 1.60 30 1g 82 60 Contanr 1.30 65 31 31 MidSoUt .76 125 23 Cont Air .40 248 1.30 143 Cont Bk 1.20 36 1.80 309 Cont Can 123 Mnsnto 1.60 453 47 481 Cont Oil 2.60 160 77 MontDk 1.52 315 Contri Data 168 130 Mont Pr 1.56 21 ComPd 1.70 63 Mont Ward 237 CorGI 350 346 350 MorrellJ Co 259 43 Crane 1.60 94 Motorola 1 126 129 128 Curtiss Wr 78 Mt Fuel 1.68 9 Cyprus 1.40 89 45 -N N- Nat Airl .60 32 Dan 1.20g 63 Nat Biscuit 2 70 DanaCp 2.20 24 Nt Cash 1.20 94 Dayco 1.60 44 43 NtDairy 171 38 Day PIt 1.40 NatDist 18.0 33 Deere Nat Gyps 2g 47 46 1.60 NtLead 106 DelMon 1.10 NatSteel 60 Del Edis 1.40 29 Nat Tea .80 Dia Alk 1.20 56 35 Nev Pwr ,92 DinerCi 26 38 Newbry Distill Sea NEngEl 1.36 Dow Ch 2.20 80 Newmt 2.20 Dresser 113 NYCnt 3.12a 56 Duke 1,20 129 6a 14 105 105 DuPont 121 NoNIGs 2.40 33 No Pac 2.60 19 62 .90 x17 Northrop 66 39 EKodk 1.60a 247 133 NwstAirl .70 206 105 102 Eaton Nw Ban 1.90 52 52 Ex Cell 2.20 OlinMat 1.80 End Johnsn OgdenCp .80 82 Erie Lackw 59 A Ohio Ed 1.30 27 EltraC 1.60a 691 0-- EssexWire 105 50 Okla 1 26 26 Evrshp OklaNG 1.12 21 Omarkin 4k 32 32 Fairch Cam OrRock 1.04 254 Fairfir Outbd .80 185 Fairmont OwensC 1.40 68 68 FedMoR 1.60 33 Owentll 1.35 Firestn 1.40 -P P- FlaPwr 1.36 PacGas 1.40 114 35 FMC Ca. .15 Pac-Pwr 1.20 FordMi2.40 $2 1.20 35 Freept 152 Pan Am .40 1975 Fruehul 1.76 Panhdl 1.60 72 35 ParkeDv 349 32 32 Gam Sk 1.30 Peabody 1 GnAcop Penny 108 GenATe 1.55 Penn Da ,60 147 GrAnitE Penn PL 1.82 121 GDynamie Pa RR 2.408 68 13 FINANCIAL NEWS Late Rally Brightens Routine Stock Session NEW YORK (UPI)-A late, rally brightened an otherwise routine session on the New York Stock Exchange Friday and prices mixed with a firm undertone. Most prices finished above their lowest levels of the day thanks to the late buying spree, and a number of glamor stocks and blue chips showed substantial improvement. Until that time traders had been spending the session taking profits on some of the strong gains chalked up earlier in the week. The United Press International marketwide Indicator tacked on 0.07 per cent.

The New York Stock Exchange Index mirrored a gain of 4 cents in the share price. The Dow Jones industrial average climbed to a new 1967 high for the second consecutive session. It added 4.04 to 933.48 on the strength of good gains by several components, including a 2-point climb by General Electric. Of the 1,482 issues crossing the tape, 614 advanced, 651 declined and 217 held unchanged. New highs for the year were touched by 91 issues while 18 dipped to new lows.

Volume lowed to 10,270,000 shares from the shares changing hands in the previous session, but the pace perked up during the late upswing and the tape was a minute behind floor trading at the closing bell. Large block transactions accounted for most of the volume of the three most active stocks -Tenneco, Southern and Pan American World Airways. Steels turned narrowly mixed. Motors picked up fractions after a mixed start. Du Pont rose in the mixed chemicals.

Occidental Petroleum was a feature for the mixed oils, jumping 3 in active trading. Electronics rallied smartly. Most airlines declined with Northwest giving up 31-8 and National losing 1 5-8. Aircrafts dropped fractions in most cases. American Telephone, most actively traded issue in the previous two sessions, gave up in fairly active dealings.

Prices on the American Stock Exchange closed higher in heavy trading. Of the 940 issues crossing the tape, 380 advanced, 380 declined and 180 remained unchanged. The Amex Index rose 7 cents to $22.08. Volume amounted to 5,187,015 shares compared with 5,528,525 shares Thursday. Dow Jones NEW YORK (UPI)-Dow Jones closing range of avera- 130 Indus 938.51 923.25 933.48 20 Rails 262.40 260.08 261.42 15 Utils 133.21 131.29 132.03 65 Stocks 334.63 330.10 332.86 Net change: 30 up 4.04; 20 Rails, up 0.28; 15 off 0.38; 65 Stocks, up 0.76.

ges. Stocks: High Low Close Treasury Bonds Bid Asked Yid. 68 67 May Nov. 99.28 100.0 3.58 99.6 99.10 4.95 333 68 Aug. 98.24 98.28 5.03 68 Nov.

98.15 98.19 5.14 63-68 Dec. 97.2 97.6 4.86 4s, 69 Feb. 99.15 99.19 5.05 64-69 June 96.0 96.4 4.85 45, 69 Oct. 97.16 5.25 64-69 Dec. 94.27 94.31 4.90 65-70 Mar.

94.8 4.93 45, 70 Feb. 96.30 45, 70 Aug. 96.12 96.16 5.31 66-71 Mar. 92.4 92.8 4.94 71 Aug. 95.12 5.29 71 Nov.

94.16 5.33 45, 72 Feb. 94.20 94.24 67-72 June 89.28 90.4 4.86 45, 72 Aug. 94.10 94.18 5.26 67-72 Sept. 89.12 89.20 67-72 Dec. 88.23 89.21 4.91 73 AuR.

93.7 93.15 5.31 73 Nov. 93.24 94.0 5.28 Feb. 93.16 93.24 May 94.0 94.8 5.28 Nov. 91.14 91.22 Feb. 88.10 5.24 80 Nov.

84.8 5.11 78-83 June 81,6 4.94 85 May 80.28 81.12 4.83 75-85 May 90.6 90.22 5.05 90 Feh. 80.28 81.12 4.87 87-92 Aug. 87.14 87.30 5.11 88-93 Feb. 84.12 5.06 89-94 May 85.10 85.26 5.10 35, 95 Feb. 79.28 80.12 4.21 98 Nov.

80.24 81.8 4.64' U.S. Treas. Notes Rate Mat Bid Asked Vid 10-67 99.24 99.30 3.24 11-67 100.3 100.5 3.81 2-68 100.9 100.11 4.74 4-68 98.10 98.16 4.36 5-68 99.24 99.28 4.95 8-68 99.6 99.8 5.11 10-68 96.26 97.6 4.31 11-68 99.30 100.0 5.25 4-69 95.10 95.18 4.52 10-69 93.28 94.2 4.59 4-70 92.14 92.16 4.67 10-70 91.0 90.16 4.53 11-70 98.25 98.29 5.38 2-71 99.26 99.28 5.42 4-71 89.22 90.6 4.53 5-71 99.15 99.19 5.37 10-71 88.10 88.26 4.57 11-71 99.25 99.29 5.40 2-72 97.16 97.20 5.36 4-72 66.24 87.24 4.52 8-72 97.11 97.16 Selected Stocks Furnished. by National Association of Security Dealers Quotations from the NASD are representative interdealer prices as of approximately 3 p.m. Interdealer markets change throughout the day.

Prices do not include retail markup, markdown or commission. Quotations from the NASD 1 are representative interdealer prices as of approximately 3 p.m. Interdealer markets change throughout the day. Prices do not include retail markup, markdown or commission. Bid Asked Aircraft Acceptance American Agregates 33 Amer.

Automatic Vend. American Financial 18 19 Bagdad Copper R. Beasley Industries 617 Bear Common A Big Drum Broughton Farm Dairy 9 Bob Evans Farms 13 Boston Capital Buckeye Financial Steel Castings 83 Colonial Stores Cols. Auto Parts Com. 22 Cols.

Dental Common Cols. Dental 7pc Pfd. 115 Cols. So. Ohio Elec.

do Pf. 4.25 pc Pfd.0 do Pf. 4.65pc Pfd. 84 Cons. National Life Corrugated Container 25 26 Citizens Financial Coastal States Life 17 Daisy Manufacturing Dayton Malleable E.

E. Company Eckert Packing Exact Weight Scales Farmers New World Fidelity Bankers Life First Union Realty Flaible Company 6 Frisch's Restaurants Genuine Parts Gilbert Shoe Gregory Industries Herff Jones 10 Hoover Co. Common Huber Corporation 34 36 Julian Kokenge 41 43 Knowledge Communications 10.17 11.11 Mack Shirt 8 Marion Brick Common Mid-Continent Mitg. Monarch Marking Merrill Books Nationwide Corporation North Amer. Equit.

Life Pike Natural Gas Permaglass Princess Homes Republic Franklin Life Rockwell Manufacturing 29 Schottenstein 0. M. Scott 223 John Sexton Shaw Barton Steel Imp. Forge 39 Seaway Foodtwon Shaker Prop. 16 Scioto Downs Technology, Inc.

21 22 Therm-0-Disc Transcon Pipeline 22 Union Financial Corp. 73 United Sheet Metal 23 24 W. W. Williams Company Western Power Gas Dividends (Furnished by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith, Inc.) Company Amt. Pay Recd Acme Visble Reeds .10 10-19 10-2 Affil Fund 10-20 9-21 -From income Amerace .25 10-9 9-25 Fincl 10-1 9-15 Amer 3 stock split Ap Parts 10-16 10-10 10-2 9-29 Assoc Truck Lines .10 British Pete Ltd Defers div actn Citz So Bank SC .60 10-2 9-23 Campbell RedL Mins 10-27 9-28 do 10-2 9-23 Citz and Sobn SC b-2 for 1 stock split plus 10 dividend subj to stock holders stock proval City Natl Vev Hills .17 10-20 9-30 Columbia Pic .25 10-20 9-29 Comm.

House .15 10-25 9-29 Cox Broadcstg 10-10 10-16 9-29 9-22 Dunhill Intl Elastic Stp Nut .25 10-13 9-29 Fairfield State Noble Bk NJ .40 .05 11-3 10-2 9-20 9-28 Filigree Foods .08 10-13 9-29 Fst Natl State Bk NJ .40 10-2 10-30 10-6 9-20 Gateway Transp .15 Hudson TR Union City .22 10-2 11-1 9-22 Husky Oil Cda Ltd. .15 10-30 111 Pwr .40 11-1 10-10 Internati Mig .30 10-15 9-28 Ipco Hospt! Sply .10 10-13 Ky Cntrl Life 3 pe stk 10-16 9-30 Knott Hotels .25 9-28 9-21 Lerner Srs .10 10-16 10-6 .25 10-13 9-29 Motorola WtChester .15 11-1 10-20 Do 11-1 10-20 Do 10pc stk 3-27 Natl Sec. Series Bond 10-13 9-29 n-Form Income Balanced 10-13 9-29 -From Income Dividend 10-13 9-29 Income Natl Termnis .30 .10 11-6 11, 2pc 11-6 10-10 Natpac New Engl Merchts .55 10-13 9-29 NY Central RR .78 10-13 9-25 Okla and .25 10-30 10-10 Pitts Lk Erie RR 1.50 10-16 Providence Gas 10pc stk 11-25 10-6 Royal Dutch Pete 11-1 10-10 ordinary shr Security Nat Li .25 10-16 9-30 Shell Transt and 11-15 10-9 W--Less British income tax Smucker .15 10-31 9-29 Sola Basie Indus 10-31 10-6 Do 50pc stk 10-31 10-6 Southland, Life ins. Prd .20 .40 10-2 10-13 10-2 9-18 Stanley Home Sterling Natl Bk NY .40 10-13 .15 10-13 Taylor Pub 9-22 9-18 Technicolor .10 11-24 11-6 Dom Bk .12 11.1 9-29 Toronto 11-1 9-29 Trans Caribbean Air A .10 10-31 10-6 United Artists 10-20 10-10 US Foreign Sec 9-29 9-20 h-From Ordinary Income Wells Fargo Bk .35 10-10 9-25 r-Increased Dividend Earnings (Furnished by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith, Inc.) Company Period 1967 1966 Airstream yr 2.36 1.43 Barth Indus Spencer 6 mos ..39 mos Behien Mfg 24 wks .36 .36 6 mos 5,000 2,000 Fds 39 wks .21 Brit. Pete Ltd 6 mos .29 Leasing yr .64 .51 Conchemco 9 mos .70 1.03 Dunhill Internalt mos .53 Evans Arist.

Indus quar Fam. Bargain 6 mos .34 .33 Fischer Porter" quar. .21 .20 Edri Resources quar .02 .03 Gale Indus 6 mos 390.00d 565,000 Gnrl Cinema mos 1.05e 1.07€ Wm Ltd mos .25 1.03 Hamilton Watch mos .22 Harvey Interstate Radio Untd mos .39 yr .52 Laura Sec Candy Hps9 mos Manhattan Shirt 6 mos 98 Mod. Homes Const. 9 mos Pentron Elec mos yr 48,8411 138,470) Realty William House yr.

1.83 1.17 Yiwknife Mns Ltd yr .01 .04 a- -Excludes nonrecurring, gain of four cents share. b- -Excludes extraordinary net of $4.45 a share. -Excludes net gain of four cents a share. d'-Net 1967 and $31,900 special in charges 1966. of 1-Before $51,000 special credit of 20 ets a share.

g- For months ended Sept. 30. Co changed fiscal year from Sept. 30 to June so. h- After $190,000 tax $1.5 credit million.

but excludine special charge special of $435,198 in 1967 and after $227,953 special charge and $50,670 special credit in 1966. Livestock, Produce Grain CHICAGO (UPI) (USDA) -I Friday: Hogs 4,500. Barrows and gilts fully steady, instances 25 higher on weights 210-240 lb. Active. No.

1 210-220 lb. 20.50- 21.00, 27 head at 21.00: No. 1-2 200-225 lb. 20.25-20.75, around 200 head at 20.75; No. lb.

19.75 20.25; No. 2-3 240-280 lb. 19.00-19.75; 330 lb. 18.25. Sows 25, instances 50 lower, rather slow.

No. 1-3 300-350 lb. 18.00-18.75; 350-400 lb. 17.50-18.25: 400-500 lb. 17.00-17.50; No.

2-3 450-500 1b. 16.25-17.00; 500-600 lb. 15.75 16.25. Boars 15.50;16.50. Cattle 5,500 calves none.

Trading on slaughter steers moderately active, steady to 25 lower. Heifers fairly active, mostly steady. Cows moderately active, steady. Bulls slow, 50 lower. Slaughter steers, prime 1150-1350 lb.

No. 3-4 28.50- 29.25, two loads at latter price; high choice and prime 1150-1350 lb. 28.00-28.75; choice 1150-1350 lb. No. 2-4 27.00-28.25; choice 900-1150 lb.

26.50-27.50; mixed good and- 25.75-27.00; slaughter heifers high choice and prime 900-1025 lb. 26.50 27.25, one load at latter price; choice 850-1000 1b. No 24 25.00-26.75; choice 775-850 lb. 25.00-26.00; mixed good and choice 750-900 1b. 24.50-25.50; canners and cutters 15.00-16.50; utility and commer-l cial bulls 20.00-22.50.

-Sheep 200. Spring slaughter lambs to weak. Shorn slaughter ewes steady, Choice and prime 90-110 lb. spring slaughter lambs 23.50-24.00, a few 24.50; choice 80-100 lb. 22.50-23.50; good 21.00-22.00; cull to good shorn slaughter ewes 4.00-7.00.

CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO (UPI) Wheat, corn and rye closed fractionally lower, soybeans lower, and oats mixed Friday on the Chicago Board of Trade. Wheat was unchanged to off cent; corn was off to cent; oats up to off rye off to soybeans off to Liquidation of September contracts coupled with light hedge selling depressed soybean futures. Weakness in the end products contributed to the lack of buying interest in the soybean pit. There is still a large open interest in September corn and Friday the longs were actively liquidating, The September future dipped into new low ground and other contracts ranged near previous seasonal lows. The wheat market was inclined to follow the easier trend in other pits but exporters absorbed the bulk of the com- Investors Guide Familiarity Leads To Dissatisfaction Q.

Why is it that the Union Pacific common and preferred remain low and nearly stationary while Great Northern and Northern Pacific commons have been much higher? UP has paid a divident for more than 60 years but has remained between 40 and 45 and the preferred is seldom above 9. A. Let's separate the UP preferred from this discussion right at the start. This is a triple-A quality (the top) straight, noncumulative preferr-, ed. It has paid dividends without interruption since 1898, and the 40-cent payment in 1966 was covered by earnings of When you evaluate a preferred this quality you must do so almost entirely in terms of the money market the current level of interest rates.

Today, interest rates are the highest in about 45 years. The U.S. Treasury itself recently offered 5.4 per cent to raise money. So UP preferred sells at a price yield 5.5 per cent you can't argue much about that. But don't expect a fixed dividend straight (non preferred to move like Xerox or Control Data.

Now as to the commons: I think your dissatisfaction stems pretty much from familapiarity. In other words, this is a common case of the other man's back yard appearing far more attractive. If you leaf through the Moody charts on rail stocks over the last 17 years I think you'll find that all three roads have moved pretty closely with the general railroad average. Your mention of a range of 40-45 leads me to assume that you are talking of the last 4 years. Even so, UP had a range during that period of 33 to 49 with recent price around 44; Great Northern, 43 to 76, with latest price of 69: Northern Pacific, 40 to 66 with the latest price around the highs.

Over the years, all three have sold around 8 to 11 times annual per share earnings. Over the last 10 years improvement in per share earnings have been roughly the same percentage. In dividends, UP has risen from $1.60 to Great Northern's has held steady at $3, while Northern Pacific's has shown the greatest increase, from $1.65 to $2.60. I suppose one could find a great many specific differences, but overall performances long term, haven't varied too much, it seems to me. What can you tell me about compulsory Investment programs? It seems I must pin down my savings or the money just goes.

A. Money invested in securities remains your property. So if you weaken, you can always sell and get your money out. However, assuming that an orderly program would help keep you investing and also GENERAL ELECTRIC Auto critic Nader says GE keeps secret electric car it develops because oil, auto industry are major subcontractors of the company. The car could be marketed within a year.

GE says the car is simply the latest in series of test vehicles and has no plans to make or market such electric car. PARKE DAVIS Parke Davis markets new ponstel pain reliever for muscular aches and pains. Includes connected with dental extractions. It says relief reaches peak in some 8 hours and maintained for 3-4 hours. mission house liquidation and the midsession decline was held to a major fraction.

A late rally developed in September oats as scattered buying disclosed lack of offerings. The more deferred futures influenced by the easiness in corn. were There was only a very small trade in the rye pit. Prices were inclined to be easier in sympathy with the weakness in other grains. Transactions in stocks used in averages Friday: Industrials 624,100, Railroads 113,500, Utilities 123,800, Total 861,400.

Bonds: Close Chg. 40 Bonds 79.32 up 0.02 10 1st Rails 70.00 up 0.03 10 2nd Rails 80.42 up 0.21 10 Utils 81.72 off 0.01| 10 Indus 85.15 off 0.15 Dow Jones commodity futures index (1924-26 average equals 100): closed at 132.70. American Stock Exchange Sales(hds) 19 AlldCont .44 40 Am Pet 21 Anelex Corp 138 ArkLaG 1.60 30 Asso 167 BrazLtPw 1236 BritPet 13 Chief Con 27 Corp 85 Creole 2.60a 17 DayMn 48 Equit Cp 5k 321 Fargo Oils 135 Firth St 86 Frontier Air 27 Gen GreerH Battery 68 Husky0 40 Mohwk 159 Molybdn Cp 178 Nt Vide 207 Okiep 12.70b z50 1 7 RyanCn Pet 93 Shattuck Dn 58 Sonotone .20 10 StdMetal .20 19 Statham Ins 32 Syntex .40 295 Technico .40 86 Utahla .60 4 WsNuchr .20 53 ZaleCorp .80 High Low Last Chg. 41 15 15 81 11 26 513 19 183 19 15 10 51 37 37 Real Estate Transfers Bertha L. Goins to Isaac H.

Goins, lot in Zanesville. Harry Glen Griffey and BarC. Griffey to Frances M. Barnhart, lots in Zanesville. Herbert W.

Rogers to Alta M. Rogers, lots in Zanesville. Eddie Canter and Carla Canter to Dick B. Graham and Judy M. Graham, lot in Zanesville.

Ross L. Johnston and Velma P. Johnston, lot in Zanesville. Russell R. Brown and Frieda L.

Brown to Larry G. Van Wye and Ellen Jane Van Wye, lot in Zanesville. Hubert Reber and Joan Reber to James C. McLendon and B. Eileen McLendon, lot i in Zanesville.

Albert H. Kackley and Hazel R. Kackley to Harold E. Winsor and Opal V. Winsor, acreage in Springfield Township.

William R. Mercer Sr. and Janet M. Mercer to Fred R. Awalt and Carolyn L.

Awalt, lots in Falls Township. Joseph E. Levandusky and Mary Louise Levandusky to Patrick H. George, lot in Falls Township. J.

Raymond Price and Sylvia Price to Irene J. Thomas, lot in Salt Creek Township. Bessie C. Heisler to Shirley E. Stotts, lots in Zanesville.

Charles E. Vickers and Shirley A. Vickers to Robert B. Elmore and Mary E. Elmore, lots in Trinway.

Donald 1 Castor and Jane L. Castor to C. A. Dougherty, acreage in Union Township. Berton L.

Fye and Marie Fye to Roger L. Murgatroyd and Laura C. Murgatroyd, lot in Zanesville. Ray and Amelia Riggle, 'Charles A. Riggle and Sara J.

Riggle, Cara M. Wendell and William Wendell, Rosalie Kaminski and Edward Kaminski, Clara Richcreek, Eileen Kirkbride to Walter Kirkbride lots in Zanesville. The Downing Company, a partnership to Nancy Lee McAllister, acreage in Washington Township. Gladys B. Schaum to Thomas A.

Gray II and Margaret Ann Gray, lot in Springfield Township. Roland H. Steer and Linda S. Steer to Roy A. Cochran, lot 1 in New Concord.

Continental Oil 34 per cent owned Mexican affiliate, Azufrera Industrial Sal De Cv, finds significant show of sulphur in state of Vera Cruz. Says it has little information on discovery. They plan added drilling to determine size and economic value. Sugar American Sugar and National Sugar Refining and Refiner Syrups Sugars boost refined sugar wholesale prices on Industry, consumer packaged goods by 15c per 100 pounds. The Range: Open WHEAT Sep 1.47¾ Dec 1.53⅜ Mar 1.59⅛ May 1.61¾ Jly 1.60⅛ CORN Dec 1.16¼ Mar 1.21⅛ May 1.24 Jly 1.26¼ OATS Sep Mar May Jly RYE Sep 1.15⅞ Dec 1.21 Mar 1.25½ May 1.28½ SOYBEANS Sep 2.74½ Nov 2.67⅝ Jan 2.71⅛ Mar 2.74 May 2.76½ Jly 2.77½ Aug 2.75% SOYBEAN Sep 9.10 Oct 9.12 Dec 9.15 Jan 9.15 Mar 9.29 May 9.39 Jly 9.40 SOYBEAN Sep 78.20 Oct 73.70 Dec 71.70 Jan 71.50 71.55 Mar May 71.95 72.20 Bid.

High 1.47¾ 1.53⅜ 1.59⅛ 1.61¾ 1.60¼ 1.16¼ 1.21⅛ 1.24 1.26¼ 1.15⅞ 1.21 1.25¾ 1.28⅝ 2.74¾ 2.67⅞ 2.71⅛ 2.74⅜ 2.76¾ 2.77½ 2.75⅜ OIL 9.10 9.12 9.15 9.17 9.30 9.40 9.43 MEAL 78.75 73.95 71.75 71.55 71.70 72.00 72.25 Low Close Prev. 1.47¼ 1.47½ 1.47¾ 1.52⅝ 1.53⅛ 1.53¼ 1.58⅜ 1.58⅞ 1.59⅛ 1.61⅛ 1.61⅝ 1.61% 1.59½ 1.60⅛ 1.60 1.15⅞ 1.16 1.16½ 1.20¾ 1.20⅞ 1.21¼ 1.23¾ 1.23⅞ 1.24⅛ 1.25⅞ 1.25⅞ 1.26⅜ .703 1.15⅞ 1.15⅞ 1.16⅛ 1.20⅝ 1.20⅞ 1.21⅛ 1:26 1.25¼ 1.25% 1.28¼ 1.28⅝ 1.28⅞ 2.72½ 2.72⅝ 2.74⅜ 2.67⅛ 2.67⅝ 2.67% 2.70½ 2.70% 2.71 2.73¾ 2.73¾ 2.74¼ 2.76⅛ 2.76¼ 2.76% 2.76⅞ 2.77 2.77½ 2.75 2.75¼ 2.75½ 9.06 9.08 9.10 9.09 9.11 9.11 9.11 9.14 9.12 9.14 9.17 9.16 9.27 9.29 9.28 9.37 9.39 9.37 9.40 9.41 9.37 assuming that once invested you would be less likely to spend the money than if you had it in a sugar bowl I would suggest either a mutual fund or the Stock Exchange's monthly investment plan. Both are "habit forming" and therefore commendable. And, if you need more "pressure," you can still buy a mutual fund plan a "frontload" program which will penalize you if you drop out before the 10 or 12-year plan is completed. I'm sending material on both, Mr.

Shulsky welcomes all reader mail and tries to include all problems of gen eral interest in the column. While he cannot undertake to allswer all queries personally, readers desiring investment lists should address requests to Sam Shulsky enclosing addressed, stamped envelope care of The Times Recorder. 76.85 77.00 77.90 73.40 73.50 73.50 71.50 71.55 71.55 71.30 71.40 71.40 71.50 71.60 71.45 71.95 71.958 71.95 72.20 72.20B 72.20 PeopGs 1.96 PepsiCo .90 Pfizer 1.20a Phelp 3.40 PhilaE1 1.64 PhilPet 2.40 Pillsbry 1.15 PittPIG 2.60 2.20 PubSvColo 1.54 Pullmn 2.80 CA Ralston .60 Rayette .60 Raynr 1.40g Raython .80 Reading Co Rep StI Revion 1.30 Rexall (Con't on 60 184 150 62 75 77 16 26 26 144 61 34 900 17 72 69 72 25 46 Page 63 40 65 643 96 33 26 26 39 86 87 17 49 73 4 B-Sect.) OES Plans Social At Adamsville ADAMSVILLE Frank M. Ransbottom Chapter Order of Eastern Star will hold a homemade ice cream social at the Masonic hall at 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept.

16. The menu will include homemade ice cream, chicken and wiener sandwiches, noodles, baked beans, potato salad, pie, cake, coffee and a cold drink. News Briefs The daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Dutro has been named Della Marie.

Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hatfield and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dutro of Adamsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert James and son and A. W. Abbott recently spent a week at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Willard Abbott of Thorofare, N.J. and toured the state of New York. Mr. Abbott remained at the Willard Abbott home for an extended visit.

Choir Concert Set Sunday Combined choirs of the Wings of Hope Tabernacle will present their annual concert at 3 p.m. Sunday at the church. The theme of the concert will be "An Afternoon in Song." There will be selections by the Junior and Buds of Promise Choirs under the direction of Mrs. Cecil Tabler and accompanied by Charlotta Peterson and Senior Choir directed by Mrs. Carlos Peterson.

Mrs. Denver Curtis and Harry Starks will sing solos and there will be a duet by Mrs. Dean Tabler and Mrs. Richard Greene. A piano and organ duet will be presented by Sandy Caliman and Carlotta Peterson.

The program is open to the public and is presented each year in an effort to raise funds for their October rally which is to be held Oct. 15. DEFENSE AWARDS Grumman received $54.5 million added Navy A6A jets. Westinghouse Electric $17.2 million Navy design and parts for nuclear power plants. Philco Ford unit of Ford $4 million added Army chaparral craft missile work.

JERSEY STANDARD Humble leasing unit on Mon- day begins term leasing of cars to individuals in North Says project is diversification of present rent a car operation at Metropolitan Area Service tions. The new program offers motorists a variety of leasel arrangements from 6 months to 13 years. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Approx final 10,270,000 Previous day 12,220,000 Week ago 9,308.270 Month ago 8,258,324 ago 5,156,230 Two years 6,620,030 Jan. 1 to date 1,756,470,335 date 1,386,860,274 1965 to date 77,7966,204 NEW YORK BUTTER NEW YORK (UPI) (USDA)Butter market Demand Friday: fair Offerings to good. generally Wholesale adeselling prices in cents per pound (bulk in fiber boxes) AA (93 score) (62 score) (90 score) NEW YORK EGGS NEW YORK (UPI) (USDA) Egg market Friday: Offerings adequate.

Demand irregular to generally good. Wholesale selling prices in cents per dozen (minimum 25 cases) Extra fancy large (Min. 10 per cent AA. 70 per cent average 47 pounds) white brown 48-41. Fancy medium (Min.

10 per cent AA, 60 per cent avg. 41 lb.) white 29 brown Fancy large (Min. 75 per cent avg. 47 lb.) white brown 39-40. Mediums (Min.

70 per cent avg. 40 1b.) white 28-29. Smalls (Min. 70 per cent lb.) white 20-21; brown 20-21. Standards (Min.

80 per cent avg. 1b.) Checks (avg. 44 lb.) Wheel Horse. America's Homechore Tractor Ten models to choose from Bigger than the job Choice of drive units Choice of Starting Systems 42 Attaching Tools Easy Payment Plan More people ride this Horse than any other Trace tor. Horse offers more as standard equipment than any other make.

Every model features total control from the driver's seat. Pick your Horse. Ride. decide. Come in today! STEELE'S 8 BOGGS RD.

PH. 452-3588 Zenith believes a hearing aid should give you all the help you need in the smallest possible size. For many people we're down to this. This is the new size of sound. The Zenith Zenette.

So tiny you wear it in your ear. No ear mold is needed. For many people, the Zenette brings the world in to focus. You hear again. All the bright, beautiful, exciting sounds of the world you live in.

Zenith makes 18 different hearing aids. Each is designed to satisfy a particular hearing need. One is sure to be the best for you, Come in for a visit and we'll be happy to show you Zenith's "small The Quality goes in before the name goes on. ZENITH HEARING AIDS DEL OPTICIANS, INC. 6th Main Sts.

Ph. 452-6419.

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.