The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

New ork Slock IXehane srnicii.vuiMM-ss liy DAI Mi KA'ITLRS Slock Lender BBB Givva Informalion POI ATOi AT WHO. SAM Chicnqo (API foSHAt lll'i'w 73; on J07. tcoi I ined Sfa' sh pmpnls 5t.1: old slil-m-i1 mndpiiTe: demand modprate: morkpt aoout s'fodv; cortot tfnrk sals: idflho ryssr-t Minnesota North Dokotxj Red Riyer Voiipv round reds SI Vr, npw supplies modPrgte, dpnirjoij iioht: morket dull to shohtly wpakpr; cormt trork soles: Florida round reds in 50 ib. sockj S2 75S3. New York (AP) New York Mprcon-lile Exchontte potato futures: Mame closed Sc hmher to 1c lower.

Soles 2,131 contracts. Hiotl Low Close Moy 4 40 4 17 4 25 November 2 40 3 3S 2 31 March 2 70 2 49 2 69 April 2.38 1.86 2.86 DISTtLLEilS CORFOnATIOii DIVIDEND NOTICf. The Board of Dlroctort declarod nuanerly dividend of 40t per short on the outstanding Common Stoek, pay able on Juno 1. 1966. to slockholdt'O of record on May II, 1966 Tho transfer books will not close April 28, 1966.

RAMSEY E. JOSLIN. Trtasuror I Snlri I oi Oiq i Hm Ch iioh 7 S- Mfl" rr 40A 14 OS tnmvn' oofl I.J Sprrrv R(1 0 40(1 711- 4 Moron S9M AH A KM u.m 111 I 1 Un Artilii H.M0 7 Amerndo 7A 400 It 3 Tok I1MI IS -I Rtinn Scl Tf AS.jno 13 1- 3 Am Mot aid 4 Trnn Air in I Am Tl Trl S4- Chrytltr if 45 3-1 WHAT STOCKS DIO Ry A. C. I MOM, Mar Business Writer I A 1 HI I.N OYPi'l SciTriminj: the old complaint, painfully rliitchinR his wounded wallet, the victim of the Fast' Deal stampers to the telephone and calls the Rettrr Husinrss Bureau, half expecting a squad of swindle police to arrive at the front door with their car sirens wailing, leady to track down and arrest the chiseler.

RIVER STAGES Cincinnati 50.4. plus 1.4. 1 Louisville uooer 21.1. plus 1.4. Louisvilii 'ower 52 4, plus 1.6.

Efinsviil 38.2. minus 2,4. Aitvnnrn 71 5I DftrtinM 1.014 A UnchaiHjftf 117 73 Toltll ItMitt 1.4IS 1.4J7J Nw ItM Highs 14 44 nw im lows no 40 UPI MARKET INDICATOR ft I I ill 1 "Didn't a pretty dame in a bikini come with it the one who was demonstrating it in the ad?" N.Y. BONDS Npw York (API-Ciosmq S. Treasury P.M,.U- In4u.

'7 named of hp York off ire. Marsh and Mel rnnan, one the world's largest insurance brokerages, has 47 brunch offices. Hokr, Ixsh ricknl INVESTMENT BONDS AND STOCKS FLITCHER TIUIT lUILDIkO MtllOlI 11411 (ADVERTIsem*nT) STOCKS fo SPLIT BEFORE AUGUST 1 CI054 Chq I Hrc tnc 41 I- .7 HenhChoc Herti HesiOACh Meurjlem KewlettPk MiqhVoltEng HillonMot 30 6 .7 55 7- 6 18 4- 49 77 1-19 7. 77 4-58 4. JO -41 2-39 31 4- Hiltonlntl HfiriortMtq HotlFlect Holidoylnn HOMySuq HottRAW HomP5tk Hon.ywrll pt HOOkPrCh HnovBoll HotelAm Hnilrilnd 01 MnuSPFinnt PI HoitMl AP Hojohnson HnwrrdSIr Howmet 'M HuntFdt pfB HuopCp IdnhflPW IriPolCpm IllCpntlnd IIIPw pll 04 IndianHdM IndtanaGen IndpUPAL IndFIMex InqRand InlandStl InspirCop Interchem InnurNoAm Intorco InterlokeStl IntBulMch wi IntFlavFraq InlHnrv IntMintr IntMininq IntNick IntPock IntPoper IntPipeCer Pf IntRecltil IntSalt InlSilyPr lnlTelTl PIB 44 4 81 4-1 100 7- .5 45 3 38 4-1 6 JO 4 27 .1 79 1.1 6 104 1 .2 51 4- 104 -1 II 4 33.7- .4 '-1 15 7- 4 914 4 5- .1 31.1.

.1 19 80 39 .1 41 .1 25 4- .2 11 2- .6 32 .1 I 3- .2 44 4- 7 314- .2 37.5- .5 31 -1 5 76.3-1.2 38 .3 34 4- 2 D-E DnnPIv DnnoCp Dnyco OnyPAL DMrf D.I&Hud wi DelPAL DeitoAir DfntSup DenftRGW DtSotoCh DotFdit OetsllCp DiamAik OeVllbm Diomlnll DianoSIr DictphnpCp Dihold DiGiorgio OineriC OitSeaq Dllnew DlvcoWay DobbsHse DrPepper DomeM DomlnFd Donnelley DouqAirc DoverCp DnwChem DraperCorp Dre'lna) DrexelEnt DuttyMotl DukePw 15 2-1 1 51. 4- .1 28 3- .1 79 4 l- .1 38 .3 21 2-57 109 2-3 4 32 4. .1 20 4 21 14- .2 32 2 15 4 40 25 1. 41 .4 11 -21 -I 11 3- .4 24 25 55 34 4-27 5-33 4 17 3 II 7 43 3. 93 557 373 1 57 .1 45 S-l 1 70 14 1- .1 96 4- .1 12 3 .3 29 5- .3 30 .2 100 2- .4 25 1-1 1 70 2- .2 42 1- .2 77.7 111 29.4- .4 74 .4 10.4- .4 33 2- .1 45.2- .2 25 I 40 3 Duplan duPont pf4 50 PI3.50 DuqLt 4 ISpf 4pl DuroCorp 2.147PI 12 2 2001 2-1 2 94.1- .3 74.4 .2 31 .1 41 1- .1 40 2- .4 InlTATpfC ptE ptF IntUlil cvpf InterBaker InterDStr IntorMolFrt InlerstPw lowaPAL 130.2.

.3 122 113 6 .2 29 .1 30 2- .1 30.4- .4 34 3- .5 32.7- .1 24.7- .1 27.4 .1 307- .2 34 3 25.7 .2 38.4- .2 39 71 -I 33.4 42 4- .4 14 .4 17.5- .4 DWGOq Dymolnd DynomAm EoqltP 14.4- .1 31.1- .4 116.5- .2 EatlAirL EastSStl 99.4-1.4, 16.1- .1 KM 6-1 3 47.4 34 4 .3 12.7- .5 36 I 92 2 24.2- 1.1 42 4- .4 39 1- .5 4 7. .1 45 54 3-1 19 5- .7 74.2-1.2 12 .2 20-1 48 44 -2 2 58 S-l. 5 EoitKod PI EchlnMlg EdtBrSfr laPubSvc UlCrkCoal IRCInc 1-T-ECktBrk EqAGInc 41 .3 ElatSlop J-K ElAMut ElMutfn JoeqtrMch 17 .5 12.2 .4 12 71.1 34 10.1- .4 21 7- .4 14 I Sit 1197-1 4 42.7- .1 50.2- 4 61.6-1.2 94 .2 22.1- .7 15.4- .4 43 48 4-1 JapanFund EIStorBat Joa iFdtn ElectAssoc JewelTea JimWolter ElecfSpec ElqinWotch EIPotONO EltraCorp pll 20 Pi JohnsMon Pf EmerEI EmerRod 40 JohnAJohn EmhortCorp 34.7- .5 JohnsonSvC EmpDEI 31.5. 3 jonLoqan EmponumC EndJohn 14 4-1 2 27.1- .7 46 .2 39.4 .3 11.3- .3 35 4-1 4 48 14.5-1.4 124 1 45 14.1-1 53.4- 1.4 ol Enqellnd EquitGat Jorqenten Jotfent EnoLack JoyMlg Pf KanerAI Pf EtsixWIr EfhylCorp Eurofund 90 .4 41 2 .2 "ncpf KaisCemGyp 13 4- .2 "Pf 4S.4- .4 EvantPd Evorsharp Ex-Cell-0 KoiiCempf KCSouInd 22 38 4- .2 47.5- .3 32.1- .1 23 4 F-G KanPftL KoysRoth 37.7. .1 Factor A Faf nn Bear FoirCom FairHiller Fairmont 37 I- .4 49 4- .5 1 170 4-1 19 3- 31 19 .1, 17 I 13.4 .1 I 34 4-1 2 I .2 19.2- .2 1 Kellerlndust Kelloqq KelseyHay KendalICo hq CfimpKnwl tr I Onwfoll 45 inwnroik 4- .1 (i 711 51 -I i.

pt 90 4 4 Our .11 71 5- 7 38 1-12 Ontuhyf 8 I- OidohyPt 57 -2 5 Cmmmtnq 54 4-. 1 C'lnnoPtost 12 5. .1 iinnni iiq 14 ,3 CurtltPuS 11 I 3pl 35 0pl 11 4- .3 Cunnswr I- 1 CyprusMtil 41 -2 4 OllerH CydopsCp 40 .1 52 .4 44.6-1.7 124 30.3- .2 70.5-1.7 76.4- .4 34.5- .2 54.4- .4 Kennecott KyUlil KernCLd KerrMcGec Keystones KimbClk Fn '-IIBr FomFin Fansteel ForWeitFIn Fawick 3 1 (Buy Now While Prices Are Still Favorable) notrs bir. and asked prices in dollars and irtirty-seronds and approximate yield to maturity. May 4 1964 99 10 99 31 3.43 Auqutt 4 1964 99.24 99 26 4.43 October I'l 1966 98 24 98 21 4.31 November 4 1944 99.16 99.11 4 83 November 4'.

1964 99.30 100 4.74 February 14 1947 f.l 99.3 4.82 February 4 1967 99 10 99.12 482 April lVi 1967 97.14 97.22 4.13 May 4'4 1967 W.ll 99.13 4.85 Auqust 14 1967 98.18 98.21 4.87 Auquit 4'i 1967 99.31 100.1 4.84 October 1947 96.4 96.12 4.11 November 4'i 1947 99 26 99.27 4.97 April I'l 1968 94.24 95 4.26 Octobtr 1968 93.16 93.24 4.26 April 1'! 1969 92 1 92 14 4.27 October l'i 1969 91.4 91.14 4.72 April 1970 90 4 90.12 4.19 October I'l 1970 88.28 89 4 4.23 November 5 1970 100.21 100.26 4.79 April l'l 1971 87.28 88 13 4.14 S'tbjecl to lederol taxes but not to slate Income taxes. Slock splitting cuts I Hock's price pet share to i mors popular buying level. This usually attracts mora investors. Demand far trie stock yery often goes up. And often, tut not always, so do piiees and dividends.

That's why many investors liks to know which stocks ars gomf to split. To help, we've compiled a list ot companies which plan to enchanie 2, 2 ot 4 shares ol new stock lot one oi the ol August 1. 1966. In our opinion, all ol these stocks otlei ixceptional promise and are recommended tor purchase now, with 3 specially lecornmenJed. The lad that these comuanies plan lo split their slock just adds to their appeal siiki there is always a good possibility that the once per share will go up or the flividend will he increased.

We'll tie happy to send you the list ot STOCKS SPLITTING BEFORE AUGUST 1 when you mail the coupon below. You will also receive the Oow Theory forecasts (one of America's leading In.eslrncnt Ajvisory Publications) lor the next 4 weeks on our Inlrotuctoiy Trial Pjsis. $5 Valu. Only $1 This 30 day subscription to Dow Theory Forecasts a $5 value based on regular sub-scriDtion rates, but lor this trial all wa ask it 31 which will bi piomptly reiundeo it Decimals" Are 8tbs MAIL COUPON TODAf DOW THEORY FORECASTS, Dept. ISN 3-4 333 N.

Michigan Chicago, Illinois 60601 Please send me immediately your report on the "7 Stocks lo Split Ffe'oie Aufust 1" and entet my trial subscription to Dow theory forecasts for the next tout weeks. I understand this is a tb value based on regular subscription rales but I enclose SI in lull payment which will be retunoeo il I am not completely satisfied. I also understand I am to receive, by return nail and at no antra cost, your list of "30 lew Priced Stock! With 4 undst $10." This is only a trial and Uteri is ao olhar ottligatioa any way. Close Cho. LlnqTVSiis 91.2 .1 CV514S76 196 -4 Llttoncv 190 LarillardSs 86 -3 3r7 83 -2 L0UN4'iSl7 92.4-2.4 MockTr 93 -1 Macycv 104.4- .2 MetBdcst 109 -13 MichGen4'u II MSPSSMam A4 9- 4 MKTinS'is 42 .4 MoKanT4s MoPacSs 61.2- .2 72.5 71.1- .1 71 .3 78.1- .4 51.41 94.4 147 -i 4l4S2070t 4'4s90 NatCash NCylGcv NotDalryls 90.1- .1 NYCens80 100.4- .5 4WS7013 75.4 .3 NYCenHR VjNYNHcv 44.4 19 43 .1 86 .4 90.4 .4 37 4S20071 NorNolG NorPac3s Northropcv 1S2 OlinMcy 122.4-1.4 5' JS83 OxfPapcv 122 169 4-44 99.

11. 1 I9.3-3.3 75.2-1.7 90 PacGE4's PcicGE3Jis 3S71 2'4S81 74.5 .1 PacTT4M8l 89 .4 PanAmAcv 471 13 PaRRSs68 PhllEI5s89 PhillipsPcy 242 99.5 .2 15.2 99.4-1 98,3 .1 100.7-2.2 PitPlate 99 1114 PubSEGStt 94.2. 3US68 95.4 ReevesBroi 104 ReynMotcv 116 RohrAcv 237 -4 RockwIIStd 101.4-1 StLSF4s97 75.4 .5 13 NAME ADDRESS CITY Also send me Iree ol eil'a charge your SCM, Litton, 2emin, Teias Gun Suipnur, -'IPaCopt poGSund tliuKiONS WATifiNAl O'S'tlLftl WiQOUCSCO; l'OGE0' lSSCO iMTEIKATiOMH ynu in not completely satisfied. You Get All This With your trial subscription, you will im-meia eiy receive our hsi ol "7 Slocks Split-tm" Be'ore Aucust an over the next 4 weeks you will receive; (1) Stock Service Digest a consensus of what other leading Investment Advisers are recommending; (2) Mode' Stock Portfolio; (31 Recommended low Priced Stocks; (4) Out Master List ot Supervised Stocks; (5) Our Recommendations tot Grrswth as well as Income; our buy-sell-hold advires on over 600 slocks and other Investment aids. You will also receive any Special Forecasts sent nut during this penol as part ot our OVERNIGHT WARNING SYSTEM.

2 BONUS REPORTS 4 Stocks Undar $10 Advict On 18 Big Movers Finally, lor a prompt reply, wi win send you our list ol 30 tow priced stocks with 4, un ei SiO designalej "buy anj our buy- sell-hold advices on II Big Movers. These will be mailed at no eitra cost. Fill out and return the coupon toOay. No salesman will rail and there is ne further obligation in any way. (Oder open to new readers only.) STATE TIP bu '-sell-hold .3 Big Movers such as Syntai, Chrysler, IBM, PoiaioiJ, Xerox, KLM, out.

if long-term growth, that you i unnecessary riSKS just in ine i lllivvil liriJUV thn nnn.nni ninn mmsmmmm lliinair i Close Chq. AlrRed87 116 -2 AI'eqLSI 104.4. .4 AmArln90 133 -3 AmArln64 99 2532 AmFP2010 10 4 .2 AmMch81 IS -1 AmSuqor 44.2- .2 AmTAT85 97.1. .3 p'90 84 .4 PI73 87.4- .2 pl71 90 .1 75 7- .1 Armour84 90 1 pt83 106.2-1 AshlOil93 173 -1 Assnclnv76 91.7 Atchisn95 85.2 AlllCntBl 113 .4 BAO701M 95 .4 BA095 77 .4 Beaunl90 115 BenefFin77 95.4 91.2- .6 BrnswkBl 77 .4 BlvWth84 101.4-5.4 ConPac 48 Clnese90 97.4-1.6 CenPac74 86 -2 CnRRNJ8 7 44 .2 CrdPas79 216 ChmpP84 105 -1 94 74 6. .6 ChiEI97t 152.2-2.6 ChiNVY99l 197 -11 CITFIn71 93 .4 CIVEIIII70 90.4- .4 ClttPb94 12S .2 CllnsRd83 370.3-7.6 ColoF77 92.2- .2 COIGOS85 99 .7 CombEn 197 ConEdil 99.3.

5s90 91.1 4'. 190 96.1- .5 4tt 90.4 3is86 80.1- .3 CEIPClrocV 133.4-1.2 ConNatG 19 .3 ContBk 96.2- .2 Crescent ill 1 CrowColl 127.1-1.1 CrucStl 101 333.732 DSaltL 19 .2 Drcilnd 123 2-2 EastSStl 98 Ene5s 37.2-1.4 "CV4' 40 -I Fansteol 110 -3 FIOEC 71.4-2 FoodFair l- .7 ForeOair 145.1. .1 GAmOil 107.1-3.7 GBakinc6s 80.4. .4 Gnlnslrum 136.6-2.2 GMotACC 97.1 .4 5S80 97.1 97.3 .1 4'tt87 96.3 4Vi82 92.7 .5 4i isS 90 .4 4S79 87.3 .2 3gs75 85.1- .1 89.4 3s4 93.2 .1 GenTelAEI 111 4 GTimec 115 Gracecv 109.4- .4 GrandUn 105 -1 Grontcv90 108.7-1.1 Granltecv 96.5- .6 GIPapcv 99 .6 HockVal4'll 89.4-1.6 HuntFdS 90 IntMinerCh 102.4-3.2 IntSMvercv 125.2-1.6 ITECktcv 185 -1 LibMcNev 118.4 .4 WHY UlUiT I YOU TELL ME TO GET ABOARD?" CJ05P Chq 31.3- .5 37 1-1 3 Nntro SHICorp iNotApronrnj NntAn tin 37.6 1 1 Smith, 60 SmithKF 91 6-4 73 4- .1 5- .3 87 5. .2 7 -2 42 2- 4 79 1-1.

1 NotAyiol 40 4-3 iSmuckprJM 5i 6- 1 Socony NntBttt Nr.tCnn NCoihRpq NntOtyL Nat Dairy Wl NtltDislill NntF-jpIG NatGen NntGypi NalLeoO Nall'eriodP NntPropant NatSycInD NatSlond NStarch NatSlePl NatSuqRef NotTea Natomoi Nenner NpptunpM NevaflaPw Newberry NPwEnqEI NEnqTAT Newmont Pl NewptNSh NYAirBrk NYConlral NiaMfw PI4.85 pll 93 pf 3 60 pl3 40 NopcoCh NorrliTh NoAmAv NoAmCar NoAmCoal NoAmSua 32 4 1 3.1 37 6- 3 79 Sl 37 7 34.5- .1 il 3 9 S- .3 33 3 So.nKnvc SnoLinrPR SoCorEG SoCEiGpl SoJfrGos SoPRSuq SoPRSqpf SoeaslnPS SooCalEd SoulhnCo 47 29 6 22 6- .7 31.4. .4 17 4 37 4- 32 .3 32 7 29 4- .4 20 4- .4 37 51 S-l IB. 5 18 2- .4 38 4. I 11.2- .4 23 1- 4 76.7-2.1 25. b- .6 40.7- .1 71 .3 78 11.2 16 .4 71 5- .7 104 4-1 45 1 75.4-1 63 97 11.4- .5 3 17.7 48 4-1 3 14.5- .1 21.3- .3 45.7 64 3-1 1 36 6-1 S' SoulndGE 14 7- .1 31.3- .1 19 5- .2 387.

.2 51 7- .7 31.1- .1 15 4. .1 13 5 .1 114 38 21 2 34 6- .4 21 6- .3 26.7- .1 49 3- .4 62 2- .3 170 -12 45 I- .3 25 4- .3 78.4- 1.4 41 .1 97 73 4- .2 69 4 44 4 40 115.2-2,2 34.7 .5 SouNGat SoilNilroqon SouPmc SouRy SouRynf SwestPS Spartlnd SparlonCp SperryRd SquareO SquareOwl StaleyMI SldBrond StriBrdpl SldFlrran StdKolls StdOilCal SlOIICalpf StdOillnd StdOIINJ SldOilOh StdOilOhpf SlandPkq SldPkHOpf SldPresi SionWor Slonroy StarrertLS StautfCh SterchiBr SterlDruq StevensJP StewWar SlokeVanC StnneAW SlonpCon StorerBrd StnulFd Studebok SuburbGas SubProp SuCrPst SunChem SunOil Sunasco pf I.6S Sunbeam Sundstrand SunroyDX SunshRii SunshMn SuperOil Swill Swinqln SymWav 56.2- .4 16.5- .3 37 1- .4 68.4- .4 27.4- .7 15.4. .2 33 2 14.3- .1 NorCentral 23 I- .3 71 4- .6 64 7 NorlndPS P' NorNGat NorPac NorStaPw PK4.10) PH3.40) Northrop NwstAirl NwBanc NwStl NortonCo NorwichPh NuTone NVFCo OccidPet OhioEdit pt 4 56 pi in pf .80 OklaNGal OlinMolh Opehka OtisElev OulbMar Outlet OverniteTr OwensCnq Owensllt Pl OxfrdMfqA OxfordPap Pl 41 2- .2 31 6 S5.2- .5 10.1 2- .2 53.6-1.5 32.3. .1 1.4. .2 49 .4 25 1- .3 39.6-1.1 30.2- ,3 35.3.

.1 14.3- .1 31 6 .2 14 6 75 1.4 28.4- .7 75 4- .1 205.4-3 6 21 4 39.4 79 14- .4 29.7- .3 42.3-1.2 54 4- .1 49.5-1 19.7- 55.5 30.2- .3 45 3- .2 18.6- ,3 138.4- .4 50.4- .7 28 48.1-1.1 27.1- .2 92.41 77 38 4. .1 -I 27.7. .3 -T-U 15.5- .1 21.5- .3 57.3-1.3 ToltBrd Talcott Talonlnc TampaEI TandyCp TechMaler 24 17.3 27 .1 27 5- .1 16.7 .1 11 .3 21.2 29.2 .1 51.3-1.3 22.7- .2 17.4 .1 25.5 80 57 .4 96 .4 25 .2 68 4-2 23 .7 Tektronix 37 .6 Telautoqr Tldynlnc Tenneco Texaco 7.4- .1 117 6. 23.1-.1 75.4- .4 22 44 2- .4 99 17.4 233.1-2 5 117.5- .3 23.4-1.2 18 3- .6 59.6- .2 46 7- .5 47 ,2 20.2- .5 29.1-1 26 7- .1 18.7 .2 54.7- .7 23.5 TexEostT TexGasT TexGSul Texlndusr Texins -P-Q- PacGAEI PoclnlExp 32.4- .4 20.7- .6 25.2- .2 12 2- .4 24.3- .3 44.4- 24 23.4 107- .1 34.7-1.5 19.1- .5 70.4-1.6 34.1- .2 12.3 78.2- 1 34.2. .1 43.1-1.7 16.6 35.5.

.1 12 .1 7.4- .2 62.2. .2 wi TexOilAG TexPLd PacLlq PocPelLId PacPwiLI TexUlil Textron ThotchGI Thiokol PacSwAirl PacTin Packbell ThmsABets ThomsvlFrn Thrifty Drug TidewatOII PanAmSal PanAm PanliEPL Pap.rcratt ParomPict PrkeDavit PrkerHnnln ParkerPen PeabCoal PcnnDix PennFrt Pl Tldynlnc 117 TimesMlrror 42.5- .7 TimkRB 42 4 .3 TishReal 24.1- .4 TobmPcklng 21.2 ToledoEd 37.1. .1 TootRoll .1 TorringCo 39.2. .2 Penney, JC TracSupA 13.5- .3 53.2- .4 86 1. .1 4 .1 34.3- .4 129.4 17.2- .7 12.4 24.2- .2 41.4- .1 46.7-1.4 38.7-1.4 33.1- 23 .3 36.1 12.4- .4 14.4 16 24.2- 1.1 75 Pftnncnlt 50 .1.4 TraneCo 100.4 iTronWAir 54.2- PaPwLt PaRR Pennzoll PooplesOrg 33.3- .4 90.2 88 .1 61.4- 1.2 88 2- 6 Transamer Pl Trnnsitron TranswnPL TrICont 24 39.4 74.4- 3.4 12.5- .2 46.4-1.6 18.6- .3 38 .2 22.1- .2 21 .1 Pf peopjesos PepsiCo PepsiCGBII PeerkinElm TRWInc TunqSol TwenlCen UARCO Udylile Unarco PermianCp PetMilk IPetMilkpf UnilevLtd UnilLfn UnilevNV Petrolam Petroleum Pliier 30.2 .2 66.5- .4 PhelpsD, pt4.40 PI3.80 Phi.ARdg PhilipMor PhillPel PhilvanH Piilsbury PiperAirc PilneyBow Pltco*keAC PitForq PltPlote Pits eel plA 77.7-1.1 il it UnNvIn UnCamp UnCarbidt UnElec Sl.l- .2 62.1- .1 77 .4 25.3- .1 19.3-1.1 45.2- .4 Pl UnOilCol pl 2.50 UnPac pl .43 UnTankC lisbops Un IA rdn wi Unit Aire UnArtists UnilBisc UnCorr UnitedCp UnEngAF 100.4-51.7-31 .7 70.4- .4 41 5- .3 B.I 72.3-2 33.2- .1 .2 25.5- .4 137 .4 54.2.

51 37 AI.7- .1 81.5-1 68.4-1.2 29 5-2 3 34.4- .3 30.5- .5 14.1- .2 II 10 33.5-1 52.4 .1 PitlslonCo Plough Polaroid 8 3 19.7 UnitElostic 26.3 6.6. .1 145.2-3.3l 30.1. .4 UnFinCal Unit Fruit UnGatCp UnGosim 27.6- .5 58.3. .3 22 .2 44 .4 Porterpf 98.5- .1 PolomEIPw Premlerlnd 30.4. 19.4- Ji UnGreenf Unlndustrial 33.1-1.4 prociG 42.6 .4 24.7.

.3 35 6- .2 pf .42 12.4- .4 33.4- .4 PubSvColo UnitMAM UnitNulear 17.2- .4 pis 05 pM.30 pM.18 1O0.4-2 M.J- .6 UnPkMin UntShie USBorax USForS USFreighf Gypuim USIndusl 2.5- .1 70.4- .1 82.4. .6 31 .5 28 .4 60 3- .7 PubSvInd PSInptl 01 43 1 .1 22.4- .2 8 3- .2 Publicklnd 55.7- .1 PuebloSup PuertoRC 11.3- .4 22 4- .4 17.3- .2 43.3- .2 USLines USP.peAF USPIayCd USPIywd USSRub 14.7- .3 12. Pullman 60.5-1.1 18.6 .1 32.3 .3 47 .5 Purek Pt 29.7-1.2 39.3-1 Purolotor OuokOats 15.4- .4 Pll 145.2. .2 41.5- .2 50.4 .4 USStioe USSmelt USSteel USTob 34 .1 49.1- 1.4 4S.7- .4 31 .1 184 11.4 5.1- .1 15.4- .5 47.4-1.5 40 33 4- .1 19.7-1 70 .4 75 4- .2 15.4- .1 34.2- .4 22.4- .1 OuakStOil R-S Pfl.7J RCA RoistPur Ranco RondHso Raybesl 54.3- 1.5 49.4- .7 UnllUIII UnMhelan OnlvAmer 18 1 33 4-1 63.6 22.4- .1 PI7.S0 2dpfl.75 RayotteFob UnlvLfT Raymint Rayonicr Raytheon ReadmgCO ipt 2pf RedOwl ReedRBIt ReevBros ReichCh ReliabSt RelianEI 12.1 .3 UnivMotch 37.5-1 UnivOIIPd Upjohn UrisBldgt UtahPAL 47 30.2-1.6 23.6-1 24 4- .7 UTDCorp 70.7 44 -2 v-w 31 .7 14 .1 VallevMId VanRaal VanadCp VorianAs 19 2- .2 29.2 .1 28.4- .2 35.7-1 39 34.5- .2 33.4-1.4 46.4-1.3 44.U .1 99.2 .2 33 5- .5 31 .4 25.2- ,2 11.1- .3 27.7- .1 34 7-1 29.4- .1 29.2 72.1- 1 .4 42.2- 1.4 40.1-1 11.4- .4 22.7-1.3 84.4-1 34 16 6- .4 4S 2-1 30.4- .2 wi RopubCorp Pl RepubSll RevereC Revlon cvpf RexCham Rexall ReynMet cvpt RevTob 5.7 13.5 VascoMetal veederlnd VendoCo 39 5- .3 54.4- VictorComp 48.5-1 5 39 VatiAfw pf5 31.4- .2 42.5- .6 63.2-2.3 120 VonsGroc Vornado VSICorp VulcanMot 39 -1 27 .7 WoqnerEI RheemMf Walqreen WolkerH Hheinaold Jl 2- .2 RichMerrell 71.2 21.4-1 RleqelPap RitterPtaud oanSelTr RobControll WolloceMur 41-4 11.1- .3 37 .5 pll. 70 WaliTlom Walworth RobinsAH 69.4 WardFoodi Of 29.5 .3 RochTel 30.4 40 .1 133.4-1.2 WarnBroCo RockStd RohmAH WarnBroCpf WarnBPic 37.2 .3 14.3- .1 RohrCorp Ronton RoperGO RorerWm 43.5- .4 22.5- .3 WornLom 38 1 111 52.4- .1 21.1- .1 45.5- 1 W.5 22.5- .1 25.5 4.1 22 3.7 19 3- .5 13.J .1 of 29.1 Wrn-Swasef WarronBro 49 .3 24 .2 Warren SO WoshGos WasbWatP WayKnit WeboDelE WeisMkts Weilbl.tCp WelchScient WescoFinl RCCola Royal Dut 39 2- .1 39.1 32.1 49.4 RoyDtn Rubbermd Ruberoid RimToqiA 34.2-1.2 RyanAera 17 .4 28 .1 42.5-1 18 5- .1 RyderSys SolewaySt WestcstTron 25.4- .4 SUosLead StJoLAP WPenP pf 19 -1 WPointPepp 52.4-1.4 StLSanF Pl StReaPop SonDleqoG SanDtoqol 47 .7 WVaPulp 53.2 102 .4 35 .2 41.3- .4 wnAioLn WnBancorp WnMd WnPac WnUnTel Pf WestqABk Westotl WynbwoSh Weyeriar wneeiiti Pf WhirlCp WhiteCons Pf WhiteMot WhiteSS Whites Wickes Wilson Co WinnDI WisEIPw WiscPSv WitcoChem Pf Woivtrww WmtcoEntA Woodwdlr Woolwtti Woilhina Pf Wrla'ey Wurlitier WyonWor 48 .7 7 19.

40.2 .1 43.1- .7 103.2- .2 4 1 SandersAsso 45.3-1.2 SongamoE 35.3-2.4 SonteFeDrlll 187 40 .4 41 .4 SovonnahEP 23 .4 Schenley Pl Scherinq Schick Schtmbqr SCM ScollFort ScottPap ScoyillMf ScrewABolt SeobALRR SeobFinan Seoqravt SoarleGD Sears-Roeb SeeburqCp Seiionlhc 37 4- .4 324 40 24 4 103 43.4-1.4 9 .1 72 I. .5 47.2- 2 59 4- .5 82.5-1.3 74 6 .3 77 4-1 38.2- .4 32 5. 49 5-1 44 34.7- .2 5- 71.4 45 7. .7 27 .1 15.2- .3 53 4- .2 15.7- .1 33 4- .1 54 3- .6 36.1- .6 26.1- .1 29 28.4 .4 11.5- .1 34 4- .4 48 .2 25.5- .4 21 .2 Sorvel Servomatlen ShamOAG 71 1.4-1 33 4- .4 tluinutll 30 .5 .1 13.5- .1 44 .7 32.2. .2 29.1 Shntturk 25.4- .2 hello.

I 42.4-1 IOS4 Chq 14 7 ShelTron ShellerMf Sheraton Sherwwm 17 .2 103.2-1.6 21 .3 14.4 .2 37.1- .1 10.7. .1 41 5 .1 ScottPapcv 133.2 .1 Seagram 99.7-132 That's the way the customer put it-a customer who had good reason to be satisfied with the performance of his portfolio over ten years but whn was rlisjRatiqfipH riorit nnw Vioranco Vio hadn't bought some of the stocks that had racked up big speculative gains in recent months. We were impressed by the kind of reply he got from his Account Executive. Essentially, it rn like this: Tins, somehow, is (he inv prrssmn much of Hie pubic has had about the Better Business bureau that it is a police agency empowered to arrest violators of fair business rules or at least to put them out of commission. Not so, though.

The BBB has no police powers. II can-nut capture and prosecute commerce crooks. I HIS the nine of the Central Indiana MRU's r0th anniversary, it miglil be fitting to pet a succinct description of the agency's aims and perhaps a brief recounting of its history. The chief weapons of the bureau are not handcuffs and warrants, but informalion nnd advice. Its people are not slueths, but ordinary or maybe a little extraordinary businessmen who are right in the mainstream of everyday commerce.

The major work of the bureau among these businessmen is the promotion of self-regulation through education Very strong in this realm is the influence toward truthful, believeahle advertising. A SPOKESMAN for I bp BBB here said the bureau's concern with outright frauds and swindles actually is only a small part of the agency's activities, because the proportion of ethical businesses is vastly greater. But the bureau does make efforts to warn the public against known frauds and borderline operators through exposes of persistent gyps, by sending the warnings through the press. And its publication for its members the Central Indiana Better Business Bureau News periodical attempts to keep them informed of soma of the prevalent shenanigans. The publication also lists those current charitable solicitation campaigns which have or have not met BBB standards or complied with the solicitations ordinanre of the City of Indianapolis.

the bureau or rather, the Association of Better Business Bureaus also has plans for the establishment of a Washington office to main- tain contact with the reaerai agencies which deal in consumer education, thus minimizing the appeal for a government office of consumer protection and education. THE CENTRAL Indiana Bureau, organized in 1916. had 60 charter member firms, about 20 of which still are operating after the half-century. There are now approximately 1,300 Central Indiana firms affiliated with the Central Indiana Bureau, not including 500 or so branches of local firms elsewhere in the state. One of the chief benefits these firms derive is the ability to get information on the companies with which they are considering business dealings.

The bureau's full- time general manager here is Dwight Sherburne. Other officers are drawn from the ranks of the businessmen-members men like John S. Thomas of Lilly Co, the incumbent president and long-time leader in many of the agency's efforts. A CIVIC luncheon will he held at the Indianapolis Athletic Club next Monday for members to commemorate the anniversary. Guest speaker will be Dr.

Wesley N. Haines, president of Franklin College. About 400 bureau members and friends arc expected to attend. And, contrary to what the public notion of the BBB seems to be, there won't be a single badge-wearing, gun-toting trade cop in the crowd just a lot of businessmen interested in maintaining a fair business climate. Sunder (lltu-en William Souder former vice-president and manager of the Indianapolis office of Marsh and McLennan this week was elected president of the international insurance brokerage firm, succeeding John Hol-brook, who was elected chairman of the executive committee.

Souder was associated with City Securities Corporation before he formed his own insurance agency in 1948. In 1952, the Souder agency merged with the M-M office here. After lie left Indianapolis he served in the Chicago office and last November was CMMnq nt nc rhonq ot oil NYSF yrslrrtoy wen of( I 18 (1 and III lOOthsl pr-r cenl from Monday rloe. DOW JONES STOCK AVERAGES Hlqh low Clot Chq JO IndiMlrloll 931 1J 10 70 Roilroadi 50 91 345 07 77 31 31 IS Ullllliei ..140 94 131 71 139 47 0 97 Stoclu ...331.74 375 59 377 34 1 44 ransotiioni In storks uswl In over oom: Inrtuslrlnls SH.IHO, Rollroorh US, 000; (JlllitlM I00.9O0, I5S Stoiki 174,700 ASSOCIATED PRESS STOCK AVERAGES Hlqh 31) Induttrinls 494 IS Rmltrortdl 197 0 IS UlilltlM H4 40 Tolol 147 Low Clott Chq 4119 7 4 90 4 3 117 4 154 0 334 119 1 3 1 1 54 4 1 337 I 4.4 STANDARD AND POOR 500 STOCK INDEX Hmri 97 41 SO OS 7074 91.10 Low 95 41 70 49 40 9.44 Closa Chq 47S Indinlrloli Rotlroodl SO Utilities 500 Stock! 94 17 1.14 49 31 49 49 7t 47 19 15 10) New York AP) Fnllowlnn It lh rornplrt tabulation of yistrrrlay's ilock tronw linns on the Now York Stotk kchongf "Dtclmalt Art Ithl ClOM Chq Booinqwl 74 -I Clou Chq A BoiioCaicatt 11.7-1.1 Abocui AbbottL ABCCont ACFInd AcmeMktl AdotmEx 14 I-48 -44 4 49 .2 BondStrl BookMon Bordon BorqWarn BormonFd BosEdli Pi BranAlrw BronAlrwwt BrlqqiSt BrntMy BdwyHIStrl RklynUGai BrownftShp BrownSh Brnnswk 24 .1 23 .2 II 44 1 17 4- .3 30 AdamiMiHis 144- Addtttiog 77 7-7 3 41 .1 21.7- .1 41 114 1-5 49 44 1- .1 10 -14 19 11.3- .1 19.1- .4 54 .1 Admiral 119 1-4 1 Aoroquip Air Prod 39 77 S-l 7 39 4- .4 wl AlrRrduc AJIndust 70.4-1.5 41 35 I. .1 IS 39 7- .7 14 3- .1 AlaGas AlbortoCulv AlcanAlum AlloqCp 4 01 .40 AlloqLud AllcqPw SO 1.4 10 1- .) 51 J- Buckinqham IS.

2- 7S I-39 l-41 -tll-S74 BucyErit AHrnlnd AllitdCh AllledKid AlllodMills 34 BuridCo BudqolFin Bullard Bulova BunkorHill Burlind Burndy "wl Burroughs ButhTir BVD CalqonCorp CalFnl Caipock CallahMng CalumH CompRLk CompSoup ConDry CdnBraw CdnPoc CanolRand Canteen II 1-14 1- 217 AlllodPd 51 20 3- .2 AlllodSIri AlliodSup AllliChal AlHiChpt AlphnPC Allldt) 5.3 .5 14.1 .1 40.1- .1 39 111.1- .5 57 29 3- .5 44 5-2 4 11 .1 11 1- .) 14.3- .1 Alcoa AmalSucj Amoracq Imorcon Amtrada AmAlrFilter 91 4- .4 24 5- .3 42 4- .4 l- .5 19.1- .1 5 3 27.4- .1 12.4 .1 44.7- .1 77 43.5 51 .5 19 4 .5 312- .1 AmAlrlin AmBakor AmBoih AmBrkSh AmBrdcst AmCan 73 II .1 .4 71.4- A 24 4-1 7 2 15. .1 54 51.4 14.5- .2 S3 3- .5 .1 AmConpf AmCement AmChain 11.5- .5 II I CpCHBdcltg 11.7-1.5 19 .4 Carborun 99 4- .1 AmCotnlLIno 49 5 Carey, Phi Carltle CaroCAO CaroPAL CoroTelATI CarptnStl Carritr CorrAGen CorterWIIce Caie.JI CostltACkt CatorTrac CtcoCorp Celanese PI A 4 50 Cencolntt Cen Aquir tenFdy LenHudG ConlllLI pi 4 50 II AmCniumln 11.1 1 40 4 .4 AmCrtdil AmCryS AmCyan AmCyanwl 11 91.4 11.1-11.1-41,1-M.l-39 -1 47.1 .5 19.4 .1 10.4- .1 11.3 .1 45.5 31.4 .1 AmDiitill AmEIPw AmEnko 41.7- .7 AEiplibrndt SI -I I II 2- AEIibrnpl 91 14 AmftrP H- 11.1- .4 40 5- .5 AmHoittOtrr 10 5- AmHomt 75'-Amhom*opI 43 1- 24.2- .4 79 8.4- .2 41.5-1.4 AmHotpll 41 4- .1 II 1 .1 II -S7 -1 II .4 .4 42 4- .1 114 54 .1 9 .1 AmlnvCo AmMFdy AmMolCI 13.1- .2 14.7.1.J 12 2 24 4- .2 24 4- .2 23.4 .1 19. 1 44 .4 42.4- .4 53.1-1.5 117- .1 S2.I-2.I 4.3- .3 31.5- .7 AmMold AmMot AmNGni CenlllPS CenMePow cen Soya AmNowi AmOpllcal Amp nolo AmPotath 17 4 .4 CerroCp AmReioorch 19.1 .4 ,4 cert-teed AmSoatlni 41 CetsnaAir ChadGoth ChampPap AmShip Amsntut 15 .1 17.1- .1 71.44.1 45.1- .5 11 .1 .1 3s 47 i.7- 114 54 4- .1 34.1- .1 15 .4 111 18.1- .1 15 S-l. 1 S7 1-1 70 4 SI -17 14 1- .7 45 4- 1 93 -1 50. 1 .3 14 .1 19 .1 II 4 AmSoAfr AmSmoll cnampsp 42.4 .3 CbaieManBk 54.4 .1 AmStd ChtckMat 14.5 AmSUrllior AmSoAltn AmSugar Chtmeln Chomway ChuVo ChottOh Chesebrou ChiAEIII ChiGIWeit 567- .5 9 5- .1 44 1- .4 74 4- .5 29.4- .7 14.4- .7 79.4-3.4 12 -14 41 2-1 3 4 1.2 34.4-1 U2 -4 111 41.71.3 15 .4 33.1- .2 J8.3 .3 II .2 24.3- .7 45.3-1 34.3- .1 45 3-1 17 I- .3 44.4 .3 13 4 .1 47.4- 1.1 17 47 4- 5 31 4- .1 79.2- 1.4 41.2 .3 47 4-1 77 -1 24 .1 131.4 .4 21.5- 1.4 71 2 .1 14 4- .1 14 3- .1 31.4 .1 70.7-1.4 15.2- .1 41.4- .1 Dt AmTtlTtl AmTob AmWWkl Pf Pt 2.50 AmZinc ChMSPPac Amotok AMPInc PI ChiMuiical ChiANW AmpoxCo AmphcnCo PI 51 Ch PneuT Amiltd ChiRIPac Anaconda AnchHO cl ChiTltleJ.Tr ChockFN ChrntCtt Chrysler CinGAE ClnMilM CITFinon CltlesSv AndorClayt AnkonCh ArcoOM Arch Dan ArliPSv 41 4 313- .3 107-1 57.4- .1 41 14 4- .3 54 .3 44 .4 14 S- .4 11 .1 77.1 .1 41 .1 It l.

.3 5S.1- .1 14 1- .5 US. .1 35 1- .4 10 31.1- .1 7 -1 14 .1 IV .1 7S .1 194 4 1- .1 11 .1 II 4 49 77 .4 11.1- .4 II ArlontDStr Armcostl Armour cvpt I4 7) Cltvlnvest ArmilCk CltyStr ArmitRub AroCorp Arvinlnd ClarkEg wl ClpvClil AthlOII ClevEIIII PI140 Cltvite AtftdBrtw CluetlPtfl AtsdDryO AndSpnew wl PI AtsdTransp Attoclnv Alchlion OtStGai CocaColo CocoBotNP ColqPal ColltAlk ColllniRad ColoFAIr of SO AHCIIyEI AtlCdLInt AIIRtfln pll 75 all Pf CololntGat 31.4 .3 AtloiChtm ColoSolpf 55 4- .1 15 1- .7 51 17 1- .1 14 1. .1 35 .1 SI .4 29 2- .1 57 1-14 15 .7 AMatCp Coitlnd CBS ColumGat BolPlct pf is AustNich ARAInc AvcoCorp Avnotlnc AvonProd ColASOh CombEn ComlCred ComlSaly Pi ComwEd ComwOilR B-C Bobbin 41- 3 34 -13 11 .1 34 93 .4 13 41 39.4-1.1 45 -1 19 4- .4 11 4- .4 91 151. .1 19 .1 44 1- .4 43 I- .7 11 .5 10.4- .1 14 4- .1 10 4- .4 51 3 .1 53 7-1 4 50 5- .7 II 7- .4 Babco*ckW BakorOT ComSotCorp 57.33 oltGAE ConeMlllt 14 I- .5 PIB4 50 pfC4 Conqoieum 47 3- .7 ConClqar ConEdli 19 1- .1 17.1- .1 94 4- .1 BalUOl) of anq PuntS ConEIInd 41.7-1.4 47.4- .1 49 P1 15 Con Foods ConFrgtwyt BarbOII Bottclnc BatotMfq BathlrWk BauichAL BaittrLab wi 14.1 31.4 ConLound ConNGas ContolnCoal ComumPw 41 .1 41 4 .1 49 3- .1 31 BayukCiq BeomDn Boarlnqs BoatFdt BoounltCp Bock man pt(4 53) pt(4 SO) 19 4. .1 Containor CantA rL ContBak 13 2- .1 49 47 4- .2 104 2- .4 47.5- .4 42 4-1 pt 5 SO) BoctonDlckn 45 1-1 ConCan ContCop BttchAlrc 144-1 27.1-1.1 30 .2 74 .1 BoochLSav 59.J .1 17 4- .5 II 3- .1 44 II 3- .1 71 1-11 pt i.JJ) Contlnt ContMtglnv ContMot BtlcoPot BoldHom 27.5- .2 7- .3 41 2 .3 BeliAHow ContOil Bolllnt PI 51 4 Btndli BonolFIn cvpt cvpt Spt ContSH 31 1- .1 44 101.41.4 19 .1 ControlData 79 4- .4 17 .1 pt ControliAm CookCotfeo Cooperlnd Copeiond CooperRng 14.4-1 4 17 .2 59 49 4 Btnqutt 13- 2-11 BftrmanLoat 10 Btittca 30 -34 1- 52 S-l BctbSlrol BlqolowS ockTID RlawKn BHSIAL BlloEW BobbiBks Boolnq L0PW5I1 CornPd 24 4- .1 41 7 3 47 1 15 .4 4S S- 4 291 .4 35.1- .4 CorninqG CoxBrdcst 15 7 CrantCo S2 -2 4 21.4-1.3 25 1 19 1-1 1 14 1 .1 CrestCorp 147 5-1 5 PKI 15) ermed the government's use of pressure to force business compliance with economic guidelines.

"In effect," he said, "we are moving toward a kind of informal and very spotty price and wage control. Nobody believes that the guideposts can possibly succeed in holding back inflation if demand pressures continue to build up." Ford added. 96.5 Sinclaircv 100.4- imitnecy 412 -4 SoCalEdcy 93.4 SoPac4Vlt69 97.4 .1 4VJS81 89.4 SoPacOr 92.3 South RySs94 99 -1 Spartnslnd 114.3 StdOilCal 93.4 StdPackacv 17 StauffCbcv 108 StevensJP 123 -2 StorrBdcst 109.4-1 SymWaycv 1S8 TalcottcvSs 100.2 .1 ToxasColVis 85.4 ThomPdcv 142.4 TwenCFox UnOilCol CV4'4S'l UnitAirLcv UMrchMfr USSmellPis 4' is84 4S83 VlrqRylnc 104 .1 111 -2 260 -2 228 107 -1 17.1- 2.5 .1 3.4 88 .1 101 -2 101.1- Vornadocv WostchLt WheolScv Xeroxcv4s 185 14.4 .1 71 250 .1 .6 .3 .7 .2 11 .4 2.5 1.4 .2 .3 .7 .2 1 Moke Lesh Frank Hoke has been elected vice-chairman of the board of directors of Holcomh and Hoke Manufacturing Company, and C. Perry I esh was elected to succeed him as president, the firm announced yesterday. Hoke has been president of the Indianapolis company since 1949.

1 esh lormerly was president of c. P. I.esh Paper Company and still serves on its board. Holcomh and Hoke was founded in I. 196 and is a maker of folding partitions and doors for commercial and institutional use.

Manager Shifts Lester I. Smith, formerly of the Wanamaker Banking Center of the American Fletcher National Bank and Trust Company, has been reassigned as manager of the Meadows Banking Center, and will be succeeded at Wanamaker by Clement B. Mcintosh, former assistant manager. Heads Plant James E. Langdon, who has been with the J.

I. Case Company, has been named plant manager for Farm Fans Indianapolis manufacturer of crop drying and material handling equipment. He was a corporate purchasing section official with Case, and will move to Indianapolis from Racine, Wis. Keeps Hoard Spot Marshall S. Armstrong, a certified public accountant and administrative partner of Geo.

S. Olive has been re-elected to the Accounting Principles Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Speaker Named Robert G. McGreery, vice-president of the National Association of Manufacturers, will speak to the Advertising Club of Indianapolis at its meeting tomorrow noon in the Essex House Motel. He is to cover proposed legislative controls and regulations on advertising, packaging and consumer credit.

Sales, Profits Hise Herff Jones Company, Indianapolis manufacturer of school jewelry, reports its last 9-months' sales rose to $15 million, compared with $12 million in the same segment of the preceding fiscal vear. Earnings were $ compared with $924,086 in the earlier period. Safely Push Came LaU Ford Says Detroit (AP) The United States auto industry "did not act soon enough and vigorously enough to help combat the rising toll of highway accidents," Henry Ford II board chairman of the nation's No. 2 auto firm, said last night.

"I think it is fair to say that until very recently, most of the initiative for the improvement of traffic safety came from the automobile industry." Ford said. "Nevertheless, with the benefit of hindsight, I wish that we in the industry had done even more even sooner." IN A SPEECH prepared for a convention of the National Association of Purchasing Agents here. Ford listed "some of the things that concern me about the current state of our country" and warned that the "nation must move more rapidly to solve social problems." While praising "President Johnson's wise leadership," Ford criticized what he kill Dear Bill: You're annoyed that you missed out on a good, thing-a 50 profit in six months-and you blame me. I remember the last time you wrote me in -this same vein. It was just a little more than four years ago.

Have you looked lately at the prices of some of the stocks you complained about not having bought then? Blame me if you like, but I have never felt that speculative stocks, the so-called "hot issues," had any place in your portfolio. Fundamentally, I don't think they square with your investment philosophy either, even though you may be disappointed right now that your blue chips haven't performed nearly as well as some of today's high-flyers. Do you remember what you told me when you began your investment program? You said you were interested in uiuii i warn iu idise 36 5. .1 KinqSeel FeddCorp FedMoquI FedPacEl 14.4- .1 34.4- .4 17 4- .6 22.2 19.7- .3 44 .4 19.1- .1 30.2- .2 12 .5 27 2. .1 56 IS 3 41.4 14 .3 31 5- .3 4 71.1- .3 19 4- .3 86 4 41.5- .1 13.4- .1 47 .4 74.9.

.5 31.4- 1.4 14 -2 4 11.7- .1 14 1. .1 15 5- .1 11 4- .4 48.7- .7 24.5- 1.1 47 -2 46.1-1.3 43 2- .5 12.4 IS.4- .7 43 -1 31.61.1 18.1- .5 31 2- .2 33 4- .2 9 5- .3 35 4.1 40 4. .4 704 13 3- .1 14 .2 M3.4- .7 31.7-1.1 KinqsDeptSt 19.5-KirkNotus 17.4. 3 2 of KLMAIrl 123.1-2.3 1 4 41 .6 31.1 32.4- .4 83 4 .1 21 27 4- .1 FedPapBd FedDStr Fenestra ForroCa FlbroPap i-itn Koehrinq Kopptrs Korvettt Kreiqe.SS Fie'drrist Kroehier Kroqer Filtrol FlnlFed Flrestono FstCharl KVPSpth 31.2 L-M FlrstNMr LohElMt LocGot LaneBry Lanvin 14 .4 24 1. .1 14.4- .2 31 I 1 29 27.4 .4 25.6- .5 15 S- .1 10.3- .1 30.3- .2 44 15 4 .1 54 .3 14 .1 73.4- .2 146.4 31 43.4-4.3 4 .2 38 3- .5 54 75.5- 2.3 10 152.4-44 17- .1 45.5-1.7 35.2-1 14.2- .2 22.7 5.

.2 14.7- .5 51.7-1.3 140.4-14 34.2. .2 97.4- .2 22.7- .1 45.4 57.4-2 Firstw-estF FIschbM Fhnlkote plA4 50 pfB2.2S I olroh-stl LearSieq Leed-North Leesona LehPortC LehVolind Lehman LehnftF PloEClt F'aPw FinPAL Fluor FMCCp FoodFalr FdGMkt FooteCBtld FooteM FordMot ForeDolr FoitWheol Foxboro PramCp Frank Str FreeplSul FreeotSulwl LeonardR LOFGIats LibMcNAL Pl LllyTullp LinqTtmV pl LlnkBelt Lionel Ljitonlnd FruehCp Fulotnlnd GambleSk Pt cv pf LlvinqsOil Pf Garwood GordDen Gerlock Gnrlockwl GAccept LockAirc LoewsThea LoneSCem LontSGat LongliILt Loraicorp GAmlnvost Lorlllard GAmOII Pl GAmTran GtnAnlllni OenBak LoulsGAE 24 .3 LouANash 11.1- .1 Lowenstein GenBanc 10 7- .1 11.3 .7 LuckySIrt LudlewCorp LukemStl LyketSS GonBrani GenCablt 41 5- .3 47.1- .4 15-3 OonCabltwl 34 5 GonCiqnr OContFIn GenDynam GonEloc 17. S- .5 Lyttonr-ini 4.7 4.3- .1 MacAndF MockTrk 41 .4 45.4-1.3 111 .1 Mackpl Macy 444 GenFlnan 19 7- .1 48.4- .3 GenFlrepfg 30 2- .4 MadisonFdpf ModisonFd ModSGar 2 GenFds 71 -I 43 43 4 21.4- .3 Genlnstru GonMllls GenMoton 4.7 12.4 51.7. .3 Pl MaqmaCop Magnavox 56.4-2 5 11.4-1 110 5P Pl 104 .1 10 7. .1 Mallory 60.5-3.2 34.4- .4 53.1- .1 ManhSnirt MarathOit OenPCem 13.1- .1 55 -1 4.1- .1 GenPrec Maromont 15.6 GenPuoSv MarineMid Marquardt MarqCem 21.4- .7 17.1- .5 GonPubUt 31 3- GenRefroc GenSlqnal GenStllnd OTtXAEI OtnTima 114 11.7- .1 51.5- .7 16 .1 MarshFid MartinM 57.4-1.2 24.

S-l 41 MorylondCu Matonit MasseyF Moneytn 48.6 .2 45.1- .3 34 .15 34.1- .4 GenTIrt Pf 3. .1 41 3- .1 58.4- .3 41.1 36.4 .1 12 17 1- .4 25.5- .1 51 3-1 14 3- .1 33.3- .1 55 32 4- .4 34.1-1.4 30 1- .3 19.5- .3 65.4- .4 57.4-1.1 40.7- .1 35 64 4- .3 20 II -1 28.1- .3 50 4- .4 23.4- .5 32.7- .1 32.4- .3 31 4 .1 51.1-1.3 24.1- 1 Genosco GaPacCp Mattel Muumont wi pll. 44 MoyDStr MaysJW Maytaq MCAInc Pf McCall McCord McCrory pl4 SO McDerm McDonAir GerborProd GetlyOil ontPC 31.4- .3 42.3-1.1 13.1 GibralF Gillette Gimbtl OlenAld Glldden GlobeUn Olobow Goodrich Goodyear GouldBat Grace Co GranbyM GrandUn GronCStl Granittv 12.7-143-35 :3 4- 25 McGrawEd McGrawH McGreqDn Mclnlyro McKeo McKessAR McLeonT McNeilCP McLouthSM McQuayN MeadCp MeduiaPC MelvShoe MercantSt Merck MeredlthP MeiabiTr MeitaMch M3M Melromed MichGoiUt MichSeomT MidContTof MiddleSUt MidlRosi wi ptA 24 .7 63 47 I- .3 1- .2 50 35.1 .4 Grant 54.4-1.2 33 5- .2 wl 38 -1 37.3 .1 GtAmlnt GtAAp GtNlron GtNoPap 40 4- .1 29 4- .4 75.2 .5 29 24.4- .2 17.2 41 -I 11 5-1 13.1 Pt(40 GtNoRy GtWFIn GtWSug GreonRefr GreenShoo Grtyhound 40 48 2- .3 I ,1 59.7-2.5 52 .5 41. 1.4- .4 23 3 11.4-22 -17-54 3-1 31 41.1 30 24.7- .5 Grolier 54.5- ,7 28 GrumAlrc GulfMobAO 51.4-2.1 77 53 3- GulfOil 127.4-2.4 GultStoUt 26 2.1.1 MidwOil 79 -1 pll 5.011 pll 4 40) 100 17 -110 -2 MithleGostD 23 4- .2 MiletLab MinorACh MinnEnt MinnMAM MinnPAL MissionCp MiuionDev MitsRiver MoKanTex MoPacA MoPCem MoPubSv Mobatco MonarchM MononRRB Monsanto MontDUt MontPw Montocatinl Montward MooreMc Morroll MorieSho MoilerSalt Motorola MtFutIS MtStaTAT MSLInd Munsingw Murphy.GC 15 1-1 GIIAWnlnd 32 7 30 3 pf 138 111 PKI.7S) 75 .3 GutlBac 17. 15 4- .4 HI 90 72 14 .4 HackWat 40 2 .4 HoilPrint 40 7-1 Halhbur 44.5- .1 Hallicraft 7-1 HamilWert 26 -I HammPap 51 .4 HmdOrg 11.1 .1 HarbWolk 34 3- .1 Harcovrt 10 Hardeman 3.7 Morrnlnt US- A Harsca 23 Morshow 33 .3 HorlSAM 40.1- .4 HorvtyAI 27 1- .4 HatCorp 10.3.

.2 HOWQionEI 16.7-1. HawaiianT 33. Hoyoilnd 43 3- .5 Haioltine 9 1. .1 HeciaMng 40 41 Heini 40 4- .2 HelCurt 1.2-I. 20.S-12 88 26 24 7.

.2 24 22 .1 27.5 .3 77.1 35 S- 331 14 1 .1 54- 18 1- .4 14 3-1 14 2- .7 32 5- .1 117.1-11 33 I 34.1- .4 31.4- 34.3 22 I- .1 2 iiujjca ui running up a uig score wnen you were lucky. That's always been your point of view, and I urge you to stick with it. It's paid off pretty well for you. If you've any doubt on that score, let me urge you In fnkp a Stippt nf nanor anA w- ns no nrirpe nn you own. Then compare those prices with what you paid for those stocks originally.

Knowing you, I'm sure your records are complete, but if they're not, just give me a ring and I'll be glad to supply NEW YORK BONO SALES (In Dollars) Approx. final total yesterday 10,750.000 Previous day Week aqo 10,127,030 Month ago 15,884,000 Year aqo 11.398,000 Two years aqo ,753 000 Jon. 1 to dote 1,115,0.7,000 19i5 lo do 8-9 IIS OOj 19 4 to dots 980.56A.000 NEW YORK STOCK SALES Approx. final total yesterday 1,020 000 Previous day 7,073 150 week ago 7,531,150 Month 090 10,551.980 Year aqo 5,74,720 Two years oqo 5 :45 910 Jon. 1 to date 742,274 772 1945 to date 477,557,157 1964 to date 459,817,250 WHOLESALE PRODUCE Chicago (API (USDA1 Butter Wholesale selling prices unchanqed; 93 scort AA, 63c; 92 A unquoted; 90 A2c.

Eoqs Prices prtid delivered to Chicago lc iower to hiahor; 60 per cent or belter Grade A whites, 33Vj34c; larqe mixed, medium mixed extras, 3KS1I'jc, standards, 31(S33c; checks, 2527c. Columbus, O. (AP) Egas at farms: A 27rS33c; large, 2532c; medium, 2Ha27c; small, 1826c; large, Dollvered: Loose, large 35s38ci medium, 30s33c; smoll, 2832c; carton loroe 38i44c. Poultry ot farms: Fryers, 1617c; light hens, New York (AP) (USDA1 Wholesale egg offerinqs fu'ly ample. Demand less than fair yesterday.

New York stwt quotations: Standards, checks, 3132c. Whites: Extra fancy heavy weight (47 lbs. rtVn.1, 33WS3; fancy medium (41 lbs. average), 2830c; fancy heavy weight (47 lbs. min.l, 3234Vic; medium (40 lbs.

overoge), 2829c; smalls, (36 lbs. average), 2728c. Browns: Extra fancy heavy weight (47 lbs. 3638c; fancy medium (41 imbs. averoae), 3031Vk; fancy heavy weight (47 lbs.

smalls (36 lbs. overage), 272Sc. Butler Offerings fully odequote. Demand qu'et. Prices unchanged.

PORK FUTURES Chicago (AP) Pork futures trading on the Chicago AAercanlila Exchange yesterday: LIVE Soles High Low Close 2473 23.00 21 50 19.95 t19J 1940 11.7$ July 9 24.75 24 45 Auqust September 1 October 0 November 2 December 7 February FROZEN May 721 June 1 July 1,403 Auqurf 707 February 91 23 00 22.90 21.50 21.50 19.40 19 50 19.35 PORK 47.10 BELLIES 44.30 46.95 4 5 3 0 45 30 45 30 45 75 45.10 45.40 42.93 4 2 3 5 42 55 32 65 32.25 32 35 upen interest Mov 954; June 8, July August February 511. t-Bid; '-Nominal, BEEF FUTURES Chicago (AP) Live beef futures trading on the Chicago Mercantile Ex change JO 30 45 JO any in inures you neen, including splits stock dividends. If you'll perform this little exercise, I think you'll find you can afford to srniltj at the fellow who Is bragging about making 10 or 20 points on some hot stock. Furthermore, I'm- pretty sure you'll still be able to smile six months or a year from now, but I'm not so sure he'll Of course, Bill, it's your money, and you can do what you like with it, but as someone who has been concerned about you and your investment program for a good many years now, I certainly wouldn't want to see you throw discretion to the winds just at the time when it may be most needed. Sincerely, We can't think of a word to add to that as a piece of advice to investors in today's market.

era DO MERRILL LYNCH, SMITH INC otmi nucim iroei no oouuonri uiuiut mtm i ton stoci (xcmitE C. S. Calbreath. V.P. 111 Eist Market St.

Indianapolis 46244 MEIrose 8-8371 PIERCE, FENNER 24.5 .1 Murpnyon NO NolcoChem 564 HeliColl 34 .4 Heller 10 HelmeProd 19 7- HAPIne 11.7- .5 Roger E. BirV, Mgr. 229 West Berrr St; Ft. Wayne 4o8u7 743 8062 How's trie Market? For last minute answers any weekday otter 5 p.m., and over weekends and holidays besides, residents of Indianapolis can call 631-4040. 19.3- .1 19.5- X-Y-Z 34 .2 XeroxCp YnqstShAT YnqstSDr ZayroCorp Zenithwl ZenitflR 341 -5 36 1- .4 35.4-1 4H.S- .1 42.1- .1 II 5- .3 34 4- 4 14 -3 1 144 59.4-1.1 101.4- .4 ShoeCpAm ISeqelHI Signodt Simmons SimpPot Sinclair SinqerCt SktllyOII Sales High Low Close 112 26 00 25.77 75 10 105 24 3 5 26.10 36.17 42 2 17 26.50 25 122 27.30 27.IJ 27.17 '27 10 1 27.15 77.15 27.15 June Auqust October December February April -Offered 1.

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.